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Posts posted by backwardsk

  1. 12 minutes ago, MurphDogg said:

    Everyone agrees that the season is too long, but the players don't want to take a 5 percent cut in their salaries to cut the season by 5 percent (162 to 154 games) when the owners will end up making more with expanded playoffs than they would lose by cutting the season 8 games. 

    I expect that to be a major sticking point in the 2021 labor negotiations.

    I'm sure the owners know that a three game series is unfair, but by getting it now they normalize the four round playoff structure.

    From a fan perspective, keep 162 games but layer in a double header every third week or so to open up the calendar.

  2. 1 hour ago, Ruzious said:

    They think the test could very well be a false positive.  He'll get tested again today.    

    I’m not clear on this, they say a player needs two consecutive negative tests to return.  Do they also need to be away for 14 days minimum?  Could Soto be playing next week?

  3. 1 minute ago, MDK02 said:

    I believe this to be true for the most part too. Know who doesn’t want this country to unite? The news/media. What would they have to report on then? They love the division and people eat it right up from their choice of news station because it gives people emotional reaction, it is at times addicting. Then the hate and anger builds from there.. 


    Stop letting news/media outlets create the person you are, think for yourself. Be kind to people(any color, religion)and help one another, so easy to say but that’s where it starts. 

    Except for purple people.  Because that’s going too far.  Shout out Mitch Hedberg.

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  4. 8 minutes ago, Snutchy said:

    I am a supervisor at a 911 center and a paid part-time and volunteer firefighter/EMT.

    I understand the feelings that Tony has regarding his son. I work very closely with law enforcement and they have saved my ass more times than I care to recollect. What I can't relate to is being a person of color.

    A few months ago I was hurt on an EMS call when I was attempting to transfer a very large COVID positive patient to our stretcher. I may never be able to perform in that capacity ever again. 17 years on the job and now I cant feel most of my right foot because of a spinal injury.

    I'm an active person, so I've been driving for Uber while I'm going through physical therapy. It was that or drive my wife crazy being home so much. In the short time I've been driving, I have met so many people from so many different walks of life. Sure, I met the same people that I met through the fire service, but that was under very different circumstances. This is real conversation from people who aren't in distress. The main thing that I've learned is that every single one of us want the same thing. 

    If Tony decides to shut down, I will miss Moose's mom most of all.

    Be safe. Take care of yourselves and your neighbors.

    Nice Post.  At times I regret that I didn’t choose a profession that has the impact that you’ve had.  You’re a good dude.

    I agree that when you work or interact with people different than you, you realize that you have more in common than not. 

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  5. Watching the Dodgers/Giants game (how nice is it that Betts doesn’t play for Boston), I was intrigued by the interview they had with Matt Chapman.

    Chapman is an MVP candidate, but if you put him in a Usual Suspects lineup, I doubt I could pick him out.  

    I enjoyed getting to know a little about him.  I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but a big knock on MLB is that they don’t promote their stars.  They fall way behind the NFL and NBA in that regard.  

    I don’t know if this is a one off thing or not, but I wish they do more of this.  

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  6. 29 minutes ago, Mr. Chewbacca Jr. said:

    I really like the Hangout. Been a longtime reader, recent poster. It's easily the most knowledgeable community of Orioles fans. Tony, you deserve props for building it.

    I'm just going to be honest right now, because I think it's important to be transparent - but Tony, you're one of the most political posters on here. There's a no politics rule, but you're one of the first people to get into it. You've frequently called things misinformation or shut down threads just because you don't agree with it. I keep hearing about this no-politics rule, but it always makes me chuckle because it's really not led by example at all. Take this thread, for instance. 

    It's pretty naive to expect politics to never enter sports discussion. From Jackie Robinson to Mohammad Ali, there's always been athletes using their platform to advance social change. So, I don't think we can hide from any political discussion like it's the boogeyman. We're all adults here. It's okay to disagree with each other.

    But, it's Opening Night - and we finally have baseball to talk about. Instead, we're talking about this. 

    I hope this isn't the end of the Hangout. But, if this sorta thread continues to become the norm, then it really isn't the Hangout anymore. Tony, I'm actually pretty good friends with your daughter and know you're a good dude. I completely disagree with your politics, but that doesn't stop me from respecting you as a person and being absolutely interested in your baseball insight.

