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Posts posted by emmett16

  1. On 3/3/2023 at 1:09 PM, emmett16 said:

    He’s struggling.  Doesn’t looK like his pitch selection skills are top notch.  Swung and got himself out on some Bad pitches and took some drivable pitches.  Took his bad ABs out into the field and made a couple blunders.  Lost a ball in the ceiling (very tough ceiling) and didn’t back up LF diving for a ball and it split them and went to the fence.  Just one game but not a very good showing today.  Will see how he bounces back tomorrow.   

    First pitch of game he took deep to LF (oppo).   Made it out easy.  Blasted one foul down the RF line in the nextbAB.  He has a lot more power than I thought.  Struck out a couple more times.  Looks like he guesses up there.  

  2. 49 minutes ago, HakunaSakata said:

    Having three plus pitches is great, but Hall's minor league walk rates tells me he's not ready for a MLB rotation spot. And it has nothing to do with the team's talent / rotational depth. He's shown little or no signs of improvement with his walk rate in five minor league seasons. So yeah I'm starting to sour on him a bit as being an integral part of the rotation (and view him more as a reliever) until he shows some improvement and learns how to be a pitcher and not just a thrower. If the team truly thinks that he still profiles as a starter he should start the season in AAA because they aren't in a position to let him learn on the fly at the major league level. 

    For context, Dylan Cease had by far the worst walk rate in MLB last season at 3.89. Yes, he had a great season, but most experts view it as unstainable and expect a regression to his 2021 numbers (i.e., a 4.00ish ERA). If we assume that everyone's stats typically gets a bit worse when they jump from the minors to the majors I'd say that  Hall needs to get his minor league walk rate down to the low 3.0 range before I'd consider him for a major league rotation spot. 

    D.L. Hall's Walk Rate (by season)

    2017 - 8.7
    2018 - 4.0
    2019 - 6.0
    2021 - 4.5
    2022 - 7.3

    I’m aware.  Worked out well for Randy Johnson.  Worst case scenario he becomes an impact reliever.  I’m not worried about him having an impact whatsoever.  

  3. 16 hours ago, HakunaSakata said:

    Agree with this, but with one caveat. I'm fine with them taking a position player heavy approach to player development as long as they use some of those resources to trade for pitching OR open up the wallet and sign some notable FA pitchers. Since the team (up to this point) has done neither of these things I think it's fair to criticize their approach a bit. Especially if pitching turns out to be their Achilles heel this season. 

    People can argue all day out how much they like our young pitchers, but the reality is that excluding Rodriguez the majority of them have low ceilings and even lower floors. I've soured on Hall quite a bit too because he's shown no signs of being able to get his walks under control and apparently the Orioles have too since he's not even being considered for a rotation spot. 

    Hall is going to have a very successful career as a MLB pitcher, barring injuries.  I’m legitimately confused on how one could sour on a lefty with 3 plus pitches.   

    The fact that a lefty with 3 plus pitches isn’t being considered for the rotation this year is a bad thing? Or….just perhaps, that’s a good thing.

  4. 17 hours ago, Frobby said:

    I haven’t seen him that many times, nor have I seen a lot of great pitching prospects pitch in the minors.  But when I did see him, both live and on MiLB.tv freebies, he was absolutely toying with minor league hitters.  There was simply no way for them to be ready for the fastball and his assortment of breaking stuff simultaneously.  I agree there’s no doubt he’ll be a successful major leaguer if he stays healthy.   It’s just a matter of exactly how high he’ll climb.  

    The crazy thing is a lot of the time he is just working on his pitches.  I don’t even think we’ve seen him pitch yet.  I’ve seen many times in games he will throw a pitch 2,3,4 times in a row.   Batter knows what’s coming and still has no chance.  

  5. 18 hours ago, Jagwar said:

    So... I suppose I'm an "arbitrary internetty people"? I've been called worse.  

    Maybe I'm not clearly stating my position. I want to be as excited about the pitching prospects in the system as I am about the position prospects. I look at Gunnar, Holliday, Cowser, Westburg, Mayo, Kjerstad, Ortiz, Norby, Beavers, Basallo... and totally see them as every day players. Then I look at the pitching in the system. Bradish, Kremer and Wells look promising but they haven't proven they can perform over a full season. Then you have GRod (slam dunk), then Hall (with command questions), then a few maybes in Povich, Johnson and McDermott. I just don't have the same sentiment towards the pitchers. 

