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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. I know you’re excited but let’s pump the brakes a little. There’s a lot of time between now and then. It’s possible that he could be the OD SS in ‘24 but he needs to have a great season this year in order to put himself in that position.
  2. No, that's about it. And to your point, they didn't do that with Henderson and there's a 50/50 chance they did it with Adley last year. Precedent matters, but this is a pitcher we're talking about and as we've all discussed we're not as deep in the pitching department as we are elsewhere. Elias has shown that he can stock the system with middle infield talent, I don't believe we'll ever have a concern in regards to a dearth of middle infielders while he's here. Now pitching, on the other hand, might be a different beast...he might be more apt to game the service clock for a pitcher rather than a MI type. In other words, starting the clock on Henderson is whatever because Holliday is right behind him. I'd say there's a 25% chance they do that with G-Rod....ultimately I think he starts the season in Baltimore but I don't think this possibility of him gaming his service clock can be outright ignored. But I also believe that Elias understands it's time to win now, so this might be hand wringing for no good reason.
  3. Hi. You must be new here.
  4. I thought it was okay and didn't really mind it. It pulled my attention away from the pitcher/catcher a bit to begin with but after awhile I was able to focus on the players and not the clock. I'm not sure what else they should do in order to display the clock. I guess they could have it superimposed behind the batter, kind of like they have those frames with for the fake advertisements that rotate in and out but aren't really there in person and only visible on your TV. That way it's part of what you're looking at and your eyes don't have to travel too far from the clock to the players. Agreed.
  5. I'd like to know why a half-mound is preferable for 20 fastballs instead of a regular mound when it comes to the first pitches after TJ surgery but whatever. He's on A mound and that's what matters. Here's hoping he can get back to the pitcher he was.
  6. Severino was the worst. And it sucked because it kind of ruined Severino for me, he was a decent hitter for a starting catcher on a bad team and he seemed like a good dude/likable guy but man he was terrible on defense. So bad that the rest of the stuff didn't matter.
  7. My God that would be awesome. I'd love that.
  8. Only if it happens to the Yankees or Red Sox.
  9. I gotta say, I do like a good 4+ hour postseason game though. Let that puppy breathe.
  10. It's a bit too fast, IMO. I'm sure it'll take some getting used to but it felt very rushed. I didn't like it, I didn't hate it...it's just different. McDonald made a good point about how he thinks pitchers might not have enough time to shake off a catcher, I think that's something important to look at. He said one of our guys (can't remember who) threw a pitch because he felt rushed and couldn't shake off the catcher and gave up a homer. So I think they could give back 3-5 seconds and still make an improvement on the pace of play in general. I would also argue that they should do away with the pitch clock in the 9th inning and extra innings. With the game on the line, I don't think they should be rushed.
  11. JH swinging on a 3-0, and a GIDP, oof
  12. I agree. It's like watching the game on fast forward and it's gonna take some getting used to. But McDonald made an important point, he's not sure if it's enough time for the pitchers to shake off a catcher once or twice. They could add 3-5 seconds more to the clock and be fine.
  13. Voth is throwing batting practice.
  14. Looks like it's back to the CF camera? Wow, Luis Ortiz.
  15. Hey Tony! How do YOU feel about the WBC?
  16. I see Zack and Buck's brother is playing for the Fightin' Noriegas. That's pretty cool. I'm assuming that Kremer is going to get that Game 1 start. Hope he does well and makes it through the WBC injury free. He's a big key for the success of this team for this season, IMO. If he pitches well like he did to end the season last year, that's a big boost for us.
  17. Not the lineup I want to see, but its baseball so whatever.
  18. This place is going to melt down when he hits his innings limit for the year, they shut him down while he’s in a ROY race and we’re in a playoff race. He’s going to get 115-130 innings this year, it seems those are the estimates. Whether or not those innings are more valuable in the beginning, middle or the end of the year is anyone’s guess.
  19. I still think there’s a good chance they keep him down until whatever date passes to get the extra year of service time. If not, the April 4 game date seems logical.
  20. Favorite Bedard moment off the field is when he told the media he was limiting them to three questions. One of them asked, “Why three questions?” ”That’s one.”
  21. The OH Backup Catcher Horde might settle down a tad when Mav is hitting .180 with great defense because he’s one of ours. He’s not some interloper we signed in free agency that we got to whine about all offseason. Then again, a lot of people whined about Caleb Joseph so who knows. I agree for the most part though. What do people want from a backup catcher? If they could hit they’d probably be starting somewhere.
  22. Because people have a kinky obsession with prospects. Don’t get me wrong, I like our guys, too, but I don’t see anyone calling for a G-Rod/Akin tandem. Can you imagine the collective boner this place would get if G-rod went 6 shut out innings and Hall went 3 shutout innings with Adley doing all the catching? It’d be pandemonium. That’s all this is.
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