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Posts posted by waroriole

  1. 11 minutes ago, LookinUp said:

    If you take 10 minutes I bet you'd find a ton of successful bullpen guys are failed starters. They usually don't see the lineup more than once. They get to throw with max effort. They get to focus on two pitches only. With better velocity and only seeing guys one time, even their mistakes are less likely to be HRs. 

    This isn't a novel theory. It's been tried and successful all the time. Hell. Oliver Drake has pitched in 30 games for one of the best teams in baseball. It's simply easier to be a reliever than a starter. That's why it works sometimes.

    The only guy to get unanimously voted into the Hall (for some reason) was a failed SP. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, wildbillhiccup said:

    This is how I see it playing out.

    1) Suspended for 3 games

    2) Benched for the rest of the season

    3) Released in the off-season 


    Obviously neither of those are gonna happen. They’ll gloss over it in the press conference. Davis claims he’s frustrated and admits his mistake. Story over

  3. 1 hour ago, weams said:

    He has a concussion. 

    It was obvious that he would. The ball hit him square on the side of the head straight on. No idea why he wasn’t taken out of the game immediately. 

  4. 2 hours ago, TINSTAAPP said:

    Givens is a fairly similar pitcher to Will Smith and the Brewers got back Andrew Susac (26 year old AAA catcher) and Phil Bickford (21-year-old 1st round pick by the Giants from the previous year) a few years ago . I think that's the type of package the O's can get back for Givens. One interesting prospect in A-ball and a middling organizational guy in the upper minors. 

    One team’s middling organizational guy is our #1 SP

  5. Just now, mdoriolefan said:

    I don't know about the NBA or NHL but in NFL I would say the Browns are pretty hapless.  I also think the Marlins are pretty terrible in their structure.  They seem to be a talent farm for other teams.


    Browns might be favorites to win the division but they have been really terrible. 

    Marlins have two WS wins since our last appearance and they didn’t exist for 10 years after our 83 win. 

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