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Posts posted by EddeeEddee

  1. 26 minutes ago, Roll Tide said:

    I’m betting the 1 year left guys like Santander are gone as well.

    I doubt they trade Means as long as he is productive and the team is contending.  Santander is traded only if he isn't producing or one of the young guys proves he's ready to take over for him.  But if Santander is having a career year then I think all bets are off.  

  2. 10 minutes ago, SteveA said:

    But we didn't really hit well in that World Series!  😀

    They didn't need to.  The Orioles only used 4 pitchers in the entire World Series, consisting of 3 complete game shutouts against the Dodgers.  Absolute domination from the mound.  

  3. 19 minutes ago, tntoriole said:

    I would not be too happy to have spent hard earned bucks at the Yard today.  

    Palmer is exactly right about losing focus and not having their heads in right place  


    And daggone shame Perez gets saddled with this crap due to error. 

    Perez walked three batters in one inning.  He played his part too.

  4. 2 hours ago, Roy Firestone said:

    what has happened to Ryan O'Hearn? One our best clutch hitter, he cant even smell a hit right now and he(along with Santander ) is striking out a ton...Luckily, If O' Hearn slumps theres always Mountcastle...

    Mullins too.  Seems like only Adley has been fairly hot lately.  Hopefully Mountcastle's double tonight will get things going for everyone else.  Fingers crossed the several days off they'll get next week will help reenergize things.

  5. 1 hour ago, Tony-OH said:

    I'm very content where the Orioles are right now myself, but I have zero confidence that JA won't screw it up somehow. I would never allow my contentment to interfere with the facts that JA is an awful owner, just like his father. The apple did not fall far from the tree, except when it came to being lawyer, then it bounced off and flew across the yard far away because at least Peter was a successful attorney that earned his money and success.

    I can't agree that JA is as bad as his father in the things he does -- at least not yet.  Yes, he opens his mouth and says stupid things, which he needs to stop doing.  But Peter A's worst quality is that he is a meddler (or was a meddler).  As long as JA does not meddle -- which he could end up doing -- he's a good distance better than PA and gives a chance for this team to win for several years.

  6. 13 hours ago, Malike said:

    This might be deceptive. How many relief pitchers has Tampa used this year? How many relief pitchers have the O's used? I don't have the information nor the desire to dig at 1 a.m. but just because they pitched more innings, doesn't mean they've been used more if they've used more pitchers than we have.


    We've used 26 relievers, including guys like Givens, Garrett, Bazardo, McCann, McKenna and Josh Lester. 

    Tampa has used 33 this season.

    That's a great point.  So their relievers have pitched about 14% more innings than Oriole relievers but TB has used more than 25% more pitchers in relief than the O's have.  So compared to TB the O's relievers have spent more time on the mound.  When I have a little more time I'll try to dig into this a little more.

    • Upvote 1
  7. 45 minutes ago, OsFanSinceThe80s said:

    We’re trading innings Bautista would have pitched for the likes of Lopez and Fuji. It’s only natural the bullpen would be struggling right now. 

    And Cano gets forced into more of closer role instead of setting up for Bautista. 

    For sure.  But it doesn't appear the bullpen is overworked generally speaking.  

  8. 37 minutes ago, SteveA said:

    Are those numbers skewed by their occasional use of opener's?   If they have a reliever start and go an inning and then a "bulk pitcher" goes 4 or 5 innings, that game will show 8 relief innings.   But if the bulk guy had gone first and the opener had hten come in and pitch an inning, that game will show 4 or 5 relief innings.


    Could be the case, but I don't think that practice is used all that often, is it?  

  9. Fangraphs and MLB shows Orioles' relievers as only the 20th most used in terms of innings pitched -- 542 innings -- far fewer than Tampa at 618 innings (4th most).  So if the O's bullpen is struggling it's not because of the number of innings. 

    So maybe recent bp struggles are more to do with the quality of the relievers we've picked up since the deadline like Fujinami and Lopez -- more so than the bp as a whole being overused.  

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  10. 20 minutes ago, SteveA said:

    We are second in the league in most games pitched by relievers, behind Cincinnati.


    Interesting.  But both Fangraphs and MLB shows Orioles' relievers as only the 20th most used in terms of innings pitched -- 542 innings -- far fewer than Tampa at 618 innings (4th most).  So if the O's bullpen is struggling it's not because of the number of innings. 

    So maybe recent bp struggles are more to do with the quality of the relievers we've picked up since the deadline like Fujinami and Lopez -- more so than the bp as a whole being overused.  

  11. 10 minutes ago, baltfan said:

    Grayson was almost at 100 pitches. 

    I get that but this shaky bullpen may cost us more games if they are expected to pitch 3-4 or more innings in a close game.  Eventually some of the starters may need to go more than 100 pitches on occasion.  Unless our offense erupts until the end of the season, it's hard to imagine this bullpen (i.e. no Bautista, Wells or Tate) shutting down the opposition on a consistent basis.

  12. 1 minute ago, Can_of_corn said:

    Hyde needed Elias to make more of a positive impact with his moves to bolster the pitching staff.

    Second lowest payroll in the league, top farm and the best you can do is Flaherty and Fuji?

    Oh definitely not disagreeing with you there.  But that was not done.  So then something else needs to give. 

    I agree with the others talking about Irvin.  I didn't realize he was sent down.  He's needed in the bullpen asap.   

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