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Posts posted by EddeeEddee

  1. 8 minutes ago, Jagwar said:

    I know it's only the 2nd game, but I'm wondering if the offseason goof was not getting one more solid bullpen arm. 

    That was a fairly obvious need after the Bradish and Means news forced Wells and Irvin into the rotation.  Maybe even before that.  Elias is surely looking for the right matchup in a trade, but I can't imagine any team eager to trade good relievers when it isn't even April yet.  

  2. 2 minutes ago, Moshagge3 said:

    On June 11, 2023 vs. Kansas City, Gunnar Henderson was a triple shy of the cycle.

    On August 20, 2023 at Oakland, Gunnar Henderson was a single shy of the cycle.

    On September 8, 2023 at Boston, Gunnar Henderson was a home run shy of the cycle.

    Today, March 30, 2024 vs. LA, Gunnar Henderson is a double shy of the cycle.


    I need to know if anyone else in baseball history has completed the "shy of the cycle" cycle in a calendar year. Who do I email? 

    Brilliant!  Email Bob Costas or George Will.

  3. 1 minute ago, NashLumber said:

    Wasn't born in MD, though. Manhattan was his birthplace. I was listing in my OP people born in Balt. 

    I see, but several greats who grew up in Baltimore were not born there -- like Carmelo Anthony, Cab Calloway and Billie Holiday.  Got curious about some of this stuff, especially over the pandemic.

    • Upvote 1
  4. 14 minutes ago, NashLumber said:

    I love that Baltimore is hometown to such colorful people over the years. 

    John Waters

    Frank Zappa

    Bob In Parkville

    Cab Calloway

    Billie Holiday (no relation to Jackson)

    Mama Cass


    • Upvote 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, NashLumber said:

    Boston native, though. But Baltimore whiskey contributed to his death (among other theories). 

    Poe mostly grew up in Virginia with several years in the UK I believe.

  6. 2 hours ago, Frobby said:

    This has never really made sense to me.  The sales value of company normally is related directly to how much annual profit it throws off.   Otherwise, the whole thing is just a speculative bubble.  

    It depends.  Look at the insane valuations of startups that may never make a profit.  Then there are the depressed stock prices for companies that are profitable but are considered low growth or mature -- in other words companies that have been around for a long time and are unlikely to grow much or at all.  Speculative future performance is part of the valuation for companies in major industries.  But sport franchises, at least these days, are playthings for the very wealthy -- not really run like real businesses.  This is probably partly why owners are always looking for welfare in the form of government funding to build stadiums.

  7. 2 hours ago, OriolesMagic83 said:

    I'm guessing that Elias wasn't willing to give up one of Cowser/Kjerstad/Westburg.  If he was, CWS were just stupid.

    I don't know.  I mean he has to trade somebody soon.  There are too many position players and not enough pitching.  Dylan Cease was clearly the top arm to be had by trade, at least of the pitchers known to be available.  Now who do the O's trade and for whom?  I hope we don't have to wait all the way until the trade deadline to find out.

  8. 2 hours ago, OriolesMagic83 said:

    I'm guessing that Elias wasn't willing to give up one of Cowser/Kjerstad/Westburg.  If he was, CWS were just stupid.

    I don't know.  I mean he has to trade somebody soon.  There are too many position players and not enough pitching.  Dylan Cease was clearly the top arm to be had by trade, at least of the pitchers known to be available.  Now who do the O's trade and for whom?  I hope we don't have to wait all the way until the trade deadline to find out.

  9. 9 minutes ago, sportsfan8703 said:

    I can’t believe this started with them asking for Holliday last trade deadline then to come down to Basallo/Mayo+. They seemingly just got. McDermott, Povich, Beavers, and Webb. Slightly better than McDermott, and Povich, but we couldn’t best what we didn’t have.

    Overall, a laugh-laugh trade for us. The CWS didn’t get their haul, even with a perfect storm of ST, and the Yankees got outbid. 

