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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. The fact that the rest of the round has accumulated negative WAR. Not that difficult to figure out. 11 + X =10 X=-1
  2. 800k. No idea what you mean by a weak class. He went 65th.
  3. Just get him some pine tar for that spin rate.
  4. I'm expecting an Oriole prospect penalty. Maybe 10 spot deduction.
  5. Maybe. If he's worth paying arb 4 money for. If he isn't traded. If the next CBA doesn't change things. If he's still in baseball. If he doesn't sign an extension. A lot of the time you would just end up getting the extra month.
  6. I agree it might not. I just think the chances that gaming his service time makes an appreciable difference is so low that it was the better choice to call him up.
  7. A month working with ML position coaches to get him more acclimated at both first and left field. A chance to see ML pitching and maybe have a light bulb go off about his approach? We all heard how useful Means' exposure to the majors in 2018 was. Seems to me that's more valuable than the maybe nothing to be gained by gaming his clock.
  8. From the sun: https://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/orioles/bs-sp-orioles-mike-elias-20181116-story.html That is what we were explicitly told.
  9. Sadly I think we know who the 26th man is going to be.
  10. The one thing he's done that I have an issue with is not promoting Mountcastle in September in what appears to be a bid to manipulate his service time. I think that when you look at a player like Mountcastle the possible benefits to his development outweigh the advantage of a potential seventh year of team control.
  11. I've got him on /ignore, I only choose to see maybe 25% of his posts.
  12. Oh well. Exactly. Oh well. If the Yankees had done what the Astros did do you think they would have received the same punishment? Maybe you do. I don't. And we won't ever know because, oh well they just make it up as they go along. The fans are just as bad. Bonds uses steroids, the world is ending, Colon uses steroids, oh look at the fat man getting busted for steroids. That Gaylord Perry is such a character openly cheating, let's put him in the HoF. Oh Clemens used steroids, no hall for him, we have moral standards. It's random and no way to run a league.
  13. Sure, but those laws are recorded is some fashion. Even Hammurabi wrote this stuff down. You don't suddenly get thrown in jail for jaywalking. MLB is making it up as they go along. Boston gets hit, they get a fine, Astros get hit they get the book thrown at them (in comparison). They did the same thing to the Braves after they got caught cheating a couple of years after the Red Sox did. I guess the lesson is, get caught first, or maybe it is just to be Boston.
  14. And they have penguins in Pittsburgh as well as tigers in Detroit.
  15. But is it fair to retroactively freak out and punish folks for just being more skilled at cheating then the cheaters that came before them? The intent was the same. Shouldn't we be punishing intent and not results? MLB should have codified all of this years ago. Part of the issue is the fans, who are extremely inconsistent about what offends their sensibility.
  16. But the very definition of cheating precludes a fair game. I can't stand nebulous standards like this. Same thing happened with the PEDs. Guys taking speed in their coffee was fine. Guys in the 70's taking horse steroids was fine. The Bash Brothers were somehow OK. All of a sudden guys just got a little too good at taking advantage of PEDs and boom, it's a problem. Evidently the Astros' sin wasn't cheating, it was being too good at cheating.
  17. I guess you "weren't listening" to what another poster had to say. I read recently that we should be doing that, Frobby does that. As for the name calling, some of us don't have to resort to that sort of behavior.
  18. Evidently you can't get inside my head since that wasn't the point I was making at all. I don't think the Orioles are enamored with either of them. What I said was that Mullins was so bad that they had to use a guy out of position to replace his spot on the roster. I don't think he got sent down because of the strain of struggling, I don't think he got sent down because it was hurting his development. I think he got sent down for the same reason Dan Straily got the boot. Because even by the low standards of the 2019 Orioles he couldn't get it done. In that respect yes, it matters who replaced him. As for the rest of your little lecture, it's weird how the other half of this discussion isn't listening to my argument but you only find a need to chastise me.
  19. Wow, I bet tntoriole didn't know that, despite the fact that they said " At least the Black Sox cheated to lose...so their fans at least weren’t happy after getting a World Series win and then having to lose it. ": What a helpful post!
  20. What possible agenda would I have with a player like Mullins? Did he kick my dog? Unfriend me on facebook? ?
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