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Everything posted by accinfo

  1. When and if they get to start the season I suspect they will have expanded rosters for a couple weeks.
  2. I like Brett Hollander. Is he still going to work on WBAL radio and doing both? Update I just did my own research and see he left WBAL for this position. I think much thought has gone into these changes the new Oriole regime has put in. I like the people they have hired and agree with the ones they have replaced. To me they have taken a deep dive into what the fans opinion and viewpoint on these issues. No it won't make a bit of difference on the win/loss total but they are trying to make the total experience better. It is appreciated by me.
  3. I will bet Hunter was under a multi year contract and they had to pay him anyway. I am glad he isn't doing play by play anymore. I will bet he will not be on the broadcasts at all next season.
  4. I can't agree with this any more. Hunter has always annoyed me on TV or radio. Bordick seems like a nice guy but he just doesn't add anything entertaining. He goes out of his way to not offend anyone. He did a segment on 105.7 yesterday and said Chris Davis "looks like the crusher again". Whatever that means.
  5. I am surprised no one has commented on gaining 25 pounds in about 4 months. It is almost impossible to gain that much muscle without help. Especially for someone who has worked out their entire life.
  6. The one thing this cap has done is brought is universal consensus here at the Hangout for maybe the first time. Everyone hates this cap!!
  7. Congrats Luke!! This decision gives me even more confidence in the direction the Orioles new management is going!
  8. I get that and agree just spending money isn't a solution. However, is there any question the 2020 Orioles would be a better team with Villar and Bundy on it? Now maybe we got something for Bundy, maybe, but if there was a floor there is little doubt they still be on the team. It has worked in the NFL. No one is going broke and teams don't in general go decades without being competitive. Of course the Redskins can't overcome horrible ownership.
  9. Thanks for that information. To me that makes the argument that an NFL type situation in baseball may benefit both sides and more importantly competitive balance for all the franchises.
  10. I ask this just out of curiosity. I know that Harper, Machado, now Cole have gotten three huge contracts the last couple of years but it seems this big money is going to a much smaller pool. Maybe overall it is still increasing but it appears that that a small pool of 30 or so players are going to end up with the majority of the pool of money out there. The only way to stop that is putting in a salary floor for each team so they are compelled to spend a certain amount of money. The players have long fault a cap but they may have to thinking about conceding on this issue if the owners agree to spend a certain minimum. Teams like the Orioles have no reason to pay anyone while they are "rebuilding" That is bad for competitive balance and for the overall pool of players. Attendance seems to matter much less to each team because most the revenue is derived from TV rights etc. There has to be a middle ground here.
  11. Thanks Frobby for this. Very interesting. I would be shocked if the Sun doesn't pick up on this information.
  12. Tony: Let me add that I would be willing to contribute more to keep the site going. I know it is not completely a financial decision but if it will help I am willing to contribute. I also there could be a creative way to keep it going in some form or another.
  13. Anyone who has any thoughts that Chris Davis or most anyone is going to walk away from his contract is deluding themselves. I think it is time to release him but I don't blame him for not retiring. The money is 100% guaranteed. He like most of us is going to collect it.
  14. And as far as releasing Chris Davis goes as much as we all are ready for this to happen he isn't taking at bats away from anyone who deserves them this year. If next year Ryan Mountcastle and/or Diaz are ready and he is still taking a roster spot then I think the outrage is more justified. Chris Davis didn't help or hurt their win/loss record or development of real major league prospects. I am sure the Chris Davis situtation was discussed when Elias took the job,
  15. I was wondering this as well. I wouldn't be surprised if they reconsider sending him there after this finish to the season.
  16. I agree here 100%. Once he got past August 1 it was obvious they weren't going to release him this year. They are going to give it another off season. Then I think they give him until around the time May 1st when someone like Mountcastle would be called up after his service time issues are gone. What will be interesting to watch is how much different Chris Davis's off-season's approach is. I guess he could change nothing and report to spring training and still collect his money. What is the player's obligation to work in the off season? Stay in shape, etc?
  17. I was wondering if now that a 3rd catcher is up would Sisco get a start at 3rd base or any other position during September.
  18. It is apparent that Brady's role has been greatly reduced. If the Angelos sons have some kind of loyalty to him I don't have a real problem with that. Unlike before it is very CLEAR that Mike Elias is in charge of the baseball operations of this team. The manager, general manager, and Brady Anderson seemed to have their own direct line to ownership and not on the same page. I don't think that exists any longer.
  19. Buck's son was also let go as well. https://www.masnsports.com/school-of-roch/2019/08/orioles-replacing-more-holdovers-from-previous-front-office.html
  20. I can't agree more with the way Frobby sees this. MLB now to me has no reason to give in at this point. With the eventual change of ownership of the Orioles coming sooner than later they have all the leverage over who they allow the team to be sold to. There is no way they will decide who buys the team until this MASN matter is put to bed for good.
  21. I agree with both sentiments here that he would be a good trade chip if his numbers stay up and he is a player that I wouldn't mind keeping and extending for the next 5 years. The bottom line is if you can get the right deal you have to make it for anyone. I trust these guys that if a contender had a need for him they would try to extract maximum compensation for a potential All-Star player. That to me would be pluck at least 2 top prospects from a contender's organization. If not then you have a pretty good player who seems to be a great person.
  22. I am not going to go out of my way to defend DC but they had bad ownership in Bob Short when they moved out the last time. Like we in Baltimore did with Irsay.
  23. I heard that today. He said that he heard through a good source that they offered 3 billion to buy and move the Orioles to Las Vegas. He seemed to indicate that it was something MLB supported. I am not sure if that has to do with their disdain for the Angelo's family because of this on going dispute and they want to get ownership away from anyone in the Angelo's family. I have a hard time believing they would favor moving the Orioles over Tampa Bay are Oakland who don't have newer stadium's. Are those markets more valuable to MLB then Baltimore? If they really feel fans here can be lumped into the Washington market they are wrong. Sure as baseball would become a memory here in Baltimore younger fans in the area will gravitate to the Nationals if they are the only thing on TV but to me they will always be separate markets. I am not going to over react to this but as much as I love baseball this would finish me as a baseball fan.
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