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Posts posted by Jammer7

  1. It has been interesting to see how Sedlock has developed this year. After being unprotected for two R5 drafts, he may have changed the organization’s perspective on him. 

    I wonder if the organizational focus on 4 seam with hop up in the zone now changed with the sticky stuff crackdown. If so, perhaps he now benefits from it. 

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  2. On 9/9/2021 at 9:08 PM, Can_of_corn said:

    He's 22 and listed at 6'3" 203.  How much do you expect him to fill out?

    He’ll probably be at least 220 lbs. Depends on what they do with him positionally. Mountcastle put on some weight this past year, in his legs particularly. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Ruzious said:

    I'm no expert, but I think Jones is a better prospect than Green.  Have you ever seen a more effortless looking short power swing - coming from a guy who's maybe 180 lbs?  His father might have become an all-time great if he had stayed in better shape. 

    Johnson looks like he will hit for power and average. Do you take a smaller stocky 2B at 1-1 or 1-2? IDK. Maybe. 

  4. 38 minutes ago, Moose Milligan said:

    Barreda is a guy that can help us get the #1 pick next year.

    Hunter Harvey needs to be shopped.

    Probably will not get much, but I agree. In his nine years, he has done nothing to give us hope he will be reliable enough to hold onto. Not a question of talent, for sure. Sad. NEXT!

  5. 1 hour ago, OsFanSinceThe80s said:

    I guess Hunter Harvey will be carried on the 40 man roster this offseason, but will he ever pitch meaningful innings for the Orioles?  

    I think he has a good chance of being DFA’d. I doubt they can work a trade for a guy who is injured 80% of the time. I don’t care how talented you are, if you cannot stay healthy, what does it matter? We need the roster spot for guys who can actually contribute to the team. 

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  6. 3 hours ago, Frobby said:

    My vote would be to try him as a starter. Next year is the year to try him in that role and see what kind of success he has.   If it doesn’t work, you can move him back to the pen in the second half of the year or later.   But we may as well find out.   

    I agree. They would have to build him up next year, which would mean limiting his pitch count/innings to some extent. He seems to have a starter’s repertoire and mentality. 

  7. On 9/2/2021 at 1:17 PM, RZNJ said:

    That was just idle chit chat on a message board.   We don't really know.

    Elias actually made reference to Jones’ need to stay in Norfolk to work on his defense despite his hot hitting in or around early June, I believe. It was during a zoom press conference and Elias was asked about Jones and why he was not called up. So, the many reporters got that idea directly from Elias. And as we have seen, there are some very athletic glimpses of brilliance, but some clear signs that he is still learning the position. The hitting will come. He just has to get comfortable, and have some success to build his confidence that he belongs. 

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  8. 13 hours ago, Camden_yardbird said:

    He has had two off seasons, if he hasn't tried to build a bullpen he should probably be fired. 

    I see this a lot.  "Its okay the Orioles are terrible because Elias has tried to make [insert aspect of team] better."

    Its a pretty lazy team building.  The GM should always try and build more talent into the system and that doesn't always take free agent signings.

    While its great he has built a top farm system we also need to acknowledge that Elias has been fairly terrible at identifying additional talent.

    Maybe Wells, maybe Urias, maybe Mateo.  Not much there.

    I don’t think he’s been terrible. Was he actually trying to build a ML team? The three you mentioned were two waiver claims and a rule 5 pick. Waiver claims are another team’s trash that they were unable to trade. His rule 5 track record is not too great, but injuries to Martin make the grade incomplete just yet. The two pitchers in 2020 and Sceroler in 2021 were just not worthy. 

    He did sign Iglesias, Galvis and Franco to FA deals. Iglesias was fantastic and Elias traded him since his value will not ever be higher. Galvis was pretty good before the injury, and he traded him for a low end bullpen minor league arm. Franco looked about 50 years old most of the year, but most thought he would be a slight improvement over Ruiz. 

