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Everything posted by MCO'sFan

  1. I don't agree. They have some value. It's not much but both are at least MLB bullpen pieces on some teams who are still cheap and can give you length.
  2. I would not be shocked to see one of Kremer, Wells, or Irvin traded. I expect ME to sign one of his veteran starters like the Gibson's of the world. I don't agree with it but I would not be shocked.
  3. I guess it would depend on finding someone who trusts that his season translates to future success. I don't have that level of trust.
  4. If he chooses to do so. I also trust him if he chooses not to add a pitcher. He obviously knows more about running a team than I do.
  5. Some of these guys work out and just as many usually don’t. The difference in many such examples is dumb luck. Signing FA is as much a crap shoot as there is in pro sports.
  6. That doesn’t mean do nothing. I also noted the wisdom and the validity of those who think differently.
  7. Come on. This is hyperbole. I don’t think folks are saying “do nothing.” I could use the same logic to say that people on here who want to waste money or trade prospects for average pitchers is mind boggling. People are entitled to their opinions. Just because you have a different opinion doesn’t mean that other’s opinions are a joke.
  8. That is certainly a way to go. Maybe even the smart way to go.
  9. We are not far off on this. I would like to push Wells to the pen where I think he belongs. If they can do it on a short term deal then great. But, I don't think that type of pitcher really moves the needle. For instance, does a guy like Gibson stay another year. I don't like the Gibson's of the world. So, in that case, I'd rather have Wells in the rotation. I would trade one of Hays/Santander and Mateo be strictly a bench player. O'Hearn, McKenna, Hicks, etc... are all replaceable
  10. I would say that that team had a decent farm system. Nothing like today's and the PD is far better today. I am certainly not saying that anyone who wants to add to the team is wrong. I am saying that no one knows the future and very sound decisions made during the offseason whether it is to go with outside additions or internal options are valid but there are risks to both. I prefer to mitigate those risks at this point by not taking on a large contract that flops or trade a way prospects that may be internal options over the next few years. If this approach proves wrong, it is much easier to change course than the other way around. Bad contracts suck and once you trade a prospect, he is gone. Plenty of teams "upgrade" on paper and it doesn't translate to the field. I am articulating my thoughts and preferences. With the current roster and internal options, I would be inclined to make a few changes and replace primarily internally.
  11. yep. and we all know how the 17 team turned out.
  12. I think the franchise is in very different places then/now. Those were much more veteran teams and the player development stunk. There is no way of knowing how things would have turned out if they had done things differently. May have been better, may have been worse.
  13. Yes, A team on track to win nearly 100 games doesn't need a lot of change. There a definite changes I would make but they would be to clear space for a couple prospects.
  14. Yes, standing pat is also a risk. Increasing talent sounds great in a vacuum but it is not that simple. I can upgrade "talent" but there is always a chance the talent doesn't perform or gets injured. Same with standing pat. It comes down to making an evaluation and deciding on a course of action. In my current role as a message board GM I would not spend a large amount of cash or prospect capital to upgrade the projected rotation going into next season.
  15. Yep, that's a different issue. Pitching is so fragile. I understand that I am risk adverse when it comes to acquiring pitching and sometimes you have to roll the dice. I would love to have a SP step up and bump Wells to the pen. It is the fear of wasting money and/or prospects if the deal/trade flops.
  16. In general, I don't like FA pitchers. I think you rarely get value. I also expect further improvement of the current SP. I think that a rotation of Means, Bradish, Kremer, Rodriguez, Wells etc. is fine. I would like to upgrade but I don't like the risk.
  17. I was actually just thinking about this. I think they trade one of Hays or Santander but not both. I think Gibson, Mateo and Frazier are gone and should be. I honestly don't want them to sign any free agent unless its a true ACE. I know they won't so that's a non-issue. I don't even think they need to sign a BP arm (I'm sure they will) if you keep Wells and Hall in the pen. I'm very excited to see the next wave of prospects. Although I disagree with the notion that we have to trade some of them because they are blocked.
  18. Even Brown himself has picked up the inflection of his voice when something goes well.
  19. So, Basically just like his post game interviews. I thought they were joking when I first heard them talk about it and then I was oh wait, they're serious.
  20. One of the most well thought out and insightful post in OH history. Well done!
  21. I don't think it is a lock that Gibson is in the playoff rotation. I hope he isn't. He has some decent starts but overall he isn't very good. Unless Flaherty has more starts like the last, I think he's in the rotation.
  22. It was a SSS but at the end of the year )I think last 8 appearances) he was dominant. I referenced that SSS in an earlier post. I acknowledged that I am dreaming a little on him but while we might be able to get by without him. He has the most upside of any of the guys who could be added (unless you count Means) to a middle relief role. Now is the time to find out IMHO. My initial point was that the September 1 date was arbitrary.
  23. I don't think Hall is anything like Fuji. He was dominant at the end of last year in a relief role and appears to be back to full strength after his injury and his stint in Sarasota. DL has allowed two runs in his last 5 appearances while striking out 15 batters in 6 2/3 IP. Last time out he struck out the side on 15 pitches. He velo is up and I would rather see him in the pen over Voth, Fuji and Vespi. He has the potential to be like Hader was his first few years. Enter into the game in the 6th and carry it to through the 7th and even 8th innings on occasion. He could be a shutdown middle guy like Andrew Miller was in 2014 and I a I am dreaming on him to do that. I am looking forward to both Means and Coulmbe returning and along with Hall they could really transform the pen into as good or better than KC's 2014 version.
  24. Are you implying that they would keep someone down because of the AAA playoffs? I can't imagine they would do that.
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