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Posts posted by backwardsk

  1. 4 hours ago, atomic said:

    Pretty ridiculous that Howard County and Harford county aren’t going to have school until January at the earliest.  Yet gyms, golf courses, restaurants, malls, clothing stores and churches are open.  Are government is failing us.  If it is so bad schools can’t be open than everything other than grocery stores and hospitals should be shut down and 14 day quarantine for people coming from out of state. Teachers shouldn’t be paid if they are t teaching.

    They aren’t doing virtual classrooms? Or are they waiting to start in January and run through the summer?

    In Fairfax County, we had to choose on Wednesday to do full virtual or in person two days a week.  In my daughter’s class about 1/3 chose the virtual route.  I’m hoping the county numbers stay where they are and schools can open.  Our church has not reopened.

  2. 11 hours ago, atomic said:

    It wasn’t collusion to say what the Washington team did was wrong.  They released a player in an uncapped year so the salary wouldn’t count against future capped years.  I don’t know who the Bensons are.

    That’s not what happened.  They front loaded cap hits from existing players in the uncapped year instead of paying it over the course of the contract.  Teams can do that at anytime if they stay under the cap.  In that year, there was no cap.  What rule did they break? 

    The Bensons own the Saints and Pelicans. 


  3. 23 minutes ago, atomic said:

    The teams were warned about doing what the Snyder did with the cap.  Also was Cuban despised and had a team with a racist name?  And times have changed. I think there will be pressure for him to sell the team.  He clearly needs to go. He is an embarrassment to the league,

    The owners colluded in an un-capped year.  What grounds does a warning stand on?

    Why do you support the Bensons owning their team?


  4. 5 minutes ago, dorfmac said:

    Agreed re: uncapped year. Snyder took what was given, and got wrongly slammed for it.

    Agreed re: probably not enough for him to sell.

    Agreed re: should definitely be enough for him to sell.

    That said, with all the other smoke around the team right now, there's no way that this is the extent of it. The rest should/will put it over the top.

    The NFL wants that Amazon money.  There may be more to this that comes out.

  5. 10 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    I don't understand how you can cheat the cap in an uncapped year.  I've always sided with Snyder on that one.

    They couldn't get their act together and had to have an uncapped year, owners and players should have taken every advantage of their incompetence.

    The uncapped year was built into the expiring CBA to bring the owners and NFLPA back to the table before the deal expired.

    The League has to approve deals which they did because there weren’t any rules broken.  Four teams were over the cap.  After the fact, the TBDs and Dallas were penalized.  Pure coincidence that their division opponent’s owner heads the competition committee and issued the punishment for breaking the “spirit” of the rule.  It was collusion.

  6. 24 minutes ago, atomic said:

    Why not? 15 women accusing the team leadership of sexual harassment and the team not allowing them out of their non disclosure agreements.  Seems like he should be forced out. I think you are under estimating the situation.  

    Also remember Snyder cheated the salary cap that one year and the team name has been an embarrassment for the league. Time for him to go.

    Cuban still owns the Mavericks, right?  Same situation.

    I think there may more to this, and if so, then maybe so. But, what was reported today, no I don’t think he’s forced to sell.

    I hope he does sell.  

    Explain how he and Jones cheated the salary cap in an uncapped year.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    Oh man, if the Redskins have been cheating they have been really bad at it.  Reminds me of when we found out those terrible Oriole teams were full of roiders.

    If you are going to cheat, at least win.

    Unless the other team paid more in bribes.  Or you are betting on your team to lose.

  8. 16 minutes ago, ArtVanDelay said:

    Yikes, this sounds bad.

    I have a bunch of friends and family that are Washington fans.  For the sake of their mental health, I hope this results in sweeping changes throughout the organization and Snyder being forced to sell.

    Tons of rumors.  But this will be a big deal since Snyder hires the power trial lawyer.  One rumor is that this could affect multiple owners in regards to paying refs.

  9. 32 minutes ago, dorfmac said:

    If even 10% of what's being alluded to on Twitter is real, this is going to be insane.

    However, like a lot of things on Twitter, reality doesn't often match the hype...

    I alluded to this a page or two ago.  This story has been teased for about a week now.  Schefter said that the team has hired the lawyer who represented Brett Cavanaugh and Michael Flynn.  

    It may drop tomorrow, but I could see it being held back for awhile.

    I think many of the things will be confirmation of rumors that have gone on for some time.

    Maybe this ends up driving Snyder out like Richardson in Carolina.

    The rumor about Gruden and Bibbs (which was originated by Bibbs) is pretty funny.
    Consensual shenanigans, I don’t really care about.  If there is assault here, then that’s a completely different story.

    EDIT: Beth Wilkinson is the attorney.  She has a mighty resume. 

    • Upvote 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, Mr. Chewbacca Jr. said:

    The eccentric mathematics in this post aside ?, I think the value placed on "hustle" players is really misplaced. You obviously want a player who is far more talented - and I think it is smart to take plays off sometimes because the human body can't go 100% all the time. I'd rather have 100% of a player's hamstring than 30% of it. 

    LeBron has his "chill mode" during the season. People get on him about it, but then in the playoffs he's rested and ready. I think if anything, players who take a play off upset us more emotionally because we can't do that at our jobs and we get jealous. 

    Speak for yourself.  I put myself in my own load management process at work.  I tell the boss, he’ll need me rested if he wants to make a deep playoff run.  

    • Haha 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Frobby said:

    It took 6 days.   As of this morning, Texas 3,362, Maryland 3,334.      Texas will leave Maryland in the dust now.    

    And after you take into account the population difference (TX a little less than 5x as MD), TX has had 7x as many deaths as MD since July 1.

  12. 19 minutes ago, Enjoy Terror said:

    Evidently it's a 2020 Braves move who just won 97 games, and have a young outfield of Acuna, Riley, and if not Nick Markakis then top prospect Cristian Pache. Oh and don't forget Inciarte and Ozuna.

    But sure, keep telling me that Smith, Williams, and Wilkerson are suddenly in line for storied Orioles careers because we didn't sign Puig.

    They get Ozuna’s bat without having to play him in the field.  Riley can play first until when/if Freeman gets back.  That’s a pretty strong lineup.

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