    So for me, the excitement over the position prospects is tempered by my arbitrary internetty opinion that more pitching needs to be injected into the system, via trade, international signing or draft. 

    Lol.  No.  Was referring to the “talking heads” or I guess more appropriately said now, the “typing heads”? 

    I appreciate everyone’s contributions to this site.  It annoys me when people put others down and intentionally attack people.

    My point was, you shouldn’t put all your faith in the evaluators that make their money off putting out stuff to read.  

    There is pitching talent in the system regardless of what the “experts” say.  At the end of the day it’s an opinion until the player goes out and makes it happen. 

    • Upvote 1
  6. Savacool did not have his A game.  I can’t imagine having to pitch to Ole Miss’ lineup twice in the same week.  Tough order to fill.  

    Kemp Alderman took him deep on an oppo shot that was still rising when it hit the stands.  I really wish I could get an EV reading on that ball.  I have a video of it and will try to upload it.  It was impressive.  Alderman has some serious juice.  He’s off to a hot start with 3 HR and a ton of hits.  He is built like a linebacker, he is absolutely jacked.  6’3” 250 w/o an ounce of fat on his body.  He played a really solid LF.  Made a couple tough plays (considering the roof).  He plays a little C as well.  When he played for Bethesda Big Train he played 1b.  Heck of an athlete for a big guy, very flexible, agile, and mobile for a guy his size.  Pretty cool to see a guy having success who came out to watch my 9u squad a couple years ago.  He’s an incredibly nice guy and is driven to succeed.   Very simple, compact, and powerful stroke.  He does not get cheated.  

    • Thanks 1
  7. Jacob Gonzalez SS Ole Miss is a player.  He looks the part.  6’3” 200 and smooth in the field & runs well.  Didn’t show off a great arm (in game), thought on a couple occasions he would come up firing but didn’t see great arm strength.  Wonder if he didn’t have a good handle or footing on those throws.  In warm ups the arm looked strong. 

    At the plate he looks like an Elias guy.  He did not swing at anything he couldn’t drive until 2 strikes.  Had two hits on 2 strikes counts.  Was never off balance and it was clear he saw the ball well and wasn’t getting fooled.   Tough to do against Savacool.   He was by far the best player on the field today.  I was very impressed and excited to see him again.  We know how Elias likes his SS, might be a guy to keep an eye on.  

  8. Max Anderson 3B Nebraska is a thick dude.  Short strong stroke.  Had fantastic ABs and hit the ball hard consistently.  
     Brice Matthews Nebraska played SS. He’s a very solidly built kid for a MI.  Not a very fluid swing.  Wasn’t super impressed, but he did smoke a double to gap to blow game open.  Gets way out on his front foot, he’ll need to make some adjustments for the next level. Nebraska upset #7 Vandy.  Good game, everyone is having trouble with the ceiling.  Every fly ball is an adventure and the ball is absolutely flying.   All 3 HRs hit were bombs.  

    • Upvote 1
  9. 2 hours ago, btdart20 said:

    Based on his historical rate, the over/under is around 2.1. 

    I hadn't looked at his 2023 stats this year until now.  He's not off to the best start.  Even SB-wise...  5 SB and 3 CS.  Compared to 90+ SB and 6 CS from his first two years in Vandy.  I'll go with 4 SBs.

    I don't think he fits the Elias mold of hard hitters, but his speed/CF is a unique skillset that's thin in the org.  That's why I'm interested in his hitting.  He's got patience, but would love to see his line vs. only the top tier pitchers (Dollander, Skenes...) to know how padded the OBP is.



    He’s struggling.  Doesn’t looK like his pitch selection skills are top notch.  Swung and got himself out on some Bad pitches and took some drivable pitches.  Took his bad ABs out into the field and made a couple blunders.  Lost a ball in the ceiling (very tough ceiling) and didn’t back up LF diving for a ball and it split them and went to the fence.  Just one game but not a very good showing today.  Will see how he bounces back tomorrow.   

    • Thanks 1
  10. 31 minutes ago, interloper said:

    I think a big goal this year should be to determine, by the all star break, which of the 2B/SS prospects is the real keeper. Westburg, Norby, or Ortiz. Likewise with the lefty outfielders: Stowers, Cowser, or Kjerstad. There's room for most of them, but I think you can trade one guy from each group and be totally fine. 



  11. 10 hours ago, Jagwar said:

    Are any of those prime pitching prospects?

    All of those guys have a very legitimate chance to be a solid MLB player regardless of arbitrary internetty people giving their opinions.  

