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Posts posted by waroriole

  1. 5 minutes ago, Moose Milligan said:

    I don't really care about Harvey's development, either.  There's not much that he can do to right the ship, IMO...any stretch of good outings from him will be met with skepticism, waiting for the other shoe to drop.  

    Lowther might not be ready to pitch at this level but I don't believe he's got too much to prove in the minors, either...at least headed into this season.  He seems to have been struggling in AAA lately....I'm not sure if his brief exposure to the majors scared him.

    He’s done a good job at A and AA but he hasn’t shown anything to think he can get ML hitters out now. To me he seems like a guy who was able to fool low level Minor league guys. But I don’t think he has the stuff to compete at the ML level without precision location. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Moose Milligan said:

    Sink or swim time, hombre.

    Harvey can't handle the starting role at the MLB level either...so, stalemate.  

    Yeah Harvey sucks but Lowther’s ERA is more than doubled. 

    More importantly I don’t give a shit about Harvey’s development. Lowther isn’t ready to pitch at this level. He can’t get people out at AAA. He has to get right if he’s ever going to have a chance. He’s not there yet. 

  3. 59 minutes ago, DrinkinWithFermi said:

    Yeah dude, that barren farm system, laughably bad MLB roster, and outrageously outdated front office that Elias inherited from DD was truly the envy of baseball 9_9

    DD completely destroyed our farm system with awful trades and awful signings for guys like Gerardo Parra, Yovani Gallardo, Ubaldo Jimenez, and the bloated remains of K-Rod to keep the solid core he inherited from AM above water a little longer, and we are still paying for it in 2021.

    Yeah, his objective wasn’t to set us up for the future. It seemed to be to squeeze every last drop of contention out of that core group. Of course Ubaldo and Gallardo signings were terrible. Parra trade was a joke. But he is the only GM who was able to actually win. And it wasn’t happening with Andy still in the role. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, glenn__davis said:

    Certainly agree with the 2nd point.

    As for the 1st...we know Lopez isn't good.  We don't know that about Lowther yet.  I don't see how the 1st statement can be made with any degree of certainty.

    I disagree about Lopez. He’s good in short stints. 1-2 times through the order is his ideal usage. If he were used that way, he could be a serviceable piece. 

    In watching Lowther, I see a guy with a straight low 90s FB that doesn’t have good location. I didn’t see any average or better off speed pitches. With his stuff, he doesn’t have the luxury of anything but pinpoint accuracy. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, wildcard said:

    There is a lot more going on in Bowie than those three though they are the leaders.   Vavra 2B, Grenier SS and Dorrian 3B would be an upgrade over what the O's have now if they continue to improve in the 2nd half.   If not Elias needs to get FAs for whatever spot are needed.

    When you talk about the current team you are talking about below replacement players in Franco, Wilkerson/Valaika,  and Severino/Wynns.

    I think Vavra and Ortiz are guys to keep an eye on, but I’d be surprised if either were replacement level or better next year. Our good middle IF prospects haven’t progressed far enough to contribute next year. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, DrinkinWithFermi said:

    The first year or two of those guys will be wasted regardless because we do not currently have enough talent on-hand to build a winner around them.

    Mancini is good but hardly irreplaceable and likely a poor long-term extension candidate as an almost 30 year old 1B/DH type of player with a history of cancer.

    Mullins will come back down to Earth eventually when his .360+ BABIP corrects itself.

    Means may not be the same guy we have seen so far in 2021 without whatever substance he has been using on his fingers.

    Santander is already arb-eligible and seems to be made of porcelain.

    If we can turn some or all of those pieces into multiple guys that could help us realistically compete in 2024 and beyond, that is probably the way to go, IMO.

    Do I like it? No, of course not.

    But reality doesn't much care about my opinion of it.

    This is the second time I’ve seen you mention it but I’ve heard nothing about Means using prohibited substances. Any reason you’re mentioning it?

  7. 5 minutes ago, wildcard said:

    I disagree.   You are going to see a major improvement when Adley is added behind the plate and to the offense.   Grayson and DL will bring stuff that is near the top of the league.   Its up to Elias to put the right players around them.  That maybe a 2B/SS/3B and a closer but to not waster these guys years that is Elias needs to do.

    We’re not even a 54 win team now. How many wins do you think are added if we replace Severino, Harvey, and Kremer with Adley, Grayson, and Hall? 65? At best? How many IP would you expect from the rookie P?

    Were not close to contending next year. The top line goal might be to get to .500 next year but 2023 will be the earliest chance at contention. 

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  8. 3 hours ago, Sports Guy said:

    There are a lot of teams named for Scherzer here but only the Mets for Means.  

    Im still marketing Means to the Rays for Baz and Brujan.  If they do that, I’m dealing Means in a heartbeat.

    Yeah I’d make that deal and I’m not interested in moving Means. 

    I don’t think the Mets have a lot I’d want. Mauricio would be a given but not enough. 

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