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Adam Jones wins Gold Glove


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Looks like he was referring to Camden Crazies. This is the same Ian Oland on Schmuck's blog:

He may have a point if they are actually reporting these things. Without actually checking I have my doubts that is happening. This Ian does have some balls though.

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Congradulations To Adam Jones if this is true.:clap:

And shame on all who would rob an Oriole of a golden glove.:(

I understand the "debate", thats what a message board is for, to exchange information and discuss said information, but come on "Gold Glove winner Adam Jones" has a nice ring to it.

Besides he plays center field for the OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO's.:drek:

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I understand the "debate", thats what a message board is for, to exchange information and discuss said information, but come on "Gold Glove winner Adam Jones" has a nice ring to it.
I agree that its a great prize for Adam, but I'd prefer it if he had won it last year, when he had a decent case for the award.

Nobody can honestly say that Adam was one of the 3 best defensive outfielders in the AL this season. Its not that I don't want him to win the award, its just that I want him to win it when he deserves it. Last year he was deserving of being in the conversation, this year he wasn't.

If we can complain when our guys get snubbed, we also have to be fair and acknowledge when they get a lucky break. Jones winning this year is clearly a lucky break, as he quite clearly wasn't one of the 3 best defensive OF in the American League. I think he'll bounce back next season and be back as someone who is deserving of the award, and since he won this year, he'll probably win many years in a row if he does bounce back a bit, as the voters for this award are incredibly lazy. If he remains a subpar defender as he was this year, that will catch up with him and he'll stop winning the award.

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I agree that its a great prize for Adam, but I'd prefer it if he had won it last year, when he had a decent case for the award.

Nobody can honestly say that Adam was one of the 3 best defensive outfielders in the AL this season. Its not that I don't want him to win the award, its just that I want him to win it when he deserves it. Last year he was deserving of being in the conversation, this year he wasn't.

If we can complain when our guys get snubbed, we also have to be fair and acknowledge when they get a lucky break. Jones winning this year is clearly a lucky break, as he quite clearly wasn't one of the 3 best defensive OF in the American League. I think he'll bounce back next season and be back as someone who is deserving of the award, and since he won this year, he'll probably win many years in a row if he does bounce back a bit, as the voters for this award are incredibly lazy. If he remains a subpar defender as he was this year, that will catch up with him and he'll stop winning the award.

I agree, but sometimes a Gold Glove is a belated award. He may have been more deserving last year, but the GG is rarely given to a "rookie" ( I know he wasn't a true rookie) and he created a history on his 2008 performance. I think that carries over at least psychologically. Voters don't see him everyday and probably do look at highlights. Do you think a couple of Brook's GG's in his later years were based on that year's performance or on his long history of excellence? So, congrats and move on.

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I agree, but sometimes a Gold Glove is a belated award. He may have been more deserving last year, but the GG is rarely given to a "rookie" ( I know he wasn't a true rookie) and he created a history on his 2008 performance. I think that carries over at least psychologically. Voters don't see him everyday and probably do look at highlights. Do you think a couple of Brook's GG's in his later years were based on that year's performance or on his long history of excellence? So, congrats and move on.

Good points. We always complain about the Yankees and Red Sox getting all the publicity just because they are media darlings. For once we reap the benefit of a media bias and all we do is complain. Let's just bask in the glory along side Adam and his brother.

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Good points. We always complain about the Yankees and Red Sox getting all the publicity just because they are media darlings. For once we reap the benefit of a media bias and all we do is complain. Let's just bask in the glory along side Adam and his brother.

I totally agree but you are making too much sense and need to stop!:laughlol: Don't you know if is much more popular, in vogue, and socially acceptable here to whine about Markakis not getting one!:eek:


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You just gave me one of the biggest laughs in the history of my time here.

Thanks for that.

But I really don't know why you keep saying that about me. I have written many well-thought out posts that people seem to like. I don't get the "wacky" part.

Oh well.


His 21,000 plus posts have apparently blinded him to the fact a 1,000 poster could be right about something as you clearly are about the curious under-rating of Jones around here which is obviously apparent to anyone who is awake and not sleep walking.

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Two years ago, about a month or so before the Red Sox won the World Series, I was on the Sons of Sam Horn message board and I was shocked at how much negativity was there because the Red Sox had lost a few crucial games.

People were saying that Francona should be fired and that Ortiz and Veritek should be traded, and it was a LOT OF FOLKS saying that stuff. I shook my head and thought to myself, "wow, I'm glad that the OH isn't like that. At least we can be happy for our guys."

