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Everything posted by MCO'sFan

  1. I thought both Baker and Akin were out too. I guess I was wrong.
  2. I think most of those second tier guys are out of options. They can’t be stashed in Norfolk
  3. I’d love to see them get a solid set up guy. Too many uncertainties with Tate and I’m not convinced that you should count on Cano repeating his performance. I still think Hall ends up in the bull pen and that will be a huge lift.
  4. Cause it was the AAA phase of the draft.
  5. Right, it’s the state wanted to change the terms of the MOU not JA at least according to the Banner’s sources.
  6. I’m not sure what your point is but all that may be true but he was a horrible, crappy owner that was in a lot of ways worse than the family.
  7. I am no Angelos apologist but in the case, I guess I can't blame him if the state agreed to something and then changed it. I would like a better owner but the grass is not always greener. I remember the Eli Jacobs days.
  8. I agree. They certainly can do this type of deal but like all deals that have risk, they can’t afford to miss. It’s clear in the current system that certain clubs can accept more risk than others. That’s a factual statement.
  9. The Banner article makes it sound like the MOU gives the O’s certain development rights and that Angelo’s wants to stick with the MOU. To me that sounds like the state is trying to backtrack.
  10. MCO'sFan


    I think Ruth could (not would) be a HOF player in today’s game. But we will obviously never know for sure. He’d have to hit something like 250 HR to change the game the way he did back then. I think that is an often overlooked part of his story. Also, we’ll never know what he would have done with the DH. He may have been able to keep pitching if they had the DH. But to just dismiss any great player from any era is a little shortsighted. It wasn’t just their talent that made them great. It was their competitive nature, their drive and work ethic too.
  11. I think you're right. I am hoping that two at least of Bradish, GrayRod, Adley and Gunner are locked up soon but I'm not holding my breath. If that is the case, we could be looking at only two - three years more of Adley before he gets traded.
  12. I think the danger than the O's are in right now is that with all the prospects you might find yourself in a perpetual state of waiting for the next guy. or 3 to get established.
  13. I think it depends on how one defines "has to." If his philosophy is to not let players with value leave via FA for nothing then ye, he has to and that is not an outside force. It's internal.
  14. I disagree. I think pending FA absolutely enters into his thinking. It has to, he can't just think one year at a time.
  15. I think Santander is gone. I don't see the O's going to FA with players. I think they have to flip anyone with value to sustain the "pipeline". I think that it their strategy. In a vacuum, I'd like to keep Santander but, there are prospects waiting and I don't see them gambling on him turning down the QO and getting a draft pick.
  16. It looks like the O's received a draft pick in the non-existing International Draft for Adley's second place finish in last year's ROY. Here is a good article that explains it fairly well. The threshold for draft pick compensation is 172 days. https://www.sportingnews.com/us/mlb/news/mlb-prospect-promotion-incentive-rookie-year-cba/ja5ts8eaxcuv85xujnzriafb The reason only Rodríguez earned a pick for his team is he's the only player who these stipulations apply to who spent the minimum of 172 days on the roster.
  17. I went with Kjerstad. Correct me if I’m wrong. I thought you only get the draft pick if they are on the OD roster. They get the full service time if they finish top 2 or 3 I don’t remember in ROY.
  18. Let's hope it does. Certainly taking him awhile. Hopefully, he will get everyday at bats.
  19. Any one of these would make it a successful season. Although it is exactly one of your six I'd say win a playoff series.
  20. Yeah, he definately pressed some. I am hoping that he's able to adjust.
  21. I thought about Ramirez as a target when the O's were playing Cleveland. I'm not sure what it would take but he'd be a good get. I am also a little conflicted about the direction the team should go. The regular season created such high expectations for the playoffs but, were they realistic.? If not for the 101 wins, I would have been happy to make the playoffs even with an early departure. I would have been happy to be patient and let the younger players grow and see the next wave of rookies filtered in. But, now I feel a greater sense of urgency to make some moves that may or may not work out. I am liking @Sports Guy Robert trade more and more. I am a big Westburg fan. Overall, I was happy with his performance this year but I was greatly disappointed in his lack of power. His power potential as a second baseman is what makes him such a good prospect. without the power, not so much.
  22. I would say that those are two places to look to upgrade. I’d personally look to outside to org for a more established player than one of the prospects.
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