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Posts posted by EddeeEddee

  1. On 4/7/2024 at 2:14 PM, RZNJ said:

    More like they believe Hays and Mullins are better than what they did in the 2nd half and how they look right now.   They have long track records that say they are.  Time will tell.  

    I think especially Mullins since he struggled with injury last season and has been integral to the team for awhile.  Hays is probably on a shorter leash as his bat has been the coldest on the team so far and was pretty cold in Spring Training too.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Yeah the O's are scuffling a bit on offense, but it's less than two weeks into the season and it's cold out. 

    Still, the one change that should happen now is for Holliday to be promoted over Kemp.  No controversy there.  

    Hays is the really frustrating one.  He was one of the red hot ones early last season while Mounty was the one so hot and cold.  Hays has got to show something soon or he won't even be a platoon player much longer.

    • Upvote 1
  3. 12 hours ago, OnlyOneOriole said:

    I've talked about it in other threads.   When you have players like Hays, Mateo, Kemp, and Urias playing 90% of the time?  (and I don't mean all 4 at once but at least 2 and sometimes 3 at once)


    You are going to struggle.  None of them are good or even average professional hitters imo.  Hays can get hot for 2 weeks but then he is cold for 2 months.


    Add in guys like Mullins, who let's face it has not been good for 2 years now, and guys like O'Hearn?  Who had a career year last year?  Lets face it that is not murderers row. 

    Or even close to it. 

    We all tend to over rate 'our guys'.  But when 4-5 of our guys in any given starting lineup suck?   Then our overall line up sucks.  No matter how good the other 4-5 guys are. 

    I said this last year in the 'we will not win the WS' thread and got crucified for it, but the O's talent level is not great with their current starters....which are basically the same as last year.  When push comes to shove I would rather live and die with guys like Heston, Holliday, Mayo and Stowers than the 4 guys I mentioned above. 

    None of that addresses the question.  O'Hearn, Mateo and McCann have better BA and OPS numbers than Gunnar, Santander and Westburg so far this year.  But it's silly to draw conclusions from any of that less than two weeks into the season. 


  4. 13 minutes ago, Fiver6565 said:

    For all of you questioning Bauman being in there, have you forgotten how many times he pitched top 10th and other extra innings last year?  It’s how he vultured all those wins. Perfectly reasonable call, it just didn’t work out. 

    Yeah that's a good point.  He won 2 and lost 1 last year when coming in the the 10th inning last year.  All those other wins he got he came in earlier in the game.  So sort of impressive but a good deal of luck too knowing the kind of pitcher he is.

  5. Cowser - Is he an everyday player or a platoon player?  I think he is a platoon hitter, not starting against lefties and maybe certain righties, for the time being.  That could change later this year or next but it remains to be seen.  I suspect the Orioles see him as a corner outfielder but who will get some time in center as needed.  

    Westburg - Good chance he'll become the everyday 3B for awhile but for how long?  

    Mayo - Can his glove play in the infield or is he better off in the outfield?  Or is he mainly a DH?

    Kjerstad/Stowers/Norby - Will there be room for any of these guys on the O's this season?  We know they all can hit, but do they have the glove to stick on a team that emphasizes defense and already has some good bats where these guys would play?  

    It feels like 2 of these 6 guys need to be traded -- unless veterans are traded/cut instead.

    Who among these guys would, say, the Marlins insist on for Luzardo?  Would they take Norby and/or Stowers or would they insist on at least one of Cowser/Mayo/Kjerstad plus one of McDermott/Povich/Johnson plus ____ (fill in the blank).  



  6. 1 hour ago, spleen1015 said:

    Hyde doesn't like Adley rushing to get catcher gear off when batting leadoff at least at home.

    Hmm, makes sense.  Well then maybe they can try it on the road or when he's DHing.

