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Everything posted by accinfo

  1. I think it makes sense to use an opener and bring in Akin in the the third inning. Lets face it NONE of these guys with the exception of John Means are pitching past 4 or 5 innings. See if a Tate can pitch two innings maybe get a lead and bring Akin in.
  2. There comes to a point where I wonder if some of these injuries are between his ears. He never seems to lose velocity. Whatever reason he isn't worth worrying about any longer. I was going to say before this happened if he put together any kind of stretch of good outings they should take what they could get this July trade deadline. It is probably too late for that now.
  3. Just bumping this thread because Cedric Mullins just flat out killing it.
  4. I think we forget he is still considered a rookie. Any of us if you told us his numbers would be what they are today at the end of June we would have all signed up for it. Right now pitching to him with what is hitting behind him is not very smart.
  5. I agree but he has gotten better. I'll take what he has done the last 6 weeks.
  6. Would you throw Ryan Mountcastle a strike unless the bases were loaded with the hitters hitting behind him?
  7. It is only one at bat but he took two strikes to go down 0-2. Then he took 2 balls that many times he would have chased for balls. Fouled two border line pitches, the second he just missed as a double down the right field line. Then he took a breaking ball he has chased many times before. Then he crushed a homerun on a 3-2 pitch. Just is body language looked different for me. Time will tell but I am hoping he has turned a corner in his very young career.
  8. This is tough to watch and if I believed ownership didn't have the resources to compete it would be even tougher. I don't think that is the case at all. I think this is a more an issue with the system that exists with baseball. Teams are not rewarded for spending a medium level of money. When Peter Angelos ran the Orioles they spent plenty of money and it hasn't bought them anything as far as long term success. They need to build their talent base and right now winning 70-80 games doesn't help get the top talent they need. They are investing in the Dominican baseball academy which will also help bring talent from that regent that was woefully neglected for too many years. I can't blame anyone for not watching. I turned it off tonight and I rarely do. As far as investing in a team that isn't trying to compete in the long term if I believed that I couldn't invest as well. I believe they feel this is the best way to compete for the long term. Only time will tell if they are right or not. Look at the record of the Houston Astros from 2011-2014 and look at them now.
  9. Understand this season being unique and they have to cover these innings after a 60 game season this year with as many arms as they can. Sceroler was able to cover some of those innings. I think that is why he lasted as long as he did.
  10. Both of these guys look like they are laboring running to first and Santander was slow going to that fly ball on Saturday. Hyde acknowledged this in the post game news conference as well. I appreciate both of them gutting it out but if they are hurt they should heal and come back 100% healthy. I am sure they are aware of people labeling them as injury prone but I don't think it does anyone any good for them to play injured. I think Hayes re-tweaked his hamstring when he made that leaping catch his second game back from the IL. If Diaz is healthy bring him up with McKenna. Platoon McKenna with DJ Stewart until the All Star break and maybe Hayes and Santander can be ready to play by then. The jury is in for me with Stewart but if these guys are hurt he can fill a role for the rest of the first half of this season.
  11. This also limits his total innings for the year to probably what they would have maxed him out at anyway. Providing he is healthy he should be able to finish the season without skipping a start. He was only going to throw so many innings this year.
  12. You are right it could be a great signing or a big mistake. That is what the GM gets paid to evaluate and trust what he is watching is real or not. If Cedric had two seasons like this the contract price for 5 years probably goes up 50 to 75%. The way he is hitting left handed pitching to me makes this more real than not. He was never a bad hitter against right handed pitching but it didn't look like he could be an everyday player because of his right handed hitting. It will be interesting to see if this causes other switch hitters to give it up.
  13. Probably not going to happen but if you could sign him for $60 million for 5 years it could turn out to be the bargain of the century.
  14. Don't take gambling advise from me! LOL. Wells really looked good. They may have really got something with that rule 5 pick. Hunter Harvey looked tonight for the first time like I had hoped he would.
  15. Wow just Wow! It has been many tough nights for us Oriole fans but the Cedric Mullins story has been fun.
  16. Bet the over. In all seriousness this is one of those games it is hard to watch during the rebuild. You know Eshelman is a live body to get through 1 of 162 and that is all. They will probably win with all that said.
  17. Eduardo Rodriquez had the same issue and came back so I think talking about him retiring is premature. Lets just hope the kid gets his health together despite his baseball career.
  18. DJ seems like a good guy but he isn't a good ball player. Tonight if McKenna was in left field I think they win the game because he doesn't make that horrible throw. Akin would have a much better pitching line.
  19. Yes I agree with this. They may be bleeding all the "cash" they used to rake in but they are not losing money.
  20. I don't expect the General Manager or Manager to dress either down in public. I don't think that is ever a good idea. The manager has to play the players on his team. The GM needs to send the right message.
  21. These two need to go. This team is bad and we all know that but these guys defensively are both too bad to put up with any longer. They can't hit either. Stewart has a decent judgement of the strike zone but that is it. Severino just isn't good at offense or defense. I would rather have McKenna up here as a fourth outfielder. He isn't going to hit either but I would rather lose with a guy who can catch the ball. The same at the catcher position. They need to send a message that they aren't going to put up with this any longer. They make so so pitching worse. I am still buying into the rebuild but they just can't keep throwing these guys out there. I don't think it is about effort just skills. It makes the Manager look bad and the General Manger needs to do something about it. The win/loss record is not going to be pretty either way.
  22. Eduardo Rodriquez had the same issue and came back so I think talking about him retiring is premature. Lets just hope the kid gets his health together despite his baseball career.
  23. I just secured two tickets 5 rows behind home plate on Tuesday to watch Grayson pitch. I am excited!!
  24. I went to the game Sunday and the usher told me at the gate that at your seat you didn't have to wear the mask but if you got up and walked to the concession stand or wherever you would still need to wear one. However I would say half the people were not and they weren't enforcing it.
  25. Yes I had him on my Rotis team in 2019 and I had to keep checking if I was listed with the other "Chris Davis" He basically dropped off at the same rate as The Orioles Davis. His contract ran through 2021. They waited to the bitter end just like the Orioles will. Again as it has been pointed out with Covid this year still around and a possible lockout/strike for next year the Orioles won't let him go until they know whether or not they can save some money on this contract. Texas knows now that this season will be played and they have to pay him the rest of Khris Davis's contract through this year. I really don't blame the Orioles at this point. He isn't taking up a spot on the roster or blocking anyone. If labor matters are resolved by spring training they may give Davis at bats but I even doubt that.
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