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Everything posted by WarehouseChatter

  1. Absolute head-scratcher. Now, I feel we must trade Santander and others.
  2. Also - just heard Tampa is part of this deal - it’s a 3-team deal!!!
  3. People will blow this trade out of proportion. They’ll claim Trey was the heart and soul of the team. I get it. It’s hard to say goodbye to someone like Trey - very emotional. That said, it’s a business. If we let Trey walk at season’s end, we get nothing. Our run has been nice, but adding minor league pitching depth helps us in the long run. More competition is always good. I have no issues with this deal no matter the return. At least we get something. Btw….whose to say that a Stowers (or whoever else fills his spot) won’t produce at a better clip.
  4. I didn't see this posted anywhere. If I missed it, moderates can delete. Norfolk released catcher Beau Talyor, pitcher Tim Naughton, and pitcher Isaac Mattson today. Mattson had big time control issues this year (20 walks and 14 K's in 17.2 innings, but was pretty darn dominant through the AA level (through 2020). He was part of the Bundy trade and made some appearances in Baltimore. I actually thought he was a future bullpen fixture, but he had a rough few years in the minors. Naughton wasn't putting up the numbers, but always hate to see an Orioles draftee released. Granted, he was a 34th rounder in 2017 so he made it through the system pretty well for a late draft pick. Beau Taylor was a former 5th round pick for Oakland who we signed prior to this season. I'm guessing some of this is about making room for newly drafted players.
  5. As I was watching the game, it definitely sounded like a pro-Orioles crowd. I believe I even heard a “Let’s go O’s” chant in the 8th or 9th inning.
  6. I do not want to give away any young talent YET. We need to keep the minor league machine going and while I know we will have to make decisions in the future, I would rather see us consider trading younger major league arms (in their arbitration years) to make improvements and then replace with minor league arms (as we have a much enhanced minor league system).
  7. What will it take to be buyers vs. sellers? While it may already be decided, I think it’s a PR nightmare for Elias if we go 2-1 through Thur and then 6-4 vs NY and TB. We would be 50-49 and fans will riot that we’re trading Mancini. I still think we have to trade for value - right move long-term.
  8. This has been a fun ride for sure. To me, it’s not about the playoffs. It’s just about enjoying Orioles baseball again. Not only is it enjoyable - we haven’t even scratched the surface of what’s to come (and I’m not even contemplating free agent additions). Give Elias some credit. Who would have thought this team could bring us so much joy (and a minor league system that is ready to produce big-time)!
  9. I think Wells can be a “piece” of a contending rotation. We don’t need 5 aces (that said, Wells seems to have the talent to be an All Star pitcher). If we come out of this season with Wells and Kremer as clear long-term rotation pieces, I’ll be very happy.
  10. This is where you would love to have a Grayson or DL on the hill to extend the streak. It’s hard to piece together consecutive wins without really good starting pitching.
  11. This may have been touched on in the thread, but do we burn options on these guys? It’s a strange case as they were called up due to Canadian COVID requirements. I believe they were added to the 40-man but allowed to pull back off without going through waivers. But what about their options?
  12. Sounds like he’s making out even better than Crush Davis!
  13. Didn’t see anyone report on tonight’s outing. 4.2 IP 4 H 3 R 1 ER 3 BB 8 Ks 82 Pitches 52 Strikes Would love to hear a report if anyone watched. I like to see the 82 pitches - I don’t like that this only took him into the 5th. Overall numbers not terrible but again, pitch efficiency!!!
  14. I think Nestor Aparicio needs to do “Free the Birds 2”. Or maybe it’s “Free Lou”. Not sure. Was anyone else at the game in 2006 and did you partake in the events???
  15. Hey - could make Lou the hero of Baltimore!
  16. While this all makes me sick, it could be the best thing for Orioles fans. Feels like we’re going to reach some form of final conclusion. God I hope. If this issue lingers like the MASN issue, I won’t make it.
  17. The team will be sold shortly after PGA passes. This sounds morbid but it’s true - it feels like everything is being setup for a sale and that they’re trying to coincide it with PGA’s passing to maximize return and limit tax impact. This has all been said before so no new news. PGA turns 93 in July. I think the next thing we’ll see is settlement on the MASN front further indicating the Angelo’s desire to sell (and Lerner’s desire to sell the Nats). No inside info - just reading articles on all of this.
  18. This was likely mentioned somewhere in the thread, but I’m going to say it anyway. Let’s say this is a 3-6 month injury. That’s disappointing for every organization, but it’s downright awful and possibly devastating to a low-spending (call it small market if you want) organization. If we miss on 1 big prospect (GR will heal at some point, but let’s say this is the beginning of an injury-plagued career) it sets us back years. For the Yankees, it would stink, but they would fill in with free agents. We won’t be able to do that. MLB has the worst system in all of sports as it relates to competitiveness. What the Rays have done is miraculous. We’re not the Rays and I don’t know if we can get there. Taking GR out of this leaves DL Hall who already has injury concerns. I’m saddened by the situation with GR and hope he heals up quickly, but this just shed light on the macro concern of our true long-term ability to remain competitive.
  19. Just found this gem from the Tide’s own doc. It was written in regard to Noah Syndergaard’s lat injury and just scared the hell out of me. https://www.drcarofino.com/blog/mlb-pitcher-suffers-rare-latissimus-dorsi-injury#:~:text=Noah Syndergaard%2C MLB pitcher%2C was,what to do about it.
  20. I’m no doctor, but this is “good” news, right?
  21. Do we have any radar gun readings from tonight? Was velocity down at all???
  22. I don’t like this $hit! I pray for heat cramps, blister, or something very minor.
  23. I’m here in Boston. Went to game 1. Sun is out right now but clouds are also around. I think this one starts on time and we get through the full 9 innings.
  24. Going into the season, I thought Baumann was going to fill the Arthur Rhodes role. Just as happy if Akin can fill it. Rhodes’ role was so important in the mid-90’s. He filled the 5th-7th innings so well. Then it was Orosco and Randal K to close it out. We’re starting to build clear roles in the pen. This has been probably the biggest area of excitement for me this season.
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