  7. On 4/4/2024 at 8:17 AM, EdwinRip said:

    Holliday is the easy answer and it’s not even close, barring injury.  Kemp can easily be released to make room for him.  I ask again….without injury, who is leaving this team anytime soon?  I just don’t see them releasing Urias, O’hearn, Mateo, and especially not Hays.  They also have very little trade value. If Holliday comes up for Kemp, then you have Cowser, Mateo, McCann, Urias as your bench.  I could see other moves as we get into May, but can’t see anyone but Holliday before then.

    Agreed, Holliday should absolutely be the next guy up.  Regarding Hays, he may have already become a platoon player in favor of Cowser against right-handers.

    I agree they won't release Urias, unless Mayo shows he can handle 3B.  They'll try to trade Urias eventually, unless they end up trading Westburg as part of a package for a top pitcher.  A trade of Mayo for a top player seems very unlikely but perhaps possible if he shows no improvement in his defense.

    I don't see how Kjerstad or Stowers gets promoted as long as Santander and/or O'Hearn are on the team. 

    Norby is the wildcard that could replace any of Hays/Urias/Mateo -- except he's perceived a strong bat, not quite as strong glove kind of player.  Seems like he'll either get traded or eventually replace one of those three. 


  8. 27 minutes ago, Os Fever said:

    I agree with Mayo. If you're going to bring up one of the kids, you need a starting job for him. I think Westburg will eventually transition to being a great utility infielder when Holiday ascends. And Urius is a slick fielding backup who will be very valuable in that backup role. But he might not be a big enough bat to be the starting 3rd baseman on a WS winner. Anyone disagree?  So add Mayo's bat at 3rd base and, if he keeps hitting, we roll! 

    In Mayo we trust! And free Stowers and Norby. They could be everyday players on 10 teams and adding wins for them. SET THEM FREE! And bring us a stud SP in high A or AA.

    Mayo has been terrible with the glove at 3rd.  That's what's holding him up.  

  9. 10 minutes ago, Yossarian said:

    McCutcheon seems like a very good dude, by all reports I've heard.   

    And for 2 or 3 years it seemed like he was the best hitter in the league

  10. I think the O's should try Adley at leadoff and Gunnar batting behind him or in the 3 spot.  Don't know if anyone else has brought this up yet.

    I know Gunnar has more speed, but since last season Adley has been the top OBP guy on the team, of the starters anyway.  He just gets on base, while Gunnar appears to have the bigger bat.

  11. 3 hours ago, LarryBigbie said:

    This is a great thread/topic that I've been stewing on for a while and actually want to respond to as more of a casual reader on here. 

    To me, the guys who eventually become trade bait in Norfolk are both Norby and Stowers. I'm apprehensive on Norby because going back to ECU he has always raked, but to the point above, he's blocked - right? What is his ceiling and or comp? Is Chris Taylor a stretch? That's the kind of guy you want around for both the clubhouse and a stretch run. He's a winner who can play multiple positions and will ultimately always hit (we think). How much do we lose with him in LF compared to the likes of a Hays?

    Have we seen enough from Stowers at the Major League level? I would venture to say no. Will he ever have a higher trade value? I'd also venture to say no.

    In my opinion, the untouchables beyond the obvious of Holliday are Kjerstad, Mayo, Basallo, and all three of the arms (McDermott, Povich, Johnson). But that leads us to the problem of - where do they actually play when the time comes?

    Mountcastle's defense has always been solid and beyond underappreciated. His plate discipline this year (small sample) is better than ever. His value in the clubhouse goes beyond words. He looks like a guy playing on fire and playing for an extension. How can we replace him with Mayo at 1B or Basallo next year when he's hopefully ready. 

    If we don't extend Tony, then Kjerstad is the plug and play in RF. His natural power I think is equal to or possibly even greater than Tony's, although you lose the opportunity to slot a right handed hitting outfield in the lineup with him - something we don't have much of beyond Hays and possible Norby. I don't think we can overlook the importance of that. 

