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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. I'm guessing he's in the National league next season.
  2. Helps facing a Red Sox team that has given up. I expect the Sox will come out to play today.
  3. Wasn't Stewart super hot in ST, only to get set down really early? I don't think a hot ST makes any difference to Elias.
  4. They were making solid progress in Baseball just a few years ago. Then they let their coach get hired away.
  5. Could be. I think if they were doing anything other than slow rolling him he would have seen AAA last season.
  6. Of course Angelos might have spread the payments over a decade.
  7. With what I've seen with Mountcastle I'm expecting late April 2021.
  8. I'll be surprised if after more than two full seasons at AA if they promote Diaz that quickly. I think that if they had any intention of a quick 2020 promotion he would have moved up to Norfolk at some point in 2019.
  9. https://www.baseball-reference.com/register/player.fcgi?id=hays--000aus
  10. When? Not if? You seem confident. I don't like these little games. I'd like for them to be forced to bench him at the cutoff so they can't pretend toward their motivation.
  11. Since Hays is out are they obligated to send someone else? Any guesses?
  12. I'm hoping the O's bats go really well or the game hits extra innings.
  13. Can't play next season with a 25 man roster. I'd also rather see Mancini at DH if they can get a better defensive first baseman.
  14. I took walks in little league. Refusing to swing the bat increases the walk rate.
  15. He's certainly more personable. As for being open, I don't think he's going to give any more real information than Dan did, it simply isn't good business. I am curious if he's going to do more stuff like that AMA he did when hired or if that was a one time deal.
  16. In Dan's defense his lines sounded a lot more fresh in year one. If Elias is still talking about "the process" in four years I imagine it will be pretty stale.
  17. I wouldn't go so far as to say a clean break. Still that skinny elephant in the room...or on the bench.
  18. Am I the only person that doesn't see this as a huge problem? Seventy percent of the strikeouts would still be outs, mostly routine ones. I'd rather see a K than a weak groundball to second. Deaden the rabbit ball. Once more of these fly balls start dying on the warning track hitters will adjust their approach.
  19. Who said he looks flabby? You think Bonds looks flabby?
  20. Well you see, the O's have a manger in the minors with the first name Buck. He won manager of the year at AA. I was suggesting that it was actually possible that he would be next in line as manager. As far as I know he isn't known for being old school, he just retired from playing a couple years ago.
  21. Putting the work in means working hard. It doesn't mean letting yourself go completely to pot. He's gotten lighter and yet he's slower of foot. He's noticeably less muscular. He bold faced lied about what he was doing in the offseason. He looks like what big guys that don't go to fat turn into three years into retirement.
  22. You do have to work out to see gains. You can't just stick in a needle and sit on the couch with a bag of Cheetos.
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