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Everything posted by crowmst3k!

  1. That's interesting that Angelos offered a match of the Yankees offer. I'm ok with Mussina having not taken a discount to leave, but contract parity makes the fact that he left sting even more. It would have been interesting to see what the 2004 squad could have done with Moose. They were in the top 10 in runs scored. They probably would have also needed to add a mid-rotation starter that year to really make it work, but that squad wasn't terrible by any means. Mussina - Lopez - ??? - Bedard - Ponson/Cabrera I doubt it would have been enough to get past the Red Sox and get the wild card spot. 98 wins is not a walk in the park.
  2. I wonder if they limit things on the front-end or back-end? I think it would be wise to use guys like G Rod and hall on a 3-4 innings limit in the early going, and as the season goes on: stretch them further. On the weird off-chance that the Orioles are hanging in contention, it would be nice to have them available later in the season. And if the O's are fully out of it before too long, they can continue on that schedule.
  3. K Rate is important, but some pitchers can get away with a lower K-rate. It depends on their pitching style. Jeremy Guthrie got away with a low K-rate for years, and was very effective because he was able to induce weak contact. This Orioles pitching staff seems to be fairly good at doing that, as well. I understand the importance of K-rate. It's one thing a pitcher can control, and one stat that is a plainly objective measure of a pitchers skill. However, not all pitchers are strikeout pitchers, and if they can be crafty, they can be effective. These stats say to me: Orioles pitchers generally don't have overpowering stuff, but they will throw strikes and pitch to contact. They've been able to control homerun damage thus far, which is encouraging. As the weather warms and things get more humid, it will be interesting to see how these metrics change.
  4. O's are making progress. Pitching has been much better. If the Orioles are markedly improved (record-wise, and individual core players), it should be an offseason to begin supplementing in-house talent with some free agents.
  5. I remember when they traded for Jeremy Hellickson at the deadline, and he proceeded to be absolutely for the O's. The starting pitching was just razor thin anyway, and the O's hung around in spite of it. Hellickson did absolutely nothing to improve things. Things could have gone better, too. Wade Miley forgot how to pitch effectively for a season. Gausman and Bundy were ok, but just OK, and the O's made some questionable personnel moves: like giving the corpse of Chris Tillman a starting rotation slot. That was a very frustrating year.
  6. And a couple games out of the middle-of-the-pack in the American League. For all the issues the Orioles have, it's been about as good of a start as I could hope for.
  7. Hope Ellis is ok. I liked the fight that the Orioles had in this game. Hopefully the offense is starting to spark up.
  8. My guess is mid-late July 2023 at the earliest.
  9. It's happened before. Jason Hammel was nothing special before he arrived in Baltimore. I guess they told him to lean heavily into his sinker.
  10. No pro sports team should force their broadcasters to do remote play-by-play.
  11. During their last window, they spent on pitching. Unfortunately, the two MLB free-agents they gave contracts to didn't pan out (Ubaldo and Cobb). Chen and Gonzalez worked out nicely, though. I don't know how much the Orioles will spend or who they target when they're ready to compete, but I suspect they'll be active in the FA pitching market again when the time is right.
  12. Really liking seeing these good starts from Zim. I'd love to see him take a step forward this year and become solid. He doesn't need to be ace-like, but if he becomes solid, he's under team control for a few years, and would be a nice complementary member of the rotation.
  13. Always drink before going in. Always bring your own food. Life is too short for massive debt.
  14. Yeah. As soon as I heard about it, my gut feeling was 'Tommy John'.
  15. I don't know why they cancelled your credentials. That doesn't remotely make sense. I hope that if you do choose to resign and end OH, that offers of first-refusal are made to some dedicated board members who would like to continue it. When I was running gaming servers with decent revenue for what they were, and I eventually burned out and retired, I made sure to give first refusal to my top admin. He took everything over and has been a great owner. I'd hate to see OH totally die, but I completely understand the desire to step away from it.
  16. I don't think the Orioles would move. However, it will be telling to see what their attendance is like if/when they reach their window of being competitive. Having regularly gone to games during the stretch of 2009-2017, attendance definitely had a major drop following the 2015 riots, even though they were still in their 'window' (missed playoffs in 2015, made them in 2016, missed in 2017, full teardown in 2018). Personally, I live in the city, go downtown enough, and I don't really feel threatened or unsafe. The city does have a crime problem and a perception problem, and needs to work harder at lowering the crime stats and make people from outside the city, who currently feel unsafe, feel more confident about going downtown with their families again. Not trying to veer off into politics, so I'll correct back into my lane: but whether its perception or reality, more people will return regularly if there is a good product on the field, and people feel safer doing so. Right now, the Orioles can only focus on what they can control: building the next contending team.
  17. Someone who wants to make truckloads of money in the very lucrative world of professional sports ownership.
  18. I think the O's are going to be pretty horrid, at least in the first half of the season. Hopefully some improvement as guys get called up, but there will be growing pains. If they gel a bit, I could see them getting to the mid-60's. Last season I really didn't care to follow the Major League team much at all. Too many 'filler' guys and not enough of the high-upside prospects playing in Baltimore for me to have enough interest. When this next wave arrives, it will be interesting to watch the individual guys develop in Baltimore, even if it's not likely going to make a huge dent in the W/L this season.
  19. I don't have cable, and MLB is living in the stone-age with their streaming blackout rules, so it doesn't affect me at all. I only care if the radio feed cuts out, because that's the only way I can follow the Orioles.
  20. I hope he stays for as long as he wants. I hope the Orioles continue to compensate him well.
  21. The Orioles could have, and should have bested that deal that the Twins gave. Good on the Twins for spending money and improving their team.
  22. The potential contract for Correa makes me wish the Orioles extended Manny Machado at market rate earlier in his career.
  23. Last Orioles Cy Young Winner Steve Stone.
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