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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. I was talking about both, the 2018-2019 class, in which he traded away a lot of the slots and the 2019-2020 class. Once again I'm not expecting him to sign a top 10 or even top 20 class but signing the #48 and #51 guys is within the realm of what I was expecting. I don't see that as A or A++ work. That's doing your job now that ownership is in place that will allow you to spend your money.
  2. The O's 2019 class probably ranks what 29th? Elias had a small part of that, he traded a ton of slot money that other teams found value in spending. This class is probably in the bottom five or so right? That doesn't exceed my expectations. I was expecting poor but not quite as poor. Folks are grading him on a huge curve. I will say that if he had managed this trick with Peter still in charge I'd give him an A.
  3. That to me isn't an A, it's a B. An A is going beyond, to exceed expectations.
  4. Either over Aaron or at DH. I don't think it's close if Williams doesn't go off and fight in two wars.
  5. You like outlier better? Problem with outlier is you have to include inexplicably poor seasons.
  6. Ouch no Williams. Docking the poor guy due to military service?
  7. You are rating him A++. I don't want to hear, "it's no rush" and "so goes it in the craft of dumpster diving". Not when you are talking A++, or even A for that matter. You sound like you are talking about someone pulling down a B. You don't lose a 3 win guy for nothing and get an A++. Class with 30 students, how many do you give an A++? Are you saying that you think Elias has been the best GM in baseball since he's been hired?
  8. I think his 2014 would make a list of top fluke seasons.
  9. I'll take talent over "grinding". Pearce has 9.7 rWAR over 13 seasons. 5.9 of that came in one year.
  10. A++? A- Davis is still on the roster. Most folks seem to think that's ownership driven. I'd say that Davis being on the roster counts as a "Hint of owner meddling". B- He made sure Hays held onto his prospect status and drafted 1-1. If as much progress was made in as to give an A++ grade, I would expect to have seen more of a jump in the O's prospect rankings. C- How much money did he have and not spend last cycle? Yes, yes, I know the reasons but we are talking A++ performance right? No really big names this cycle either keeps me from awarding an A. D- Dan Straily and Nate Karns keep this from being an A++ effort. He also managed to trade away a guy that put up a 2.8 win season in 107 games.
  11. I'm hearing two things that I'm having trouble reconciling. Elias deserves an A. The rebuild is going to be a long process. To me an A performance is going to speed up the process so it comes in under "long".
  12. Fixed that for you. Why are you thinking June 1, you worried about Super 2 status?
  13. Heaven forbid we actually watch the kid play first. Or have you watched him play first? In a very small sample size the scouting reports are mixed.
  14. Is he? We know he's trying to but is he going to be successful? You don't think it's premature to give him credit for something that hasn't actually happened yet? Basically ever other team is trying to do the same thing. Better than Dan isn't good enough to get an A, that's grading on a serious curve.
  15. I wonder if you will be able to get them below face value DOTG? That'd be sad.
  16. I'd get them now folks, demand is sure to spike after the O's trade for Betts.
  17. Do you think playing at three levels while recovering from mono was good for his development? I don't think it did any real harm but I don't think his development was foremost in mind.
  18. What if the Governor or President does a poor job handling the hurricane? Should we just shrug it off?
  19. Shouldn't be any doubt. He was coming off a long season, mono, the Orioles making him a dog and pony show at the minor league affiliates. I heard of no issue with his approach. His three years at college should outweigh his stint in Delmarva and his first spring training.
  20. What would cause you to think that? He's an advanced college bat. It makes no sense to start him in Delmarva.
  21. It would be shocking and a horrible decision. That would on course for just taking a prime year of that man's earning potential away from him for no good reason.
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