    I think there is more P talent in the org than most people realize.  

    Of course they will make some moves (as they did last year) to add the the P talent. 

    I applaud the FO for sticking to what they do well as opposed to trying to cover all bases. 

    Have you ever played Settlers of Catan?  There are 5 resources and all are important.  You have a choice when you start the game where you want to develop  to earn those resources.  Do you try to cover all 5 even if the chance of rolling the specified number for those resources is low? Or do you stick with the resources that have the highest probability of hitting? 


    In just about all things in life, the folks that stick with what they are good at have success while the folks that try to be good at everything often struggle.  


    • Upvote 1
  12. He’s the best non-MLB pitcher I’ve ever seen before.  Think I’ve seen him throw about 7-8 times now and each time is more impressive than the previous.  Something would need to go extremely wrong for him not to have success at the next level.  I am flat out giddy to see him in Orange and Black.  Some people talk about the “sound of the bat” being different.  I’ve never heard someone pop a catchers glove louder than him.  Will never forget the first time I saw him in Delmarva and it sounded like thunder from the OF standing section.  

  13. I’m in Minneapolis to watch the Cambria Classic this weekend.  The teams playing are Ole Miss, Vanderbilt, Maryland, Minnesota, Nebraska, and Hawaii.  I’m excited to get eyes on the following players:

    -Jacob Gonzalez SS Ole Miss

    -Enrique Bradfield Jr. CF Vanderbilt 

    -Patrick Reilly RHP Vanderbilt 

    -Kemp Alderman OF Ole Miss

    *former Bethesda Big Train player a friend of mine housed two summers ago

    -Calvin Harris C Ole Miss 

    -Max Anderson 3B Nebraska 

    -Hunter Owen LHP Vanderbilt 

    -Jack Bulger C Vanderbilt 

    *Maryland boy from DeMatha 2x MD Gatorade player of year 

    -Brice Matthews 3B Nebraska 

    -Will Semb RHP Minnesota 

    -And of course all the Maryland Boys;

    Shaw, Schliger, Savacool


    I’ll update this thread with pics (if I can figure that out :) ) and info on the players above.  Anyone  interested in any players or any teams in the Classic, let me know and will be happy to be eyes and ears on the ground.  I’m especially excited for see Bradfield, Gonzalez, and Harris.  Have watched them on TV but have never seen them play in person before.  

    BTW - from the outside US Bank stadium looks amazing.  Can’t wait to see what it looks like from the inside.  Pretty cool perk for the kids that play at University of Minnesota.  OMG it’s sooooo cold!!!




    • Thanks 2
  14. 53 minutes ago, HakunaSakata said:

    Look at their basebal savant pages that I posted in a prior reply. The underlying metrics certainly point to Ortiz being a much better hitter. 

    I think so too.  But you never know until they do it at the highest level.  

  15. 1 minute ago, RZNJ said:

    I like Mateo but an .832 OPS in Las Vegas is like .723 in Norfolk.   That was 6th on the team for players with over 400 PA.   

    I don’t like Mateo much, but think he will put up similar #s in his ABS700-1200 than Ortiz will in 0-500.  I could very likely be wrong.  I’d be shocked if Ortiz significantly outhit him. 

  16. 51 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

    Check again.  Mateo had a better AA OPS but not better in AAA.   Of course, we are hoping the 1.000 OPS Ortiz put up in July and August, which is much higher than Mateo, is more indicative than his overall AA OPS.  As for AAA, Ortiz only has one month there but that .967 OPS looks nice.

    Ortiz had a ML AB against Bednar, the Pirates closer yesterday.   Fouled off some tough pitches.  Had some great takes.  Drove the CF to the warning track.  Those type of AB’s are almost non existent with Mateo.  

    Ortiz is the better hitter.  There’s little doubt in my mind.  The question is can Mateo consistently have ML at bats.  If he can, he’s a very desirable player.

    I see my goof.  Need to not look at bbref on my phone.  I thought Ortiz .826 2022 OPS was his AAA.  I will edit. 

  17. 2 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    Ok..this doesn’t answer the question though.

    Why do you assume it was said as a negative? 

    I stated his age.  Mateo OPSd .832 at Las Vegas in 2019 when he was 24.  Ortiz has a hand full of ABs in AAA. 

    I too *think he will be a better hitter.  To suggest a player who has never played MLB is going to significantly outhit the incumbent right out of the gate seems like stretch.  

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