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Everything posted by ledzepp8

  1. I don't know man. I never got the feeling that he didn't care or wasn't trying. To just totally fall off like that and basically be unable to do your only job any longer, that's got to be embarrassing. Especially, when you become a national punchline. Sure we can quibble that he should have walked away sooner and he "stole" money but it's real easy for fans to say that. I don't know easy it would be for me to give up a guaranteed contract.
  2. Exactly. That’s not grading the trade (either of them). His feelings about owing the fans an unrealistic shot at a 3rd wildcard is irrelevant to the value of the trade in either direction.
  3. "saying goodbye to Trey for the next couple of months" That's an interesting thing to say.
  4. Literally what he replied with to my tweet. Sorry I don't know how to embed a tweet.
  5. He really is awful back there. I watch a game here and there but I don't think I've seen a game this year where he hasn't let multiple pitches get by him.
  6. He seems like a nice enough guy but he's very dull and he can't seem to keep up with the players involved in the play. Like the other night, Cedric Mullins hit a double and the whole time he was talking about Chance Sisco. I had to make sure of what was going on because it made me think that Sisco was on base or something when Mullins hit the double. Palmer had to correct him, which he's had to do way too many times for a 2 week old season. I wish Thorne was still here but I'm sure that ship has sailed. Hunter was not as bad as people like to act. He was homer but not as big of a homer as someone like Hawk Harrelson. My only real issue with Hunter was he acted a little too familiar with the players when calling the game and was never really willing to be critical.
  7. Geez how many times did Jim Palmer have to correct Garceau on who the batter or fielder was last night?
  8. The issue I really had the other night was Jim Palmer yammering on about not being able to block the plate. He’s a favorite of mine and he usually is right on about everything. But he has to know that the catcher can block the plate if he has the ball, right?
  9. Why do they keep leaving these ceremonies? Then they come back in the middle.
  10. Say what you will about Jim Hunter but he was really good at this. This dude, I don't know.
  11. That’s the worst thing about the limited attendance. No way to drown out idiots like that. He hasn’t shut up for at least the last two innings.
  12. What if it played out exactly the same way but Turner was running in a zig zag but still doesn't "interfere" until he's going to touch 1b? At what point are the umpires supposed to apply the entire rule?
  13. But he's out of the runners lane the entire time. He never sets foot in it. I get your point but like I said, if he's in the runners lane the entire 45 feet, I guarantee interference isn't called even with knocking off Gurriel's glove.
  14. Exactly right. I guarantee this doesn't get called if he's in the running lane the entire time, even if he still knocks Gurriel's glove off. Turner never set foot in it. It's arguable that if he's in the running lane, then Peacock has a better ability to make an accurate throw because he doesn't have a runner right in the path of his throw. Plus John Smoltz can't have it both ways. He can't say it's a bad call and also say that he, as a player, was taught to aim at the runner in those situations.
  15. Unless Mike Trout falls off a cliff, I don't see how it's not him. He's averaging more rWAR per season than Babe Ruth and Barry Bonds did in their careers. Speaking of Babe Ruth, how did he not win like 1000 MVPs?
  16. I'm still trying to understand how it's fair for his suspension to run concurrently with his time on the DL. That's not a suspension. That's time he was already going to miss anyhow. Seems like some major BS.
  17. Yeah I was confused about this too... He looks like the exact same pitcher that the Orioles released.
  18. Wow. His ERA went up over 3 runs today.
  19. That and people routinely forget that offense is down as a whole in baseball.
  20. <p><p><p>Thanks Weams...</p></p></p>

  21. <p><p><p>Thanks Cindy</p></p></p>

  22. <p><p><p>Thanks Cindy and Weams...</p></p></p>

  23. <p><p><p>Forgot to thank you for the birthday wishes McNutty...so Thanks!!!</p></p></p>

  24. <p><p><p>Not a big deal at all Beaner (regarding the Brady thread post). I know you're just a big Yankees/Sawx/Patriots lover...haha. I kid, I kid.</p></p></p>

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