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Everything posted by jrobb21613

  1. I know the results aren’t there and some in game decisions have been questionable but love his attitude and think he’s a great fit for this rebuild hopefully we will start getting some better production from our pitching.
  2. I don’t like the idea or feel like it’s the right thing to do to a prospect you value to have him riding the shuttle back and forth. Now if they don’t feel like Stewart is going to be a impact player for the future than no big deal but if they do treat him with the respect he deserves and I don’t think shuttling a guy back and forth is right. Just my opinion and maybe not a big deal just kinda don’t seem right to me.
  3. Imo the only way it should be Stewart is if they plan on keeping him long term even after Davis comes off the il and not shuttling him back in s handful days. If Davis comes off the il 10 days will Stewart be able to get enough playing time at bats here it make sense for us to keep him?
  4. I was very encouraged with what I saw from Bundy today especially inducing the ground ball. Without looking at his previous stats I don’t think that’s been a strength of his.
  5. So whose going to be available after July 2nd we should be looking at? I just hope it’s not all a bunch of guys nobody’s heard of and that we at least get one or two that are highly rated.
  6. If Kremer continues to dominate as he moves up through the Minors how soon do you think it’ll be before we see him with the Orioles?
  7. Before recalling Sisco I’d like to see him have some long sustained success not just a hot streak. Let him really build up his confidence until he proofs that aaa pitching is no longer a challenge.
  8. Isn’t that really just s rumor or dimes educated opinion? Had there been a statement from mlb that supports that opinion?
  9. I hear ya. I just really like Stevie’s versatility and I like his bat better than Rickards. From what I’ve seen from Rickard in cf I’m not impressed I imagine Smith, Wilkerson, Santander could do just as good of job.
  10. So who goes so Santander can stay Rickard, Wilkerson or someone else? I’d like to say Rickard but I’m not sure who would play centerfield.
  11. I’m sure there’s some combination of both going on. No doubt his biggest developmental stage has passed and I believe his ready to contribute to the big league club. I just think he would better served and so would the organization if he’s getting regular at bats and the way the roster is currently constructed in Baltimore I don’t see that happening so until a trade occurs or injury happens let’s allow him to continue to get everyday at bats in Norfolk continue build on what he’s worked on. Now if the Orioles don’t view him more than a platoon guy and not everyday major leaguer than get him up there now.
  12. I like Stewart a lot and think he’s the most ready to contribute now than any of our minor league guys, however unless Stewart can come up and get everyday playing time I’d much rather see him continue to develop in the minors where he can play everyday instead of having to spend half his time on the bench being a platoon guy.
  13. I believe if Bundy has a future it’s going to be as a reliever but even then for that to work he would need an up tick in velocity to the mid 90’s.
  14. I was at the game last night and his curveball is nasty it was definitely his best pitch and he mixed his pitches well.
  15. Blaine Knights Curveball is straight filth appears to be his best pitch to me.
  16. Wonder if it would do him some good. If it’s something they’ve considered if so can they sell him on it and would he consent. I think it would definitely be better for the club if he went down and tried to figure out how to hit again in the minors then trying to figure it out in the big league club.
  17. Is sending Davis to the minors an option? How would that work?
  18. Anybody know whose pitching for the shorebirds home opener Thursday and when Rodriguez is scheduled to pitch next?
  19. Fastball to me appeared to have more movement on it than I’ve seen before did a good job mixing in his off speed pitches keeping hitters off balance. I still am not sold on Bundy being an effective big league starter and think he could be stellar as a late inning reliever and think that’s where his future is.
  20. I was a little concerned about his velocity to start he was 93-95 and he’s typically consistent 97 but after throw away he started throwing the heat consistently 97 occasionally 98 but in the 9th was back down to 93.
  21. My thoughts exactly, Elias likes the kid values his Defense realizes that there is a good chance he would go unclaimed and we outright to the minors. I’d rather have his arm and defense than Stevie Wilkerson. Dfa cat and mouse game has started.
  22. My gut tells me he Severino will be the next to be dfa’d with the hope he will pass through and we can outright him to Norfolk.
  23. I’m certain he breaks camp as the starting 1st baseman but his long is his leash before released or he is riding the pine?
  24. It was taught to me at a very young age that the way you practice is the way you play at game time. Always be willing to go the extra mile and be willing to do what others won’t. I find it annoying that people will accept anything less than 100% especially from athleles being paid millions to play a kids game.
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