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Everything posted by ledzepp8

  1. This right here. This season is just great fun. It seems a lot like 2012. The team is always in the game. I never feel like they’re going to get creamed and even if they get down I feel like they can legit come back. They genuinely seem like they get along and root for each other.
  2. I vote yes because I would like to see it happen. It’s hard to believe they really will though. The Orioles are playing really well and they still haven’t pulled ahead because the other teams are playing just as well (well except for the Yankees).
  3. I do think there are times where he's too patient and will take hangers just because it's early in the count. I think there are definitely times where he could be a little more aggressive.
  4. Not to mention there were 2-3 CS where he was arguably safe but it was too close to be changed on review.
  5. Not to mention, he has to see the guy scaling the foul wall three feet in the air to catch the ball. I just don’t get it.
  6. I know there’s not that much foul territory over there but I just don’t get how he gets doubled up there (even though he looked safe). He has no real reason to even be off the base.
  7. Probably not. Would I like them to? Sure. It's just going to be difficult. It doesn't really matter to me in the long run. To me the season has been a huge success and a lot of fun to watch. If Hyde doesn't win Manager of the Year, he was robbed.
  8. In case you didn't notice, Adley has a chance for the cycle with 3+ innings left.
  9. Tell me about it. I'm sure Dave's a nice guy but he's so boring and takes forever to get to the point.
  10. Agreed. I get that it's a business and nothing is personal but I would hate to be the guy that takes a team that is exceeding all expectations, is in the hunt for a WC, and benches/cuts multiple players that helped get them there. We can quibble about how much they helped but you know what I mean.
  11. ledzepp8

    Jorge Mateo

    It's not even just that it's obnoxious. It's just a comment meant to provoke a fan base and has nothing to back up his "assessment".
  12. To be fair, we also lost our ace for the entire season and our number one pitching prospect (who was most likely going to be promoted).
  13. It’s hard to really tell in that video with the fans cheering but it sounds like O Fortuna. https://www.google.com/search?q=o+fortuna&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS925US925&oq=o+f&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j0i67i131i433j69i60l3.5297j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:b5503e30,vid:GXFSK0ogeg4,st:0
  14. I miss Gary Thorne, probably always will. But I like Kevin and Ben and it would probably be cool if they just added Palmer to those broadcasts as well. I think he’s just being facetious with the soccer talk because he’s just trying to mess around with Ben, who obviously can’t stand soccer.
  15. Probably. As Palmer would say, “you still gotta hit them”.
  16. Ha I always like the pop culture references, especially when he's asking Ben about them and Ben's like, "I have no idea what you're talking about".
  17. Sure looks like he has a lane to the plate. If not, I’m not sure where he’s supposed to setup. This is also as he’s reacting to the throw and moving towards it. It’s a stupid rule and a stupid enforcement.
  18. Foul territory is never mentioned in the rule. Where was he supposed to position himself and then how was he supposed to receive the throw?
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