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Everything posted by accinfo

  1. Yes sir, Its a win, win for me!!
  2. O'Hearn has been a good story but I have to believe Cowser will be a better player for the rest of the season in the majors. Play Tony at first. Listening to Elias on the broadcast today he thinks he is ready. See if O'Hearn can get through waivers and go down to AAA in case of injuries.
  3. Elias just said Cowser is diserveing of a phone call and there is no doubt he will contribute to the team this year.
  4. I find this interesting that they are expanding their lineup. I thought Greg Olson and Brian Roberts did good jobs filling in for Palmer and McDonald when they were gone. It will be interesting to hear them on the air. https://www.thebaltimorebanner.com/sports/orioles-mlb/masn-broadcast-brad-brach-mike-devereaux-jason-la-canfora-ZTPZ52C7OVC5PCD3P4Z62RSVWI/
  5. You have another left handed starter so he is a lock to be in the lineup. It will be interesting to see if he starts against a right hander on Wednesday.
  6. The move would have been to pinch hit Henderson for McKenna and put Urias at first base. However in the 3rd inning I am ok with not doing it. Especially with a 4-1 lead.
  7. I don't think there is anyway they waited until now just to bring him up and not play him. I believe they look at him as a top prospect and expect him to stay up.
  8. Why would you DFA Mateo in any world? Can you argue he shouldn't play everyday, yes, but he has value as a defensive player and a pinch runner. If you DFA him he you are giving him to another organization 100%.
  9. We are 1-3, we beat KC in the uniforms. I was at the game.
  10. People can live with Dementia for a long time. It could be tomorrow or years from now.
  11. The Orioles won't be sold as long as Peter Angelos is still alive.
  12. I am getting frustrated with Mountcastle and Mateo as well but just because those guys are hitting well in the minor leagues doesn't mean they will do better than Mountcastle and Mateo in the major leagues. Look at Mountcastle's AAA production in 2019. Now I give you they all walk more than Mountcastle. Pretty much everyone walks more than Mountcastle. I think Cowser would be up if he didn't get hurt. I think if this continues much longer they will make some changes but you can't argue with the record so far.
  13. He has kept his job because he deserved to keep his job. He had only 1 winning season because he has managed a minor league roster most of his managerial career. You can't win without players. Now he has some good ones and he is winning at a very decent clip.
  14. He does seem like a good guy but he was painful to listen too. I will take Melanie any day.
  15. Are you seriously suggesting Santander is a DFA possibility? There is a good thing there isn't drug testing for posting on a message board.
  16. I would throw in Tyler Wells and Kyle Gibson as well.
  17. I suspect he goes down and starts but they limit his innings to shorter stints for 3 or 4 games. Try to pitch 2-3 good innings then go to 4, 5 and beyond. That way they limit his innings. Look at what happened to Bradish last year. His was a so called injury but he came back the second half and has been pretty consistent since.
  18. Nothing is clear at this point. Verlander had his up and downs his first couple of years. So did Randy Johnson. How about Kevin Gausman?
  19. He is leading off tonight against the Yankees. I don't know if Cedric is hurt but he is out of the lineup.
  20. I don't know what is in Mike Elias DNA or not, but his team is 31-16 so maybe it is success. You can complain about him holding players back because of future control if they are doing what they are doing in the minors and the major league is struggling and he refuses to promote them because of Super 2. You can't right now. He has a winning major league team and he gets to keep those players for longer to either trade them or sign them a little more in the future. That to me is having the best of both worlds. The current club is winning and the future further down the road is stronger. The Super 2 control stuff is collectively bargined. This is the system both sides agreed to. I don't blame the players for signing for the highest dollars they can and I don't blame management for getting the maximum value from each player.
  21. When the team is 31-16 some people need to find something to complain about. Cal Ripken was hitting less than 200 in early May in 1982 and won rookie of the year. Nick Markakis was also hitting below 200 in early May. Lets see how it plays out.
  22. Please someone update the title of this thread. It makes me cringe every time I see a new post.
  23. I think they wait until the calendar turns until they promote him to Bowie. It is going to be interesting to see what happens if he hits 350+ at AA for a couple of months. Nothing would surprise me with this kid.
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