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Everything posted by AnythingO's

  1. TeCHNicalLY IT's JOhn'S wIFe that has CPUNTRY music Co in NashVILLE
  2. I second what Pickles said! To take the pitching angle further, and to paraphrase JR on managing the total number of innings, I'll elaborate. Lyles, or his replacement needs to cover 175 innings. Kremer and Bradish are in the 120 inning range now so plus 50 gets them there (assuming health, etc.). That's 3 rotation spots. Grayson would be lucky under ME's arm protective inclinations (CoC can have fun with that one), to get 100 MLB innings in 2023. Similarly, Wells is at 100 and seems to have run out of gas. Then we have Voth and Watkins around 75 (sorry for rounding I was an engineer and I do math in my head). Voth is a mystery to me but Watkins is a multi-inning BP guy, his control needs to be perfect to work. While Wells has been effective starting, due to workload he may be better suited to relief. For 2023 (only), why not pair GR and T. Wells with Akin and Voth; starter gets 3-4 innings, tandem gets 2-3 innings. Roles can reverse every other start to manage innings. All 4 end up in the 75-100 inning range. Means coming back mid-year lets you trade someone not named GR. The remaining 6 roster positions are Bautista, Perez, Tate, Baker, potentially Watkins, plus another arm. I can hope for a Lopez DFA/non-tender or for ME to find a Pop-like arm. Nearly everyone wants a TOR, I refuse to believe JA will sign that check until he does, but I do't want to go there or discuss how much $$ SHOULD be available. Why doesn't (or can't) a tandem approach work for 2023 with the arms we have now???
  3. The law firm, without PA, probably doesn't generate positive cash flow so it is a drain on family cash flow. John-Georgia say PA wanted it to close after he was gone. Louis says PA wouldn't abandon the firm's long-term lawyers out of loyalty. PA was very supportive of those loyal to him so who knows. IMHO John wants to stop supporting the law firm financially because it is a drain.
  4. While Hyde's answer was brutal, it was honest because he is doing the best he can to win games in a playoff race, for him, the fat lady doesn't sing until mathematical elimination. He isn't playing the rookies to improve their performance in 2023. I doubt ME is instructing Hyde to do that at any level.
  5. Ribit, ribit, so Drungo, what is your point? I would like pitch clocks, restricted throws to 1B so potentially more steals, heck I would support moving the mound back some to reduce pitcher's strikeout advantage. There are a myriad of proposed ways to speed up the game. I for one love the tension of a pitchers duel and a runner on base that is a real threat. I loved the Roberts-Markakis ABs when Brian was on base and Nick was just waiting for something to put a bat on to move him more than 1 base. I loved the old Cardinals because speed kills.
  6. I for one don't care if averages improve somewhat or flawed players like Davis are somewhat less flawed by banning the shift. I think Lurker nailed it, "what problem are we trying to solve?". I do NOT think baseball is boring, this decade or ay decade in my 50+ years of fandom. I think soccer is but I am old and wasn't raised on it. My current lady friend and her son are German so I am trying to share their enthusiasm. Back to the point, I would support requiring 2 IF players on either side of 2B. Stand on the bag if you want. I would prefer for the Orioles to have 9 bats capable of going the other way, take what they give you. The rest can follow after we prove the concept.
  7. I didn't know it was that extreme, so I defer to your comment about always driving one run in. Of course, now Frobby or Drungo will now come in with stats about other "clutch" situations where the production was less, lol. I don't care, my memory is what is is, Eddie was fearsome and intimidating.
  8. Just wondering if you actually watched Eddie Murray play. (not trying to be a jerk, I'm really wondering) Oh yes, I'm 73, started with these bums as they became good in early 1960s. Now, that said, I loved Gentile and Triandos so my perspective isn't exactly good at picking out the stars, lol. However, in all my years, I have never seen anyone as menacing as Eddie in those "clutch" situations. I'm not disagreeing that Eddie was more likely than anyone else to drive a run in during those situations, just commenting that I didn't assume anything because most fail more often than not.
  9. I never assumed that cause the best fail 60-70% of the time. I just remember Eddie looking absolutely menacing, and there wasn't anything the pitcher could do to change that. His focus and that glare, coupled with his historic performance, were just intimidating.
  10. The first part, possibly, the second part no freaking way. Gunner is potentially a GG 3B as soon as 2023, put him there and leave him alone. If he needs an off day but you want his bat, DH him. in 2023 Adley will DH about 25% of the time, Stowers-Santander about 50% of the time. The remaining 25% you can rotate guys through. Westburg is likely an upgrade to Urias as utility IF but he is not an upgrade to Gunner.
  11. I love Trey and IMO he is a better 1B RIGHT NOW, but they are essentially the same player. This is Trey's only good shot at FA money so I wish him the best. I want to give Monty another year to work on his pitch selection, going to RF, buying into the damage per swing mantra. He is young enough to change and grow into the "he will be beast" comment that Weams made often. Now, if the market isn't there and Trey needs a 1 year pillow contract for $10M, absolutely.
  12. Absolutely, that is my memory of Eddie. Whatever happened to the GWRBI stat they used to keep, seemed like he always owned that for a few years. So calm in the box, intense stare/glare, slight wiggle of the end of the bat, just waiting to uncoil. I think both Gunner and Adley have that kind of confidence and talent. 2023 is gonna be fun if only to watch those two, followed by Cowser and Westburg and Ortiz, not to mention Stowers-Vavra.
