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Everything posted by LookinUp

  1. If a team is selling "low" on Snell, the market will respond and the price will not be as low anymore. It takes more than Santander.
  2. You may be the only person on this board rooting for Brooks Lee to be the pick.
  3. It certainly isn't ideal to have a core all hit FA at the same time, but they'll all hit within a year of each other anyway, so I'm not sure what else you do, particularly when it's time to bring these guys up anyway.
  4. It'll be really interesting to see if he can hit at Aberdeen. It doesn't seem like a place where hitters are thriving. It'll be a good challenge.
  5. The only guy I’d sell for not above market is Santander and that’s because his replacement may be better. Otherwise, you don’t have to deal. Not even Mancini, though I’d be fine with trading him or Santander depending on who brings the most back. Get Westburg, Stowers, Henderson, Hall and Vavra up around 8-1 and let them play. Hopefully Rodriguez is ready on 9-1. Figure out a SP acquisition in the off-season.
  6. They also happen to be very valuable positions. You want guys who can play there. Not sure if Holliday will stick at SS. Seems clear Jones will stick in CF.
  7. If they draft Jones, it would give cover to trade Mullins. Just saying. Mancini and Santander seem like they'd net some A ball pitching. It would be nice to package as many of our guys together for a single high level prospect as opposed to many A ball pitchers, but I expect the latter. I don't see teams giving up top 30 arms for a combination of Santander, Mancini, Tate and Lopez. Maybe I'm wrong.
  8. I think it's RZNJ who pointed out that this is how Houston has done it too. Basically load up on young, cheap, arms and some will develop. I like the strategy because it minimizes the financial risk associated with pitching, but it leaves some holes when you're starting from scratch for sure.
  9. Re: take BPA versus targeting pitching. 1. I think they might take the pitcher if Sig's computer rankings are close. 2. I think Sig's computer rankings ascribe a lot of risk to pitchers. 3. I think we'll still pass on pitchers that people on this board, and even other teams, think are BPA or close to it but that our own models don't.
  10. Is it? Genuinely asking for any swing experts out there. I see a kid with an extra hitch in his load, which you can see by his raising of the back elbow. Makes me think he crushes BP and lower level pitching but maybe can't catch up to high velo. That's my view of things, but an actual hitting instructor might not think it's a problem at all.
  11. No. I'm not saying anything is racist or that anyone is doing anything wrong, and I'm not trying to imply you did either. I just think the latin part is wrong. I'm guessing, having not done the work myself, that there are white people throwing similar numbers of innings in this org, and that it's more about their relative health than anything else.
  12. I doubt it's because they're "Latin."
  13. I love the hard contact, but agree that lifting the ball is critical. I'm more concerned with seeing that happen then with where that happens, though Delmarva certainly doesn't seem like a challenge.
  14. Man I hope this is a case of them being extra cautious instead of something significant. He seems to have the raw tools to develop into something really really good if he can be healthy.
  15. Nope. We were talking about two different things. You don't realize that yet and probably won't take my word for it, but we were.
  16. Yeah, so if they sent him down for about 1/3 of the season, he'd lose about $200k.
  17. The other issue with sending him down is just the lost salary. Does he keep his major league salary since he's on the 40 man roster? I don't know that answer. If not, with a $700,000 salary, he'd stand to lose something like $200,000+. But I don't know the rules.
  18. Surely it can be spent in more ways than one. They'll go over slot once or twice. That much money might be the difference between who they can and cannot target in doing so.
  19. This would rub me, and certainly Wells, the wrong way big time. I'd rather they move him to closer than send him down. He has been awesome and in no way deserves to be in the minors. They do have to manage innings though. I think that's clear. I just think they have to figure out how to do that in the majors. Part of the goal, I think, is to have him pitching for the full season without over doing it on innings. That's tough at the ML level, but I think that's where it happens.
  20. Correlation or causation? I have no clue.
  21. A little? I'm pretty convinced that this development team is nearly maximizing the ability to miss bats. I'm still more interested in the profile. But, to your point, this development team seems to give a wider range of profiles a believable pathway to success at higher levels.
  22. For me, and just for now, he's taken a step backwards this year. Now, I could definitely be wrong. This could be SSS performance, caused by some basic ailment or developmental step he's focused on, and that disappears soon. I'm not saying that's impossible. But going into this year, he was fringy as a prospect in my eyes basically because of his velo. I think Tony's write-ups on him were bullish, and totally respect that given his history with Zach Davies. I just think it's very hard to make that leap into something like a John Means without your profile really maximizing its potential, and he hasn't done that yet this year.
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