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Posts posted by backwardsk

  1. On 7/27/2020 at 8:16 AM, Frobby said:

    1,064 deaths in Florida last week.   Texas and Arizona also set new weekly records.    The good news is that new cases declined a bit in all three states last week.    Hopefully that continues and the death rate will drop off in a week or two.   

    In Maryland, we had our first weekly drop in new cases since the week ending June 22, and we only lost 58 souls, which is our lowest total since the week ending April 6.    

    I think what is concerning is that while the heavy states like AZ, FL, TX, and CA may be experiencing somewhat of a decline in new cases, the overall number of new cases isn’t falling too much.  Meaning other states such as NC, MO, SC, TN, and OH are picking up.

    The seven day moving average of new cases was under 60k on June 13, peaked (for the moment) at 67k a week ago and is at 65k today.

    AZ appears to be improving quicker than FL, TX, and CA.

  2. 2 minutes ago, webbrick2010 said:

    Yes there is a non zero risk. There was/is a non zero risk from influenza

    Will you at least acknowledge that there is a risk to missing  1 1/2 years of education? An emotional toll on young children isolated from other young children? Developmental issues that may take years to unwind and analyze. 

    Of course.

  3. 32 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    Good, they should use this season to really hammer that type of behavior.

    I can’t agree.  I watched that game live and watched all the pitches leading up to both the pitch to Bregman and the Correa strikeout.  I’m not convinced that he was throwing at them.  Kelly throws hard and is wild.  He had plenty of opportunities to plunk an Astro if that was his intention.

    The Astros have a target for cheating.  Now if anyone comes inside they’ll get an equivalent to a 20+ game suspension?

    I’m against using beanballs as revenge, it shouldn’t be part of the game.  But I also don’t like umps and the discipline folks try to interpret intent.  That’s when you get Gausman ejected for throwing a breaking ball.

    • Upvote 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, webbrick2010 said:

    If we are going to have sports this year we need to 

    1. Accept that young men are at zero risk of becoming ill from Covid-19. We should suspend all testing and just let the virus spread and run its course thru ML rosters

    2. All coaching should be done remotely. The coaches who are at risk should never come within 50 feet of any player and should never share any facilities. The 1B/3B coaching can be done by the players just like it has always been done in slow pitch softball rules

    The average age of a Covid-19 death is 78. The government could have used this fact and we would have had herd immunity by now. We know exactly who is vulnerable and we know who is not but we choose to treat everyone as an equal risk. Makes no sense.

    And we should trade for Eduardo Rodriguez immediately.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, scOtt said:

    And I have to ask... Because you're afraid of infecting your fridge? Why you scared?

    Space.  I’d rather keep a dozen beers outside and a dozen in.  Then restock as necessary.

  6. Not necessarily cooking, but close enough.

    Before COVID, we were a just-in-time grocery shopping family.  Now I try to minimize my trips.  When I get beer, ideally I’d get a cold six-pack and a room temperature case.  However I noticed that the beer that is not on the cold shelves is not room temperature, but not as cold as the beer on those shelves.  

    Do I have to refrigerate those when I get home?  I have been, but I’d prefer not to.

  7. Soto has had two straight negative tests (around 5pm), but now he has to get approval from the league and city department of health and they don’t indicate a timetable for that.  So for one of the game’s youngest stars, he’ll miss at least five games for a false positive.

  8. The loss of velocity is Tillman-like.  

    America is wonderful where everyone can have an opinion.  I was fortunate enough to read one that basically said, “Why does Acuna get chance after chance swinging at everything, but they get rid of Folty?”

    • Upvote 1
    • Haha 2
  9. He’s a mess right now.  I can’t see him being able to eat innings which would be the point of getting him.  If he does turn it around, we wouldn’t have control of him when we’re ready to compete, IMO.

  10. 8 minutes ago, SteveA said:

    White Sox and Indians were rained out and have a doubleheader scheduled tomorrow.

    Yankees and Phillies was postponed today out of caution in two areas: thorough cleaning of the visitors clubhouse before the Yankees go in there, and testing to confirm that the Phillies don't have any issues from incidental contact with Marlin players (and I bet they won't, duration of contact is a key, often ignored, factor in transmission and most in game contact between players is very brief).

    So all is not lost yet.  The state of the Marlins is an issue, but they are the only team in MLB so far with more than 2 or 3 cases simultaneously.  If 2 or 3 more team outbreaks like Marlins happens, then I think the season could be in danger.

    I’m keeping an eye on the Reds.  Chapman tested positive, then Moustakas and another player were scratched yesterday not feeling well.

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