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Everything posted by Tony-OH

  1. Yep, you're right. I saw 2025 but it meant at the start of 2025. Either way, I like the move. Burnes is a legitimate ace and the Orioles didn't hurt their 2024 team much. They can go and sign Chapman to replace Hall if they want to.
  2. What a couple of days. It's almost like the sports Gods decided that the Ravens loss must have been the offering they needed. Corbin Burnes without giving up one of the top five prospects? Yes please!!! Corrected: One year not two. Still love it.
  3. Maybe, or maybe he really does need to take a vacation before the upcoming season and with all the change, just decided, "Why not?"
  4. They very well may be, I don't know. I just know that when you build a group to problem solve, that building it from a diversity of thoughts and experiences only helps build better solutions. My response was more about the comment that diversity in ownership did not matter.
  5. Following my rule for no politics....Is.....very......hard......when......this....explains...so...much...about....what....happens...in....cities....across... this... country!!! But I agree. I do think some of the stands that Peter took early on as owner were because he thought he was doing something good. Like his refusal to feed into the whole Buscone system in the DR because it took advantage of young talented boys and uneducated families while enriching rich men. Was he wrong in that assessment, probably not, but when everyone else plays in that system you can't just stand on principle without consequences for your baseball operations. The consequences for the Orioles is they basically ignored an entire talent pipeline.
  6. From a JA standpoint, absolutely. Elias is JA's legacy as an owner.
  7. I'm not sure any of us can know that for sure. Just because he gave money to charity or helped people out here and there, does not necessarily make him a good man. There are plenty of stories that would indicate he was a shallow, spiteful man at times who at the slightest bit of "unloyal behavior" would ensure that they were fired. There have been other stories written about him at times where some of his charity donations were politically motivated or virtue signaling vs doing amazing things for the people of the city. At the same time, I don't know him personally so I can't say that he's not a good guy. What we can all say is that he was a terrible, terrible owner.
  8. Now this is how you appreciate someone like Angelos! lol
  9. STOP WITH THE POLITICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't keep up with hiding crap and I'm about to give some people time off to chill because you know our rules!
  10. I don't want to get too far into this because we can go down into a rabbit hole that I do not want to get into here, but diversity of thought and ideas from people with different backgrounds certainly should be something an ownership group should look for. This isn't diversity for the sake of diversity so you can check a box or virtue signal, but truly bringing in people from different backgrounds certainly could bring in fresh ideas or enable the team to overcome a unique challenge at the business level. As long as that doesn't get forced into the baseball operations where I want the best people regardless of any box that they check, I don't see why this would be a bad thing.
  11. Roch was certainly not happy about something Frobby posted here and called me while I was in Costco and "explained" that he was not happy. At the end of the day, he didn't talk to me for like 8-10 years until I ran into him at a bar and we basically put it behind us I guess. I think Roch takes a lot of unnecessary heat for his blog. He worked for a very difficult boss and saw what the Angelos' did to people they consider "not loyal." The man had/has a good gig for a local guy who got to cover his favorite team for a long time. Was it his fault that they kept Steve Melweski around and then never dictated roles between them which meant Melewski would blur into Orioles major league coverage too? Melewski always did a good job with his minor league coverage, but had they just set clear roles and responsibilities it probably would have been more seamless coverage. But that's not how any of that worked. So sometimes Melewski beat him to the news and he had to write about something, so we the readers ended up getting some fluff at times. Roch is certainly not a bad guy overall. Hopefully the new owners of MASN will keep him around.
  12. I think part of that is because everything has been written already about how poor Peter Angelos was as owner. What we've seen, especially over the last year or two as the Orioles have gotten good, is that John Angelos wants to adulation of the common folk (peasants/fans to him) and most importantly the attention of the media. At the end of the day, once the sale is final, and I think that's just a formality, this will be a glorious, glorious day in Baltimore sports history.
  13. Does anyone here think Elias will be swayed by anyone not on his staff? In the times I've dealt with him or heard him talk, he seems like a nice guy who will listen to what people may say out of politeness. But make no mistake, he has his process, and a new minority owner who happens to be an Orioles legend is not going to change any of the ways he does business or makes decisions.
  14. Gotta give Nestor credit, no one thinks more highly of himself, but he does bleed Baltimore and I'm sure he's been waiting for this day for a long time. And anyone who can keep himself a float financially while running WNST, God bless him.
  15. I thought I had posted earlier in the thread. I was on vacation down in Florida and really try to disconnect when I'm on vacation as much as possible, but I did mention that I thoughts this was a fantastic for the organization. The only thing I've added is that I have heard the rumblings about a Leonsis angle to all of this so I would not be surprised if he buys some portion or all of MASN. Anything that removes the Angelos' from being in control and brings in an owner who has the funds to actually spend to maintain a winning organization is great news for all of us.
  16. This has been leaking out for months. Remember the threads here about this? Then JA poo-poo'd the idea because he was working the stadium lease in a way to enrich himself the best.
  17. That was probably nothing more than to help with the transfer more than anything else. The Angelos' have owned this Billion-dollar organization for a long time. It's not like they sold a car. I don't think it means much more than he's not just going to go "poof" and they're going to be like, "Where's the keys to the owner's box?"
  18. Truest statement of the thread. The ego is very, very deeply ingrained in an Angelos.
  19. Someone who is obviously in the know with all of this told me to watch for a Leonsis angle coming up soon. I would not be surprised at all if he ends up buying MASN. I just hope he gets rids of this stupid MASN one and MASN two thing and gives each team the same network always.
  20. Aren't you the guy who hates Rubenstein because he liquidated a company you were part of or am I thinking of someone else?
  21. The only way JA would do that is if he thinks it will help his legacy or should I say his family's legacy of ownership. If the Orioles win the World Series this year, he could still claim credit. So thinking that maybe he would allow them to sign a Snell or Montgomery.
  22. You mean the day when Ripken lost his legacy as Mr. Orioles by bashing the actual Mr. Loyal Oriole? Brooks will always be Mr. Oriole because had never had said something like that on National TV even if he thought it. That comment and the fact he never apologized was when I stopped being a fan of Cal. As a part owner, sure, who cares, but no way they would get rid of Elias or force him to bring in Cal in any meaningful role.
  23. Now he can move to Nashville full time and enjoy his money baths!
  24. I've been on vacation so seeing this makes the Ravens loss a lot more palatable. It might not help the Orioles this offseason, but you have to imagine it will help at the trading deadline and next offseason and beyond. Hard to find a downside in a new ownership.
  25. The team was "furious?" First I've ever heard that. But you seem pretty set in your reality of the situation so we'll just have to disagree. Nothing I've read or heard backs anything you've suggested. The team was 2.5 back, but Elias was a seller. What does that tell you? Where did the Orioles end up? Not to mention Mancini was absolutely terrible (and has been since) after the trade and the Orioles now have Chayce McDermott and Seth Johnson in the organization. The Orioles treated Mancini over and beyond during his ordeal, and traded him to a World Series contender right before his value cratered. Mancini ended up with a World Series ring and the Orioles ended up with two prospects. I doubt anyone involved is too upset.
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