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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. I think we're already expecting too much out of AR. He might help a little in those areas but unless the sheer talent level of the pitching staff changes, AR isn't going to magically take what we have to some unforeseen heights.
  2. Win 3 Cy Youngs, 3 World Series and a WS game in 3 decades and you can be as arrogant as you want. Palmer rules.
  3. I'm 45 minutes in. It's a good interview. I love Adam Jones as much as anyone else. But he's about 10 years away from being a guy doing commentary on a broadcast and annoying the hell out of the audience like Joe Morgan, Tim McCarver, etc with the "back in my day" type of attitude.
  4. It seems close to impossible now because there's only one guy doing it. To all of a sudden have guys trying to play two ways doesn't make sense, they haven't been developed that way. That's not to say they can't develop guys like that going forward. I think in the next 10 years you'll see two way players more often. I don't think they'll be commonplace, but I don't think Ohtani is going to be the only guy to have done it.
  5. Don't hold back, post a link.
  6. You didn't have to type that one in green. CoC! Why don't you put on Ride the Lightning and suck it.
  7. Any answer that doesn't involve Hetfield and Ulrich is unnacceptable. I'm kidding. Or am I? This thread is a good one from the archives.
  8. He's the best sportswriter out there, IMO. Of course @Can_of_cornhasn't heard of him because CoC doesn't pay attention to good things. Look at his music taste, for example.
  9. Very sad to hear this. I hope he makes a quick recovery and can get back out on the field.
  10. I mainly just want to see him become good to CoC's chagrin.
  11. i still think Tate can become a good bullpen piece. Sorry, @Can_of_corn
  12. I guess they can. I don't think Jones did that exceptionally well, though.
  13. Kind of a wash. I mean, it's a minor trade, one that happens and has to happen for a franchise. But it doesn't really move the needle. You guys are being too kind to Jones, IMO. He'll be lucky if he sticks as a backup infielder somewhere, that appears to be his ceiling from where I'm sitting.
  14. Is this a commentary on how soft America is becoming now?
  15. Let me help with the pitchers, @Frobby: Everyone gets an F outside of Means and Tyler Wells.
  16. I never understood why anyone would want to "buy the arms" when they're extremely expensive and will most likely break down at some point. I'd rather "grow the arms" like Tampa does or the Astros have done as @Can_of_corn has illustrated. And I'd rather "grow the bats," too. You weirdos make it sound like it's some stupid exclusive thing, like you can't grow pitching if you're going to grow hitting. Or you can't grow hitting if you decide to focus on arms. Wake up, you can do whatever you want. ASTROS MODEL! OMMGGG No, RAYS MODEL ARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHH GROW THE ARMS BUY THE BATS!!!! ASTROOOOOOSSSS MODEELLLLLLLL WE MUST DO IT LIKE THEY DID BECAUSE ELIAAAAAASSSSS Maybe Elias is going to make smart moves wherever he can in order to build the best franchise possible and not be beholden to any one stupid f'ing model. Maybe. Just maybe.
  17. Because he's...how'd you say it? "Hot dumpster trash."
  18. It's cool that he's getting recognized but it'll be Ohtani or Guerrero. Mullins picked a bad year to have an amazing year.
  19. The writing style gave it away. Keep it up.
  20. Yup, totally agree on all points and thats cool that you get to go to Durham games. I've got family in the area, they say its a great time. I want to get down there for a game. I used to pull for Boston in the early 2000s too. A few things about that: They were the team back then that was set up best to beat the Yankees...the Curse thing made you want to root for them a little bit....I was in college so I didn't know any better...and I think all sports fans make errors in judgement over the years and that was certainly one of them. I find the Red Sox in general to be more insufferable than the Yankees and head to head, I'd actually pull for the Yankees. The Yankees are old money, the Red Sox are new money and obnoxious.
  21. I'm so jealous of the Rays. I mean, I'm jealous of them throughout the year but I dunno...it's like, come the postseason I just watch them with a more critical eye and I just marvel at them. I appreciate how well they're run, it also pisses me off that we've not been able to do what they've done despite having more resources at our disposal. And I can't help but kinda like them. They don't have anyone I inherently hate like I do for members of the Sox/Yankees. Jose Bautista doesn't play for the Jays anymore so I don't hate them as much but Cito will always suck.
  22. It was weird, he was one of the first ones I put down, along with Richie Martin. They came mind really randomly.
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