  13. To me ME's to do list starts with pitching. Does Mullins get Lopez from Miami? if so do it and then backfill with Kiermeier. Coming off a subpar year at 32 with offseason surgery, maybe $8M for 1 year. Depends on if you believe Cowser can do CF or if you believe in Fabian, maybe go 2 years-$16M. Then look for another trade like EdRod from Detroit, 4 years left at $15M, strained relationship in Det. The TOR added to the staff is Grayson. You have Wells, Bradish, Kremer with several others behind them. Means comes back mid-year so a Lyles-type to eat innings until then makes sense then offload for salary relief.
  14. I confused myself, tried to make a double point, one about Norby's defensive projection and second that Westburg is also in the same boat with the recent performance of Ortiz. Pundits say Gunner can be GG at 3B, Tony says Ortiz could be GG at 2B, we already know about Mateo's defense. If he could just hit like the second half we don't have to worry about IF defense for a few years. Urias is utility IF capably playing all 3 positions.
  15. Would the same also be said about Norby if perhaps Mateo holds SS and Ortiz goes to 2B?
  16. I want to be within 2 games of them before that last series and take the first 2. Shades of 1982 for me. I hope for a different outcome but that setup 1983 so I would accept that 2023 WS as a consolation prize.
  17. Simple, they ask for permission to talk from the ballclub. Basically what happened to DD when he was approached by Mike Rogers of Rogers Communication, the BJ's parent Corp. The unwritten rule had been if the caller was offering a "promotion" position they would allow it.
  18. Has or Hasn't John A been in charge of MASN since before PA steeped aside or not? Honest question.
  19. Regardless of my negative opinion of John, I agree with all you said above. He has allowed ME to do his job and ME has delivered. Whether John opens the checkbook or not remains to be seen. I believe the caveats in ME's words tell us something about limits on future spending.
  20. I agree wholeheartedly with your last statement!!! Relative to the first statement about "how much money", I believe ME has already told us "much of" the increase will come from Arbitration, likely including in-house assets. That puts us in the $17 to 20 M range for FA budget acquisitions. IMHO, John has given ME that budget guidance. In Louis's defense, he became an attorney and took over the law firm, John refused to take the Bar exam, against PA's wishes. IMHO, John has played Georgia. All Louis has done appears to be trying to support the law firm going forward using family assets he no longer has the power to influence, hence the lawsuit. John has apparently threatened him with : "his inheritance is at stake". I don't trust John, never have; Louis spoke eloquently at HOF ceremonies. I trust my gut, however addled.
  21. I don't care if Watkins is furious, this is Watkins for Wells. We have a short-handed bullpen today and this was the best option tp get through TODAY. If if costs us 15 days without SW, well I "PRESUME-ASSUME) TW will be worth it in the long run. "Regardless of how you feel about Hall, that isn't-wasn't the 40/28 man Math IMHO (I can't think of a gin-addled acronym). lol
  22. I am just seeing this, for me it's 11 hours old, I am absolutely amazed you uttered this (electronically of course). I don't know what has happened to Odor over the last several years but he has hit 30 HR several times and has been in GG top 3 consideration. I know the 2B cavalry is coming and he has zero trade value BUT last night he stopped Vlad Jr. in his tracks and Mateo and Santander were out there protecting our guys from mayhem. His impact locker room has been discussed here ad infinatum. What exactly is there broken in his swing and that can be improved??? I'm serious. Mateo was out there defending and his MLB career hangs by a thread; he made a significant effort this year to change. Santander has quietly tried to carve out a MLB career, beset with spotty performance and injuries. This year may be his best ever TBD. Urias has gone from a spotty @b at best (defensively) to an above average 3B who can still hit a lick, as he always has. Our infield of the future is rising rapidly but the tide isn't quite here yet. What if we encourage Rougned to go to a "Mateo-like" swing reconstruction off-season program in return for a MLB contract in 2023? Will he still be under his TX contract next year? What if we tell Urias he is the Utility IF and he will play 3-4 times per week? What if we tell Mateo he is the starting SS and Gunner is at 3B? Obviously I am attributing alot of influence to Rougned but he is the only significant change to the Latin contingent (prob forgot someone, 4th gin and tonic). All year Hyde and by extension the FO, have been echoing the Rougned factor, I think, after yesterday, we have some tangible evidence of his influence, albeit not baseball-performance related. IF he is anywhere as influential on the other Latin players as I believe he is, and in this Playoff drive you want to send a message to the team that you BELIEVE, then doing an :"extension of sorts" now would be blindingly clear. We have arrived, we are Not going away, and anyone who wants to "F" with us can deal with Rougie. Everyone STILL remembers the Bautista right hook. This is a guy people remember. Put Bautista (Omar) and Rougned in a marketing campaign, put Felix in Omar's long coat with a bat and Rougned in MMA gear with an angry O bird on his chest. Sell Tee shirts, promote the last 3 games with the BJs. Party like it's 1982, or 1989, or 2012. Lets revel in this moment.
  23. Relative to Judge and 5-$250 M, as an incentive offer to modify the Wall somewhat so that balls that would be out in 25 other parks are HRs, I bet that gives him 3 more this year as he chases Maris.
  24. So relative to Urias and 2B, last year I believe the consensus was 2B was his best defensive position, this year he is playing above average at 3B so he must have a decent arm. I have seen posters say he is poor at 2B to justify Odor. Odor has a strong arm and can turn the DP well. Is Urias really a below average defensive 2B?
  25. Every time I think the balloon is about to burst they have proven me wrong, over 3 months now. So yes, I'm hanging on for the ride.
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