    Baseball is baseball. It's basically the same game since 1890 or whatever. But, the world has changed dramatically since then. In another 100 years, baseball will still be baseball. And the world will be dramatically different again. Baseball is a constant refuge in a sea of change. That's why many of us love it so much and why we've come together as a community. Let's focus on that and leave the rest for the ballot box.


    Eh, it’s not the same game.  They put a runner on 2B in extra innings.  Not sure if it’s a Soros rule or part of the Boogaloo movement, but something is rotten in Denmark.

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  7. 25 minutes ago, Philip said:

    I agree with everything you said, but how many people hate Curt Schilling because of his politics? LotznLotz.

    And how many people love player X because his politics are “correct”?

    I hate Barry Bonds because he’s a jerk. I don’t know a thing about his politics.And that’s the way it should be.

    Bonds is a big 2A guy.  But also a Bernie Bro.   Go figure.  I kid, I kid.

    But seriously though, I think Bonds’ reputation is shaped by the guys who covered him and didn’t like him.  You don’t hear bad things said about him from teammates.  I hated him when he played, but in hindsight, wished I was able  to enjoy his greatness.  Though I’m petty enough to be happy he’s ringless.

  8. 52 minutes ago, dorfmac said:

    Washington Football Team it is! Must be having a difficult time wrestling away the trademarks. Usually, you just pay the patent owner and it all gets resolved pretty quickly. I know that Apple has to do it pretty regularly for naming trademarks and web domains and it never seems to be that hard.


    They wouldn't have been able to get things turned with a new name before training camp from what I've read.  They wouldn't have had time to do a proper re-branding.  https://sports.yahoo.com/prepare-for-backlash-be-patient-thats-the-advice-for-dan-snyder-from-those-who-led-team-name-change-183843150.html

    I like the uniforms.  I wish they keep the name Washington Football Team for the foreseeable future instead of picking a mascot.  Actually, I'd prefer them to drop "Washington" and use "National Capital Region" instead.

    What I've learned from the Redskins name detractors is that people are not mascots.  So a big "NO" to Warriors and Redtails.  I prefer Football Team over Redwolves.

    The uniforms look sharp.

  9. 16 hours ago, MurphDogg said:

    Yeah, I imagine Buffalo's ownership would have to have contributed something. The Buffalo Bisons are owned by Robert Rich who has a net worth of $6+ Billion, higher than most MLB owners. Could have negotiated a series with fans in a future season in Buffalo and turned it into a win/win.

    Great name for a billionaire, tbh.

  10. I’m going to vent for a minute.

     Last week parents of students at FCPS had to make their choice as to whether send their kids to school two days a week or full time virtual.  As parents we had a lot of back and forth about the decision, but ultimately selected the two day in person choice for both our children (K and 5th).  Our fifth grader is special needs and there was talk that she may be able to go 2.5-5 days.

    More people responded to go 2 days than full virtual and those that didn’t respond were assigned 2 days.  The breakout ended up being 60% 2 days, 40% virtual.  A little over 50% of the teachers elected to return to school.

    Less than a week later, the school board said they are going full virtual for the first quarter. The superintendent said that if things got worse then they would resort to full virtual.  Nothing in the data indicates that last week would be safe, but now would be dangerous.  Seven day averages for cases has ranged between 49 and 60 since July 4th weekend.  Hospitalizations are the same yesterday as July 8, with a range of 6-12 daily.  Deaths have been lower than 2 a day.

    This was not a data driven decision which is what the county has been harping on since March.

    They cite a UVA (I think) study that shows spikes 4-6 weeks out from phase 3 re-openings.  That’s fine.  Why not wait to see how that plays out here?  Or better yet, provide the metrics that they’ll use to make that determination.  They said they’d have that mid August.  Why not now?

    The governor laid out guidelines for opening schools.  The county is not following them.  There’s been little to no evidence in creative solutions.  Teachers don’t want to come back in person?  Have them livestream the lessons with assistants and subs to watch over the classrooms.

    The attempt at virtual learning in the spring was a failure.  I’ll give them a mulligan for that.  But I have little confidence that they’ll be able to pull it off.

    This is a great school system with resources.  I am not seeing them rise to the occasion here. I hope they prove me wrong.

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