    It's to the point for me where it's almost comical at times that we want to promote, promote, promote - but in exchange for who? Where do they play? Trust me, I want to see all these guys ASAP - but what does it do to our defense? An outfield of Norby-Cowser-Kjerstad is possible, but do we then realize just how solid Hays and Mullins really are? Then you enter Bradfield into the equation in two years and now what?

    Where I pause it that this is a great problem to have, but don't think for a second that other GM's don't also realize where things stand for us. Mateo, Urias, Hays, Mullins - sure we can move on, but for what? I truly don't know what direction we go, but I trust Mike Elias and his track record. Sorry for the long ramble but we are certainly blessed for the first time in a long time, and I, like everyone else want to see the same thing - the moves required to bring a World Series back home! 

    I think the only untouchables are Holliday and Basallo.  I don't think Kjerstad is untouchable and I'm pretty certain McDermott, Povich and Johnson are not.  I question if Mayo is untouchable too because of his weak defense so far. But I think the only way the O's trade Mayo is for a bonafide hitting star such as, say, Luis Arraez or even better, Luis Robert.  Still, it's hard to see Mayo getting traded.

    Assuming the O's would be trading for a starter they could also trade Irvin or maybe Kremer.  Wells could maybe get traded considering his durability issues, but it's hard to see that happening.  

    Luzardo would be a great trade target.  The O's have the pieces to trade for him -- maybe Arraez too since he can play third base.  I hope they make it happen.

  12. If the team wanted to save money it would fire the veterans and go with the prospects.  Young guys make less money.  And the young hyped up star prospects would presumably bring more fans to the game.

    One reason the team has not traded or cut Santander, Mountcastle, Hays, Mullins, Urias and Mateo is because the team won 101 games last year with those guys. 

    The other reason is because they don't think some of the top prospects are ready defensively -- especially Mayo and Norby and to some degree Holliday too.


  13. 2 hours ago, spleen1015 said:

    I'm trying not to SSS but it's tough.

    I wouldn't mind Norby getting promoted to play 2B and move Westburg to 3B. I don't care what happens with Urias.

    Why promote Norby to play 2B when they should just promote Holliday?  Norby feels destined to be in the OF or be traded.

  14. 8 hours ago, deward said:

    Cowser won't contend for any gold gloves in CF, but a team could definitely live with him out there every day. 

    I doubt Hyde starts Cowser against any lefties anytime soon.

  15. 3 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:

    The other options were Broken Face or Tony's Theme.

    If my name was Tony....

    I love Black Francis, I mean Frank Black, I mean Charles Michael Kittridge Thompson IV, but come on, Kim is the bomb.

    The Pixies still rock.  I saw them a few years before Covid hit.

  16. Mateo has hit the ball well to begin the season and in spring training.  What's not so good is that he's not handling positions well outside his normal SS position.

  17. Mountcastle, Irvin, Kremer and maybe Mullins are trade bait.  So are any of the young guys.  Maybe Urias is a little bit because he can play 4 infield positions. 

    But I can't see the Orioles trading Mountcastle or Mullins and probably none of the pitchers either.

    I don't think any of Hays, Mateo or O'Hearn are trade bait -- at least not at the moment.  Urias might not be either.  None of these guys will bring very much back in a trade until or unless they start producing -- and even if they do it's suspect.  Hays and O'Hearn in particular, if they don't show more in the next several weeks I'm guessing we see Kjerstad and possibly Norby up from the farm.  If so I'm guessing O'Hearn is cut or traded and Hays goes to the bench or is traded.  But who would trade for either player unless they are hitting?  

    The problem with Mayo is he hasn't shown yet he can handle third.  Do they want him in the OF?  Maybe part time.  I'm guessing Norby is perceived as a weaker defender than all the current starting position players.  Otherwise he would have been promoted already.  That doesn't mean he won't get promoted -- maybe he will sooner than we think.  But Hays' good defense and hitting potential will protect him for awhile, though he better start hitting pretty soon.

    Jackson Holliday will replace Tony Kemp and not soon enough.  Not much more to say there.

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