    I guess we could have gotten Cease for Hall, Ortiz and Kjerstad/Cowser (but not Hall, Ortiz and Norby/Stowers) plus spare parts -- or something along those lines -- but that Elias wasn't willing to go there.

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  10. 4 minutes ago, Too Tall said:

    Two brilliant GM's dealing with each other. Marriage made in heaven!😄 I'm just glad Cease will cease to be an item on this board. Or will he? 

    If the Padres are out of it at the deadline you can be sure that Cease's name won't cease to arise again.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Malike said:

    They thought they were getting Cowser/Kjerstad and Mayo+. Lol, Clownshoes over there.

    They did get 3 of San Diego's Top 10 prospects, Thorpe being a Top 100 prospect.  But they didn't get either of SD's top 2 pitching prospects: Snelling and Lesko.

  12. 3 minutes ago, ChosenOne21 said:

    Thorpe is like 85th ranked-ish. Iriarte was back of their top-10 or so. Wilson's stat line looks a lot like Jacob Webb's.

    I think the Orioles equivalent is something like Ortiz, Povich, Webb, Thomas Sosa

    I guess they really wanted pitching we didn't have, because that return isn't that amazing.

    We have some pitching, but I'm guessing Elias wasn't willing to trade 2 or 3 of Povich/McDermott/Johnson -- and/or Kremer/Wells -- that sort of thing.

  13. 3 hours ago, StottyByNature said:

    Players don't tank, organizations tank.  That the record didn't drop has nothing to do with the fact that the organization traded off good players for players that would help in the future.  When teams "sell" they are folding in the season for better future odds, aka tanking.

    The Lopez trade was definitely tanking as was holding off on starting Adley's service time.  They were trying to cluster their prospects for a window of competitiveness even though he was clearly ready earlier.


    I disagree that selling per se is the same as tanking.  If they had not sold those players by that point in the season -- and even tried to buy some players -- how many more games could they have won?  Enough to be competitive for a playoff spot?  No.  Tanking is a bigger strategy that is not determined at the mid-point of a season where a team began the season trying to compete.  Selling in that instance becomes a shift in strategy -- not part of an overall tanking strategy.  And I think that midpoint selling for a team that is in the middle of rebuild mode is also not tanking.  It's just trying to accelerate the process of the team trying to get better.

  14. Platooning was part of the O's success under Earl Weaver back in the day.  He was one of its pioneers.  Of course you don't do it with most players -- but it certainly made sense with John Lowenstein and Gary Roenicke.  

  15. 6 minutes ago, EdwinRip said:

    How do our outfield prospects prove their worth if Hays, Santander, and Mullins are playing most every day?

    They won't play every day.

  16. 9 minutes ago, dystopia said:

    I agree I was just speaking to our depth.

    I figured.  And I can't see them trading Hays because he's right handed and Cowser, Kjerstad and Stowers are all lefties.  Unless Hyde is open to the idea of Mayo in the outfield, though I kinda doubt it.  The O's simply have too many left handed outfielders.  In the infield two of Mateo, Urias, Norby and Westburg need to get moved pretty soon.  Nobody seems to be serious about Mateo in the outfield at this point.

  17. 14 minutes ago, dystopia said:

    Honestly we could lose Hays, Santander, and Mullins and replace them with Cowser, Santander, and Kjerstad with McKenna as backup and be just fine most likely. 

    The O's won't trade Santander or Mullins until one or more of the outfield prospects proves it for awhile at the major league level.  That's especially true of Mullins.

  18. 31 minutes ago, emmett16 said:

    Mateo & MacKenna DFA.  Trade Urias for anything.  

    Urias definitely has trade value while Mateo has a little as part of a bigger deal.  But the fact that Westburg and Norby have far more value could mean one or both of them are traded for an impact arm + more.  Urias has strong value because he can play anywhere in the infield and has a decent bat.  Mateo could hang around for a little while for his speed and defense, especially if his bat stays hot for awhile, but it is high time to include him in a trade.  A trade with the Marlins or Dodgers makes too much sense.  

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