    He signed Matt Harvey, who has been up and down, sure. But he has been a good cheap veteran addition. A role model for the young guys to see what a real pro looks like in his routine and the way he prepares and competes. Tommy Milone worked out pretty good as well. He got bargain basement performance for bargain basement prices. 

    Severino was a waiver claim, and yes, he’s been maddening often. Some good, some bad. Rio Ruiz was the same. Both were solid claims though. Hanser Alberto was not a bad claim either. 

    I am sure I am forgetting other acquisitions, but it isn’t a bad list. It is what it is. A rebuild. He was open about it the entire time. He was not going to sink resources into the ML team for the first few years. I think this coming year is when it begins to change. Maybe I am wrong, but to judge Elias on his talent acquisitions is premature in my opinion. 

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  9. 40 minutes ago, ChuckS said:

    This makes me a little nervous but hopefully it's just a matter of making adjustments. 

    As advanced and intelligent a hitter as he is, should be just a matter of time and experience. Adjustments made when necessary.

  10. Westburg struggling in AA Bowie is a great experience for him. The Melewski article references his struggles with the inside fastball and velocity. I like the way his development has happened this year, with the struggles happening now in AA. It gives him something to work specifically to improve on over the off season. His development has been a success this year.

  11. I have said it before, but Coby Mayo is a dude. He can really hit, not just a power guy. A better overall athlete than many think, but his slow feet need a lot of work. He isn’t a clumsy big masher, but the feet are a tick slow for a MLB 3B in today’s game,  right now anyway. It really shows when he throws on the move. He can improve some there and maybe enough to stay at 3B long term. But I am not optimistic, honestly. I hope he proves me wrong. 

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  12. On 8/25/2021 at 12:14 PM, RZNJ said:

    You think he starts the season there?   Even Mayo had to put some time in at the FCL.     Willems isn't going to have many AB's by the end of the season from the looks of it.

    As a hitter, Willems might be able to start in Delmarva. Like you, I think it is just a bit of a stretch. Though low A ball isn’t quite what it used to be. As a catcher, if he stays behind the plate, I would think he would stay in FCL/Extended Spring to work on his game for a few months. He needs to be serious about his conditioning as well. 

  13. I think Henderson should be just fine. He needs to make some adjustments in his approach in some situations, and he may not be a SS for long, but he is a talent. He may not be the quick-rising superstar that some hoped for when he was tearing up Delmarva, but he is still a very good prospect with legit power and arm tools. Aberdeen is notoriously a difficult park to hit for power, just saying. His intangibles are excellent, and that will help him process what he is going through. The struggle will make him stronger, and a better player long term. He is 20 yoa in High A. 

  14. 18 hours ago, rm5678 said:

    To me, Cedric has looked tired & worn out for the past week or so. Hasn't been himself either at the plate or in the field. He's been playing day in / day out for 5 months, and I think it's starting to catch up with him. He might need a few days off to regroup.

    I thought so too, and then he was money last night. 

  15. 3 minutes ago, OsFanSinceThe80s said:

    What clear indication have you seen of ownership meddling since Mike Elias was signed? I have not seen any. I always assume there is some, behind the scenes, but there has not been any moment where I have seen a signature Angelos impediment to team functionality. This is just a dark time in Orioles’ history. But it is always darkest before the dawn. 

  16. Richie has essentially lost two years of development due to injury and COVID. He needs to play everyday, somewhere. He might be a 40 man drop, but he will have no trouble getting a job, hopefully stays in the organization. He just never seems comfortable in any facet of the game at the major league level. He needs to be able to relax and slow the game down.

    I see grades on Mateo’s arm being a 60, and I think that is about right. Again, another guy that just needs to get comfortable and trust his game. When he has no time to think, I like his actions. The routine plays, like a lot of guys, he seems to guide the ball rather than just throw it. He has not played much in a few years either, not in games, and not much of his little time on the field was spent on the dirt. So, it may not be pretty, at times, but the right thing to do is to see him at SS the rest of the year as much as possible. Being out of options, they have no choice but to play him and make their evaluation. Definitely a guy that needs to play Winter ball in the Caribbean. 

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