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Posts posted by waroriole

  1. 4 minutes ago, SteveA said:

    It looks to me like we are:

       -- probably going to pay Cowser slightly underslot
       -- probably be a bit underslot with the 3 college seniors
       -- going overslot on Creed Williams so he signs with us instead of going to TCU


    Yeah I noticed Creed looks like the overslot. Also seems like the two sophomores may take a little extra to sign. 

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  2. 4 minutes ago, Black_and_Orange said:

    The way I see it, there are two possible explanations for what is going on with this draft:

    1) Colton Cowser was a full slot pick and the orioles don't really have the savings to go underslot like we think they do.

    2) The Orioles overvalue all of these college bats so much more than everyone else and they are slightly over slotting each of them (even though they don't need to)

    Both possibilities would mean the orioles front office are failing at their jobs


    Well  as long as we can rabble rouse and call on people to be fired based off of limited information……

    • Haha 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    Norby seems like a solid although uninspiring pick.  There is a lot of high upside HS talent sitting there and the O's passed on it.  I am sure we will be told that the HS kid we take in R4 is every bit as good though.

    I like that he is a college bat though.  Maybe Elias will promote him to AA by 2024!

    Seriously? You’re gonna complain about the #25 prospect being picked at 41? Armchair GMs kill me when it comes to the draft. 

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  4. 1 minute ago, sevastras said:

    So it has been floated that maybe Lawlar didnt want to come to Bmore.  I would have picked him anyways and forced him to sign or go to college.  If he goes to college, you get the #6 pick next year.  So you would be picking 2,6,comp A, so 30something and then late 30 something.  4 picks in the first 40 picks would be a sweet deal. And two of those in the first 6.

    And then you’re guaranteed to pick under slot at 6 because you lose all leverage in negotiations knowing that you don’t get the benefit of a replacement pick the next year if #6 doesn’t sign. Plus you lose a year of development. It’s odd to say that you would’ve picked someone without knowing the details of Lawlar’s signing requirements. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    By “you,” I assume you mean Elias, not me.    If so, then I agree, but I still think there’s some wiggle room in what the players’ representatives say before draft day.   

    I do mean Elias. I would expect you to share the inside info had with the representatives. 

    There’s probably some wiggle room in the numbers. I don’t expect anyone to give a concrete number. But, I would think the stability of the number you receive is part of the equation in determining a player’s willingness to sign. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Frobby said:


    2.   The O’s can’t control who will be available to them in the next few rounds, and can’t be sure what it will cost to sign the ones they are hoping will still be there.   So no matter what the data tells them in a very general way, the specifics may not work out in a way they like.  


    I would assume you have had discussions with representatives for each overshot target and have a good idea of what it would take to sign them before you implement this approach. The only unknown variable should be who is still available. 

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