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Everything posted by LookinUp

  1. This is an incredible fall for 1 year. On one hand it seems like a great chance to buy “low.” On the other, can his issues really be attributed to the injury? Either way, Elias seems to have drafted more than our draft pool will allow, so he’s got to be doing his best to negotiate deals and sell these guys on our development programs. If I’m this guy, that’s intriguing, but I’m not sure a good org is enough to get him off of a multi-million $ bonus dream.
  2. One podcast said this kid is a high upside kid that the O's will be promoting as a guy they like in the coming weeks.
  3. The Rangers tied $9 million into a pitcher with past elbow issues and coming off shoulder surgery and a high school pitcher. That's a lot of cash tied to risk. I don't know enough about the rest of their draft, but it's putting a lot of eggs in 2 baskets.
  4. Chances are they knew Porter's number pre-draft and proceeded as if they would be able to get both Porter and Kumar if Porter fell past a certain spot. Porter, for his part, likely knew the Rangers plans and agreed to put out a number of something like $4m or more (agreed to $3.8 with Rangers). If he got that higher number, great. And Porter probably exchanged numbers with most teams and was told they wouldn't go that high, giving him and the Rangers some certainty that nobody else would beat their offer. The rest of the teams didn't just ignore Porter. His number was just too high for them.
  5. Alternative headline: Vegas likely to make a lot of money off the Orioles this year.
  6. I think he's trying to find a bunch of Tyler Wells and Dean Kremers, both of whom were picked in the teen rounds.
  7. Heard he might have a high number because he wants to play in college with his brother next year. No idea if that's accurate, posturing or what.
  8. I'd wager that's a long shot. Seems like Young and Walters could be tough to sign, but at the same time the O's seemingly have a good/great development system and can likely make a strong case to those guys.
  9. Yeah, and I like several of the arms we just drafted too, though they won't be top rated guys (at least right away).
  10. Odor's fun, but I'm ripping that band aid off real fast. If you want to make him a bench bat, fine, but I don't think he really fits on a 26 man roster.
  11. I expect both to be very good, but like having the SS over the CF.
  12. I honestly don't think he needs more time. If I had my druthers, I'd have an infield with Henderson, Westburg, Urias and Mountcastle. Vavra would play 2B, OF and maybe DH some.
  13. Hard to argue. I'm ready for Hall in the majors for sure. Could add Westburg up for Nevin or Odor. Will need to wait a little longer for Stowers, I'd guess. Same for Henderson, though I know people are saying he and Westburg are tied together.
  14. LookinUp

    Coby Mayo 2022

    Yeah, they may not "presume," but they do project.
  15. I think he'll have to perform at some higher levels before he gets top 100 consideration. If he's that good, I'd say it would happen next year rather than this year.
  16. I really like this draft because it looks like they got at least 5 interesting arms, and I generally trust this org with bats. Plus I love the Holliday pick. I assume he'll stick at SS and think his hit tool is probably better than Jones'. Zack Showalter is probably my favorite pick relative to what I expected at the time. If not him, it's Walters just because who would think you can get an arm like that in the 18th round? We'll see who they can and cannot sign. Is there a pick I don't like? Maybe Crampton just because the bat is a long shot. Even here, there's value in having good defenders at all levels, even if they're not necessarily going to the majors. But with all of this said, they have a method to their madness, got some arms that will help our system and still added some really nice upside bats with the first 3 picks in particular. (first 4 picks if you buy into the idea that UF isn't doing their hitters any favors)
  17. I have to run, but it looks like the O's nabbed a few really interesting guys in the last 10 rounds. Not sure who will sign or who will not, but if they get most of these guys signed this draft ends up looking very interesting, in a good way, to me.
  18. Decent Stats... https://www.baseball-reference.com/register/player.fcgi?id=retzba000ada
  19. Played for the Savannah Bananas one summer. That's awesome. High K rate. High walk rate. Not a ton of velo yet.
  20. Senior from Indiana. 6'6" is tall. That's their type. Probably hope he has something to work with re: velo, spin rate and what not. Results aren't so good, but that hasn't really stopped the O's in the past.
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