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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. Palmer: I think Wells can be a starter next year, he's really good. Orioles Hangout: Palmer thinks Wells can be a starter NEXT YEAR BUT WHAT ABOUT GRAY ROD AND BRADISH AND KREMER!?!?!??!
  2. It's a hard pass because, IIRC, his issues are injuries. He didn't suddenly just lose it like Chris Davis did. I'm sure he'll get an ST invite to somewhere like Oakland but I think he's a hard pass here for what we're trying to do. He doesn't fit in anywhere.
  3. I think that's a solid assessment. It's easy to believe that these guys that are still young and have upside will progress towards that upside in 2023. I'd like them to add two starters that have proven track records and fill in with G-Rod and his innings limit, Kremer and Bradish. Voth as a long man/swing guy and Wells, too. Still doesn't account for however Hall fits in the picture. But this is good. Too much talent, not enough spots. It's going to force some guys to rise up and grab spots. If they add two good starters our rotation could be very formidable.
  4. I think one of the rallying cries I heard for Francona to be named Manager of the Year this year is that Cleveland started something like 23 rookies this year. So if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for us, IMO. Especially since we have a better ranked system. Means should be coming back at some point too.
  5. It is interesting to think about. I'm not sure what he'd have got in return for those guys but I tend to agree with you that the return most likely would have been better.
  6. These are good points and I don't disagree. Especially about the part of wanting Adley here for anything past his 30+ years. Obviously need to see how his body holds up, if the bat is special enough for him to be a first baseman, etc. I just think the thing that gives me pause about Gunnar is if he goes out and kills it in 2023, wins the ROY, cements himself as a top 10 young player in the game, does it decrease the chances for him to sign a long term deal? Hard to say. Let's not forget that Boras is his agent...and while I'm not afraid of Boras and I'm not quick to blame him for everything wrong with baseball, I don't think his presence in this situation really helps our chances in locking him up long term, either.
  7. I think the thing giving me pause from giving him a A- or flat out A is that he hasn't really pulled off a major trade yet. Or signed a major FA. Not that I think those things are completely necessary in order for him to be successful, you can accumulate talent a few different ways. But I wonder if he's going to package a group of prospects in order to land someone in a major trade...you know, a good old fashioned blockbuster deal. Or, on a similar note, is he going to ever spend a significant amount on a player in free agency? Again, I still think he can build a competitive team and a playoff caliber team without having to do those things...but to be a full fledged GM and proficient at all parts of the craft, I wonder if he'll be able to do those things.
  8. Train A leaves San Francisco at 1pm traveling 120 MPH and Train B leaves Chicago at 2:30 PM traveling 85 MPH...
  9. Well you're the guy on here always crowing about what other teams in the sport do and how smart other teams are well run, I don't understand why this wouldn't be a top priority for you. Mind you, I'm not saying it's THE top priority but I believe it should be A top priority to avoid a Machado situation. A team like the Braves will most likely be stacked for the rest of the decade, I'd like us to be in the same boat.
  10. I see all this talk about how smart the Braves are, how good the Braves are. IMO, if he were on the Braves they'd have done it by now...or well on their way to doing so.
  11. Gonna give the 'ol B+/A- which would frustrate me to no end when I was in high school. Except mine was more like D+/C- but whatever, you get my drift.
  12. The ceiling is really high for him, I hope he can put it all together as a starter. With the way that bullpens are being deployed these days, he still would have a good amount of value as a high octane shut down reliever. IMO, he's the biggest question mark for this team headed into 2023 in terms of maximizing potential and if he lands in the rotation or bullpen.
  13. I think that's the first time I've ever seen you get upset about an award or something. Was half expecting some yarn about Seamus McGillicuddy getting shafted for some award in the Federal League in 1831.
  14. Well, conditioning and medicine is at an all time best now. I'm not sure how that would play a part here. Also Turner looks to have the body type to where he might be able to sustain that speed for longer than I'd expect. Slight frame, not a lot of pounding on the joints, etc. I'm playing devil's advocate here. I wouldn't want to sign him to a huge contract. Too much of a risk. Hell if I know, why don't you ask Frobby? Are you Phillip or something?
  15. I don't either. Even if the speed declines some, he's still probably faster than most. But given the amount of middle infielder types we have in the system, I wouldn't risk it. And I don't know about CF either. Again, the speed declines, but to what degree? Seems like an unnecessary risk.
  16. I would, just to see SG's reaction. Could be fun.
  17. With the glut of middle infielders we have and that are on the horizon, I don't see where Swanson would make sense. It's like Elias set up the franchise in order to avoid having to give 5-6 years to a middle infielder free agent.
  18. Let's pump the brakes here, homie. It'd depend on what the contract is...if it's guaranteed, it's insane and yes, I'd agree that he should be ripped a little. If it's an ST invite, that's not a big deal. Hopefully in that case he'd be like Matt Harvey and just be in AAA all year and never called up.
  19. If they sign Archer, whoever started this thread can delete the word "shooting" out of the title.
  20. Julio will win this and he'll win it by a lot. Obviously I am biased but I believe AR should win it, his value was tremendous. At the very least, it should be closer than it will be.
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