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Everything posted by backwardsk

  1. Can you if you are in market? Or do the O’s and Nats games get blacked out? I do have TMobile and have the codes for MLB.TV and the Athletic.
  2. I don’t have MASN. Not watching is not a lack of interest. I watched all 15 innings that were on ESPN last night (and am paying for it this morning).
  3. I’m not clear on this, they say a player needs two consecutive negative tests to return. Do they also need to be away for 14 days minimum? Could Soto be playing next week?
  4. Except for purple people. Because that’s going too far. Shout out Mitch Hedberg.
  5. If anything positive comes out of this delayed opening day, it’s that I get to listen to the Willie Nelson commercial over and over again.
  6. Nice Post. At times I regret that I didn’t choose a profession that has the impact that you’ve had. You’re a good dude. I agree that when you work or interact with people different than you, you realize that you have more in common than not.
  7. Watching the Dodgers/Giants game (how nice is it that Betts doesn’t play for Boston), I was intrigued by the interview they had with Matt Chapman. Chapman is an MVP candidate, but if you put him in a Usual Suspects lineup, I doubt I could pick him out. I enjoyed getting to know a little about him. I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but a big knock on MLB is that they don’t promote their stars. They fall way behind the NFL and NBA in that regard. I don’t know if this is a one off thing or not, but I wish they do more of this.
  8. Eh, it’s not the same game. They put a runner on 2B in extra innings. Not sure if it’s a Soros rule or part of the Boogaloo movement, but something is rotten in Denmark.
  9. Bonds is a big 2A guy. But also a Bernie Bro. Go figure. I kid, I kid. But seriously though, I think Bonds’ reputation is shaped by the guys who covered him and didn’t like him. You don’t hear bad things said about him from teammates. I hated him when he played, but in hindsight, wished I was able to enjoy his greatness. Though I’m petty enough to be happy he’s ringless.
  10. I’m a little surprised that they are putting Bellinger in CF and Betts in right. And Pollack at DH with Pederson in left. I’d like to see what Betts could do in CF. I guess he has the better arm.
  11. A friend of a friend of mine was tasked by his fraternity to pick up Clinton from the airport. The Funkadelic lit up a crackpipe in his car. Or so that’s the legend that is told.
  12. He did. Not a good way to kick off the season.
  13. Betta and Dodgers are closing in on a long term extension.
  14. What’s that saying about making the last out at third?
  15. Have they torn down the stadium Texas uses last season?
  16. Subscription services make a lot of money by people not canceling renewals. I’ll probably be their sucker here.
  17. There aren’t any rules about the number of pitchers on the active roster during this modified season, right. Why not carry 17-18 pitchers to start?
  18. I’d imagine Syracuse? Or would they go down to FL?
  19. Uninformed question: is this the same Kevin Brown that pitched for the O’s, Yankees, Marlins, Dodgers? Or nah?
  20. Sheldon Adelson (casino tycoon) is also bidding on the Mets.
  21. Speak for yourself. I put myself in my own load management process at work. I tell the boss, he’ll need me rested if he wants to make a deep playoff run.
  22. He was often good for 11 points, 7 rebounds a game. Oh, different Joe Smith.
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