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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. I don't think we'd sign him with the intention of putting him in an outfield spot in 2023. But if he'd be open to moving of SS by the time Holiday arrives and playing an outfield spot, that might change things. Of course that also diminishes a ton of his value and he won't be worth what he's being paid, either. Like the man said, just spitballing. I'm not exactly rooting for that outcome and quite frankly, I don't want Correa as I don't see how he makes sense from any angle.
  2. Unless he has some intel on Correa moving to a corner outfield spot, which I am not sure if that's even possible. I highly doubt we're in on him, I'm assuming we're kicking tires.
  3. I'm just spitballing here when I say I'm really not interested in Correa. As mentioned, we've got enough SS/MI talent currently and on the horizon. I'd rather take dollars aimed at Correa and spend them elsewhere. I'm sure he'd look good in orange and black and I'd have no problem rooting for him if we landed him but I'm more interested to see what Henderson and Holiday have at SS and Ortiz, too. Spending big money on a strength like this doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense.
  4. You're excused. Seriously, everyone's predictions are the rosiest. Everyone is always betting on the best outcome. Even last year when I thought this was a 62 win team, that was the rosiest. I just wanted to see them avoid losing 100 games....but for me, that was the rosiest.
  5. Yeah, that's true too. IMO, I see this season playing out in one of two ways, the first one being either this team is on-par with where it was last year or takes a step back. "But Moose, HOW?!?!?!" Because they played over their heads last summer and were better than they were supposed to be. We saw this in 2015 and 2016 with the Astros, they made a jump from 2014 when they had 70 wins to 2015 when they won 86 games. They stalled in 2016, they won 84 games before going to the next level and winning the 101 games and the World Series. Predicting baseball is tricky and while we're all really excited about how well this team performed, the amount of good young talent that's on the horizon and should be here in Baltimore in 2023 (Henderson, G-Rod) and the idea that we're actually going to spend money this year, we have to be prepared that 2023 might be an 80-83 win team. Or maybe it's the inverse of 2022 where the clock has struck midnight and our luck has run out. Everyone's predictions are always the rosiest. They usually include players staying healthy for an entire season, players having career years (or something close to it) and never account for the possibility that key guys could get injured or simply not play well. And I'm here to say that while there's a lot to be excited about, 2023 might not be as great as we're all expecting it to be. But I'm rambling. The second way this season works out is that this team is as good or even better than they were in 2022. And if G-Rod is going to be a big part of that, -and all signs point to that he will be a big part of that-, people are going to be piiiiiiissssed if September 1st rolls around, we're in the thick of a playoff hunt and he needs to be shut down. IMO, this season will play out the 2nd way partly due to the balanced schedule. We're going to get to play creampuff teams like the Cubs, Pirates and Marlins and less against the AL East. Unfortunately, the Yankees and Rays and Jays and Sox get more games against those teams, too, which will make our head to head matchups in the division more meaningful. But as far as a sheer win total goes, I expect us to have more wins in 2023 than we did in 2022. Even though this whole post has been about making predictions, I'm usually one not to make them. But mark my words, (and @Frobby, you can squirrel this one away wherever you keep things you dreg up 9-10 months later) they will shut G-Rod down later in the season at a highly inopportune time. He'll be pissed, we'll be pissed.
  6. In 2012 they should have kept him on the shelf until partway through the season so he could pitch into September/October. But IIRC the Nats were a surprise team that year and played well above anyone’s expectations. I know I’m probably the only one that’ll say this, but that’s what I’d like to see the Orioles do. Shelve him until 3/4 of the way through May so he doesn’t hit whatever innings limit they’re going to hold him to before the season is over. Yes, I realize the games in April and May matter. But we’re playing a balanced schedule this year, more games against less competition from other divisions, not as much against the AL East. I’m confident that this team should be able to hold its own while G-Rod is on the shelf. I think we’d all be pissed if we’re in playoff contention come September and he’s shut down because he’s reached an innings limit. If they’re going to have to figure out where in the season to slot his 125-ish innings, I’d prefer it to be towards the back half of the season and allow rooM for playoff baseball.
  7. He’s got that **** eating grin. The hair. CoC is right, kinda that do-goody Eagle Scout vibe. But since he’s on our team I ****NG LOVE HIM
  8. Want to know a secret? If Adley was on the Sox I’d find him very punchable.
  9. Ugh, just say no to Correa. He's got SUCH a punchable face, for starters. Second, we've got a good amount of SS talent in the system unless they don't think Henderson or Holladay will stick at SS. I mean, I wouldn't be THAT upset if we got Correa...
  10. There's a lot to like in the minors but if this guy reaches his potential it'll have a huge impact.
  11. Jose Abreu signed with the Astros. What does it mean for us????????????
  12. Are we gonna DO SOMETHING?!?!? I thought this was going to be an offseason where we were going to SET THE MARKET not wait for the market. UGHGHHGHGHGHGHHHHHHHHHH this is the most important offseason EVARRRRR
  13. You guys excited for some WOW offers this offseason? Think some great free agents are gonna be wined and dined and spotted at Ravens games?
  14. You bring up some good points. I'd be okay with 2 years, depending on the dollars. I'd be really, really hesitant to go for 3 years. I can't believe I am saying this, but with the way this team coaxed performances from guys like Voth and Kremer this past year, it gives me a bit of hope that Eovaldi could reach some new levels that he hasn't previously attained.
  15. I wouldn’t be excited about Eovaldi. A guy that has nasty raw stuff but never seems to be as good as his inherent talent would lead you to believe.
  16. You should take notes, homie. But I know you can't control yourself and need more to express your Ortiz love.
  17. Twitter's really not made for discussing things in depth. It's such a poor platform for an exchange of ideas. Being limited to 280 characters and then, if you have something substantial to say, firing off several 280 character tweets in order to illustrate a bigger idea is just terrible.
  18. Probably not much trade value as being a centerpiece of a deal but as an add-on he's probably pretty good.
  19. Also, his k rate in 2021 was 10.3 but in only 57 innings. I agree, it's hard to tell what his best role is, or if he's a trade piece. Doesn't matter though, no matter how you cut it I'm glad we have him. There's value from each angle.
  20. As much as I like Wells, the 6.6 k rate is pause for concern.
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