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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. Oh give me a break. I mean, I should know better than to reply to you these days but c'mon. Bumping an umpire isn't violent.
  2. A bump is a bump...I mean, c'mon, it's not like he threw a right hook.
  3. I don't care. Bump an umpire, get a game...I mean, whatever. He slammed a helmet, the flung a bat. The umpires acting like they're abused housewives is dumb, too.
  4. atomic you sly old dog, that's EXACTLY what I am saying. Baseball is totally fake, just like the WWF.
  5. Sports fans on message boards are forever equating professional sports and their athletes to "real world workplace" issues.
  6. Was there for the Sox game, sitting on the 3rd base side in section 49. Had a bird's eye view of that play where he stole third. Amazing. A true "Rickey Run". Rare to see these days.
  7. The ultimate old man, "GET OFF MY LAWN" quote from Peter Angelos!
  8. It's not like the Orioles and NHL teams are sitting in coach. Let's be real here.
  9. Well...does Welke $%#! suck?
  10. Little Yaz: https://www.mlb.com/news/mike-yastrzemski-diving-catch-giants-win
  11. I feel a little bit sad that his career is coming to an end. It's sad that he can't go out like he wants to.
  12. I think the Rockies are pretty solid at SS/3B.
  13. Bummer to see Manny struggling. I wanted to see him do well this year and the Padres, too. IIRC they were in 2nd a few weeks ago, now they seem to be slipping.
  14. IMO, it's about command. And maybe a little bit about movement, too. His fastball looks very straight and he can't keep it out of the middle of the zone. He seems to miss targets regularly.
  15. I just saw that Tony Gwynn had back to back .317 seasons. And one other season earlier in his career where he hit .317 as well.
  16. Glad to see he doesn't look totally inept with the bat right now. I haven't seen all his at bats but it seems like he's going to the opposite field some. I''m wondering if that's a product of design or if he simply can't get around on a fastball. IIRC @Tony-OHhad some squabbles with his bat speed last year.
  17. WTF, who'd order a hit out on him? Unless he's got some shady business dealings.
  18. Yep, here's hoping. Don't get me wrong, I see a lot of good qualities in him. Just need to see more of him.
  19. (probably a different regime, I can't resist though) In regards to Armstrong, I am waiting to see more. I want to see how he does the 2nd time through the league. Perhaps this is an extreme case of Sig's analytics, that they saw something that could be a quick fix. Who knows. I'm just conditioned to think that if we pick up another teams scraps it's not going to work out well for us.
  20. I agree for the most part. Although part of me thinks that if you've got a shot at doing something only a handful of players have ever done, you figure out a way to do it. I know Nick probably doesn't operate that way and I respect him for that but...I kinda wish he did. I'd like to see him get there.
  21. I was fully prepared to click on it and go into a rage seeing him being left off. I'm glad he's on the list, I don't necessarily disagree with his placement. 700 hits is...man, I dunno. I'd say 3,000 is in sight.
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