And now this... IF HE WON a GG why in the hell are some of us complaining about it? I don't understand this at all. I can't believe that someone actually types that he didn't "deserve" it. WHO CARES! Its an Orioles player who - if they are smart enough to sign him to an extension - can be a very crucial part of our team and community for a good long time and because he wasn't the best defensive outfielder we are sitting here complaining that he might have gotten an award?

Yes, I do understand what the Gold Glove is rewarding, but for the love of Pete, let's just be happy for the guy. Remember the colors he wears? Remember that he has stated that he wants to catch up to the Yankees and beat them on his Twitter page?


He is developing pride and fire about being an ORIOLE and we can't even back off of the needless criticism long enough to realize that we have something special in Adam Jones. He is an Oriole player that is interested in BEING HERE WHEN WE GET GOOD. From bottom to the top. He ISN'T SOME MERCENARY jerk that is waiting for the best deal to come down the pike so he can take off and win a ring quicker.

Just remember this stuff because if the day comes he signs with the Yankees or whomever, think about how pointless it was to trash the fact that he won an award.


I agree, anyone ragging on Jones, or worse yet whining about he not being deserving ought to be banned from being Oriole fans. :cussing:It is absolutely rediculous to see it here. I am shocked in fact and find it utterly bizarre beyond belief. :mad::angryfire::cussing:

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As far as I'm concerned this is payback for all the other times the Orioles players were more deserving like Bordick who despite setting a new consecutive game errorless record at SS, didn't win the GG that year.

Remember Torii Hunter won this same award mutiple times when he wasn't the best fielder and some look at Jones as the next Torii Hunter. To me this just shows that Jones is on his way to becoming another Hunter, a leader on the field and off. He's getting that respect from his peers.

Congrats Jonesy, may it be the first of many... :clap3:

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What would the opinions of everybody be if Brian Roberts won the MVP this year? Not that his numbers were any different or we were a better team, but just that all the voters decided to give him the MVP.

Its possible to be thrilled for Adam and expect big things from him in the future defensively and to realize that he was not deserving of the award this season.

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I totally agree but you are making too much sense and need to stop!:laughlol: Don't you know if is much more popular, in vogue, and socially acceptable here to whine about Markakis not getting one!:eek:


His 21,000 plus posts have apparently blinded him to the fact a 1,000 poster could be right about something as you clearly are about the curious under-rating of Jones around here which is obviously apparent to anyone who is awake and not sleep walking.
I agree, anyone ragging on Jones, or worse yet whining about he not being deserving ought to be banned from being Oriole fans. :cussing:It is absolutely rediculous to see it here. I am shocked in fact and find it utterly bizarre beyond belief. :mad::angryfire::cussing:

Stop focusing on other posters. Stay on-subject or don't post.

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Stop focusing on other posters. Stay on-subject or don't post.

Just curious, but are you in agreement or personally approve of fellow Orioles fans complaining about an ORIOLE WINNING AN AWARD as if they are UNDESERVING?


I would just like your take on that as a general practice for an Oriole fan? I was not or am not trying to single anyone out on this, just asking about it as a general practice?:confused:

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As far as I'm concerned this is payback for all the other times the Orioles players were more deserving like Bordick who despite setting a new consecutive game errorless record at SS, didn't win the GG that year.

This is the way I am looking at it too.

Am I happy for Adam? Absolutely

Does it any sense for him to win for his 2009 Defense? Not really

As for my 2 cents, If people around here weren't complaining about this I would very be disappointed. For years folks have complained about how the GG voting is flawed system. Does the fact that a Oriole has benefited from a flawed system and won the award make the system any less flawed?

To me right is right and wrong is wrong no matter if I am receiving the benefits or not. Given the conversations around here in the past 3 years, if some individuals had not come out and questioned this award my hypocrite meter would probably have exploded. :)

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While Adam was probably undeserving of this, lets hope that he is deserving some of the six or eight more he'll get rubber-stamped into because he has this one.

I wonder how many times the 2nd-best defensive player at a position on a team won a Gold Glove? Knowing the history of the award I'd guess it's far from unprecedented.

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As for my 2 cents, If people around here weren't complaining about this I would very be disappointed. For years folks have complained about how the GG voting is flawed system. Does the fact that a Oriole has benefited from a flawed system and won the award make the system any less flawed?

To me right is right and wrong is wrong no matter if I am receiving the benefits or not. Given the conversations around here in the past 3 years, if some individuals had not come out and questioned this award my hypocrite meter would probably have exploded. :)

Exactly. How is it wrong to be consistent?

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