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Everything posted by WarehouseChatter

  1. The acquisition of Hardy in late 2010 didn’t feel like a big deal at the time, but he was pivotal to the 2012 and 2014 playoff teams. I think there are similar acquisitions we could make now that aren’t flashy but could pay off down the road. Maybe it’s a guy like Dansby Swanson who just falls out of favor in Atlanta. Who are the guys you would want that aren’t “superstar caliber” but could be key pieces the next few years and what would you give up for them.
  2. Where do we see him contributing long-term? Does he fill out the back of the rotation or better in a relief role?
  3. Exciting day! The Tide is turning (in several ways!)
  4. I think we’re really seeing a good future bullpen develop here. Even getting the loss, Baumann is getting experience now that will pay dividends down the road. For the last several years i felt our bullpen was a dumpster file with no rhyme or reason on roles. Now we have a group that is settling into their roles. You need a solid bullpen to win big games including postseason games. We have the making of something special in this area - at least through 16 games!
  5. Really liked the article/announcement. Yes, it’s a PR piece, but I feel good anytime we hear from John Angelos. When things are quiet, I lose faith in the Angelos’ commitment to building a winning team (year in and year out). I feel like a goal was set, we’ve hit some of the milestones, we have some to go, but we’re continuing to invest. I like it and am encouraged.
  6. I would like to see Baumann fill that mid-90’s Arthur Rhodes role - a 6th-7th bridge - this season. He could be a core bullpen component of our next “run”.
  7. I read so many people on Twitter criticizing this, blaming Angelo’s, etc. If this was the original design, I think most people would have liked it.
  8. It won’t happen, but would love to see the team make a splash by making a surprise big-name addition who can serve as a pillar of the transition from “rebuild” to “upgraded on-field product”. It would give fans a huge shot in the arm.
  9. Just loving the fact that we can focus again on Orioles baseball! Yes, I’m still miffed at the players and owners, but love baseball too much to not celebrate a done deal!
  10. For better or worse, I’m refreshing Twitter every few minutes. Let’s PLEASE get this done!
  11. Wish I would have been there. So many great moments. I still watch the Why Not? video a few times a year! I know the lines by heart including Joe Angel’s fair/foul call. I was in OCMD on the way back from the boardwalk and heard the call on the radio. #goosebumps
  12. Whenever I see him pulled in the middle of an inning, I hold my breath worried about injury! Looks like this was clearly pitch count. Good start!
  13. I know nothing as to the medical side of things but hearing “stress fracture” and “elbow” in the same sentence certainly sounds bad. Does anyone have insight on this type of injury for a pitcher? Someone mentioned the great Adam Loewen and I do remember he had a similar injury. Can this truly just be a “rest and heal” injury? Is it recoverable?
  14. Ummm……outside of the stamp-sized strike zone outing, he’s gone 15IP, 10H, 4ER, 1BB, 21K in those previous 3 starts. How do you consider this “not that great”?
  15. I’ve searched and searched but haven’t seen anything on his progress from a sore elbow. Hoping he sees action between now and the end of the year. I know they’ll be delicate with him. Anything new?
  16. I moved from York, PA to Indianapolis almost 10 years ago. I see as many Oriole caps around here as any team (other than Yankees). They’re a beloved franchise and when the team sells and begins churning out a winning product while supplementing with free agents that make sense, fans will return. We saw this from 2012-2016. It wasn’t the early 90’s but that just doesn’t exist in this sport any longer.
  17. There is a lot of misunderstanding on how the draft/slotting works on this board. We’re not being cheap! It’s a strategy to save $ for later rounds and lure talent who might otherwise have gone to college. I like this strategy considering where we are as an organization. We’re going to get deeper talent this way vs. a Rocker-type pick who could be lights out but also carries risk and wouldn’t allow us to save $ for future rounds.
  18. Does Kremer’s stuff (when he has his control) play better in the pen? Curious as to thoughts.
  19. I’ve been to many Opening Days at Memorial Stadium and then Camden Yards. Can’t say that I’ve seen a performance this masterful. Mussina pitched some doozies but Means was Grade A+ today.
  20. We sure this is the real Jon Heyman account? ? Didn't see this one either, but I like the potential "mentoring" impact he could have on our young guys.
  21. The latest Baseball America mock draft has us selecting Jack Leiter with the 5th pick. Clearly he has pedigree and was highly touted out of high school (although selected in the 20th round, he had a strong commitment to Vandy which led to him slipping). I had previously seen Rocker and Leiter going 1-2 in previous drafts. Thoughts on Leiter? Is there more hype due to his name vs. actual performance success? Curious as to the board’s thoughts.
  22. Ummm.....did I double my dose of painkillers today? Ummm....did I accidentally double my dose of pain meds today? Not trying to put you down, but I’ve read this about 10 times and can’t figure it out. Lots of love OrioleDog, just can’t decipher....
  23. While I’m not advocating for Nunez as our long-term answer (certainly not at 3B), his .809 OPS with 10 homers and 24 RBI on a rebuilding team allows me to look past some of his defensive shortcomings.
  24. Wow is right. Yes, it’s an underslotting pick, but I have to say that I’m disappointed as I feel Martin was much more of a can’t miss guy. I hope I’m proven wrong.
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