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Everything posted by Ruzious

  1. Must be a really sore hangnail. Hopefully he has a full recovery - poor guy.
  2. Don't forget Servideo at SS. I think he, Hernais, Westburg, and Henderson.are all at Delmarva.
  3. We scored 2 runs in the first, and I'd still bet on the Yankees winning by more than 10. This team is a disgrace.
  4. I think we've been told not to make comments like that - one way or the other. .
  5. Let Bowie be the land of opportunity for guys like Vavra and Dorrian. If they keep it up for another month, bring them up to Baltimore. This isn't like other years. These guys could have dramatically improved last year - but we just don't have any stats to show it.
  6. If Vavra and Dorrian keep hitting the way they are in Bowie for another month, I wouldn't mind skipping them over Norfolk IF the O's believe in them. They're both 24 - not kids.
  7. I don't want to, but I'm trying to deal with the situation. The O's deliberate promotions of players drives me nuts - especially when I see more successful teams be much more aggressive. I've complained about this many times in the past and have not exactly gotten a lot of support from other posters.
  8. I was wondering about that - it seemed odd to me to start him in Delmarva with all the positive comments about him, but I wasn't going to say anything because he's still a teenager, and it's good for him to have success now.
  9. I'm in the Rocker camp as well. The Leiter vs Rocker debate is a great one that could go on for a decade if they stay healthy. Here's to them both staying healthy... and to one of them getting picked by Baltimore. If 1 slips to 5, and we pass on him... that'll be quite frustrating.
  10. It might have been just GM-speak to keep others off-balance, but near the end of his tv interview he made a point of saying there was one HS pitcher that they were considering - in addition to the Vandy pitchers and several SS's.
  11. Too early to call for him going to Aberdeen?
  12. That's fair - especially after a game where we lose when Means pitches. Heck, Hardluck deGrom has 2 losses. It almost seems like ya gotta score to win. Bring up Gunnar! Settle for Bannon? Both!
  13. Sorry about that. All I can see is that someone did it - can't tell who.
  14. And yet he's still pitched very well. Did you seriously give me a downvote for that?
  15. At 46 innings, Means is just 4.1 innings less than the ML leader - Trevor Bauer. 3rd in MLB in both ERA+ and ERA behind DeGrom and Duffy. 2nd in WHIP behind DeGrom.
  16. Back to back. Seriously, I want them to be careful about Means' pitch count after a 117 pitch masterpiece. If he can get through 6 innings tonight with 2 runs off him, that's more than fine.
  17. Is McKenna likely going to have a Mullins-like development? No. But I'd rather give him an extended look than Stewart, because Stewart is a DH playing RF and consistently inconsistent at the plate. And we know McKenna is a good defensive OFer with some chance to develop into a good 4th OFer.
  18. I think he should have been starting over Jorge Lopez from day 1, but better late than never. Hopefully this is the end of them playing non-baseball games with him.
  19. I was comparing them back when Mullins was in A ball. Bee made more consistent contact, while Mullins has more pop. They are similar defensively - both have excellent range and try to make up for their lack of a good arm by getting into good position to throw before they catch the ball. Bee was the more dangerous base-stealer.
  20. Reading the scouting reports on him - he might be the most disagreed on prospect the O's have. Some say he's just an organizational player, and others think he can be a middle of the rotation starter. Sounds like it comes down to his command.
  21. Ruzious

    Kevin Smith 2021

    His high spin rate should also help his fastball. The slider lets him dominate lefties, but he needs that changeup to be good against righties. His odd delivery might help make him very effective as a reliever.
  22. Imagining that. My biggest baseball fantasy is him coming back to Baltimore for his last year before retiring and calling a WS win for the O's. Hopefully that can be with Means pitching.
  23. Was this the first no-hitter where the only batter that reached did so on a wild pitch?
  24. Perhaps the answer is to send our catchers here for training - Michaels Custom Framing.
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