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Everything posted by accinfo

  1. I am more excited about watching Gunnar’s career progress than I have been in a long time. I would guess Mike Mussina would be the last player I saw the greatness coming. I have tried to temper it a little of it because under the current ownership I know there is no way we would keep Gunnar past his arbitration years. Now I see a light at the end of that tunnel. Yes, Scott Boras his agent but I believe he will want to stay if he offered market money. A new owner will want to pay a generational player like Gunnar.
  2. I guess it could be just a coincidence that news breaks from credible news sources that there could be a sale of the Orioles and then the next day a new lease is agreed on, but I don’t know. Interesting times to say the least.
  3. They can’t waive the Federal Capital Gains tax which is 20% of give or take a Billion dollars. The Orioles are not going to be sold until Peter Angelos passes away.
  4. Major League Baseball is not going to approve an owner who doesn’t have the cash to buy this or any franchise. This won’t be an episode on HGTV called “Flip this baseball team.” I am pretty positive MLB isn’t happy about the current ownership situation of the Orioles. The person running the team has zero or next to zero source of income besides the ball club itself. Most people who inherit an asset like this also inherit his daddy’s other source of income along with it. In this unusual case the other source of income of Peter Angelos (his law practice) dried up to nothing because of him becoming incapacitated. When the Orioles or any other team is sold it will be to someone who has the money to run the franchise. This is being widely reported now so I have to believe there is something to it. I suspect soon we will be hearing an update on the health of Peter Angelos.
  5. I love this. Most fans that go to the game live within 45 minutes of the ballpark I would suspect. The good thing is you can get home by 10:00 most evenings.
  6. It appears they Orioles and the State of MD may separate out the development rights portion of the memorandum they signed in order to possibly get a new lease signed by the end of the year. https://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/orioles/bs-sp-orioles-lease-development-rights-20231127-wdvni7x6cvanje7yblm6rp4m5y-story.html As I suspected this development rights would have to be approved by the full legislature which can’t happen by the time this lease expires. It would be nice to get this done by the New year.
  7. From what I understood is some of the agreed upon items in the memorandum have to be approved by the legislature to proceed to a lease. Since they don’t meet until January I can’t see how they can’t come up with some kind of extension until at least June when any legislation update is approved and signed by the Governor.
  8. Peter Angelos doesn’t have the capacity to make any decisions. This isn’t speculation but fact.
  9. She isn’t Taylor Swift. She could buy some free agents.
  10. Yes this is so true. Until they actually sign a significant contract you just can’t believe that they will. Since John Angelos has been running this team he hasn’t shown ANY indications he is willing to do so. The statements he has made with his mouth have to lead you to believe he won’t. Up until now you had the excuses that the Orioles were so bad even if they offered similar money to good players they may not have considered coming. That excuse no longer exists. If they don’t sign anyone of significance it is because they didn’t offer enough. Elias has also eliminated the fact that good pitchers don’t want to pitch in Camden Yards. I think most of all are not asking for a Texas like spending spree that they did the last two years either. Just 1 or two real good players like a Sonny Gray. You have an “owner” or the person running the team that has really no other source of income besides the baseball team. Until that changes I don’t expect their thrifty spending to change.
  11. You just can not argue with the level of success they have had with these type of claims. He may never be anything but I give this management team the absolute benefit of the doubt.
  12. I was at game 5 in Philly with a friend. Fresh out of college. I never thought that would be the last one I would see so far in my lifetime. Waited for the team to come out of the locker room after the game. I remember a couple Orioles carrying out a completely passed out Dennis Martinez to put him on the team bus. Good times!! I yelled to John Miller I bet you are glad you left Boston for Baltimore and he yelled Hell Yeah!
  13. I think winning the division again would be a successful season regardless how the playoffs turned out. I do think it is a crapshoot. That said I think a second start in the playoffs by Grayson Rodriguez will fair better than this year’s did. I think the moment won’t be quite as big. If the Orioles take one of the first two games I believe this narrative would be much different. I also think our offense will be better next year. Mullins just seemed not 100%. Replace Jackson Holliday for any infielder not named Gunnar and I think you are better. Gunnar is going to be even better. He is on the “Cal Ripken track”. Rookie of the Year then MVP. The closer didn’t really matter this playoff series but I will feel better with whoever was a closer the majority of the season will be next year available for the playoffs.
  14. I don’t object to the point that you can question whether Baker should have been used. It is the way it was said and calling everyone a moron for not agreeing with him. It is not entertaining to me. I Like Ken and Tim but he does sometimes bring them down to his level. He just seems like a nasty SOB to me. He masks opinion’s as facts.
  15. It did snow that night. I bought a car and while driving home we had some wet snow. It certainly wasn’t a blizzard.
  16. https://www.outkick.com/cbs-jason-la-canfora-jonathan-jones/ LOL
  17. I ditto what Frobby said here. Thanks to Frobby and the posters here. Well most of them! These three games were disappointing but it was a great season.
  18. Another intelligent post by Webbrick.
  19. In my mature years I try not to get too upset about takes on talk shows or posts on a message board but La Canfora just was a pure horses rear end today on the radio. Saying Hyde should be fired for putting Bryan Baker in. It was much more than just that statement but his whole ranting with his know it all attitude about everything. His opinion is fact and if someone disagrees you are a moron. I am going back to listening to music in the afternoon.
  20. My license tag is BALT 0022. I outbid everyone for his number when the Oriole plates came out so you know how I feel about Jim Palmer. My second baseball game I attended was August 13,1969, Jim’s no hitter.
  21. From Roch today. The Orioles sent out a press release this morning with a statement and more information regarding the new stadium lease announced last night. “We had three goals in 2019 when we organized the Orioles management team,” said chairman and managing partner John Angelos. “We set out to remake the club to be a consistently competitive winner on the field, and to create a strong business and fiscal foundation to be able to do so at the highest level to sustain that competitiveness – and to completely reinvent and extend the Orioles’ partnership with the City of Baltimore and the State of Maryland for the next three decades to ensure that the O’s would be in Baltimore up to and through our 100th anniversary. We have been very fortunate that we have achieved all of these goals.” The release stated that the partnership with the state includes a 99-year ground lease for select areas around the ballpark north of Lee Street, including the B&O Warehouse and Camden Station, “giving way to more private investment opportunities and spurring economic development.” Also included in the deal is the “changing of hands for operations and maintenance responsibilities from the MSA to the Orioles organization.” “I could not be more thrilled to spend decades watching the Orioles win titles in Baltimore,” Gov. Wes Moore said in a statement. “This deal is not only a good use of state resources but will also drive economic growth in downtown and across the city. Today, we take a big step toward a more vibrant and thriving Baltimore – with good-paying jobs, a diversified economy, and opportunity for all. This deal is good for the city and the state, and I’m grateful for the partnership that got us to this day. The Baltimore renaissance is here." The governor’s office sent out its own release today clarifying that it’s a “memorandum of understanding” rather than an actual lease, which will be finalized after more details are worked out. But it will “keep the Orioles in Baltimore for at least 30 years,” along with modernizing facility operations and boosting private sector development to revitalize downtown Baltimore City “and create more opportunity for all.”
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