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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Jackson is too scared to swing. He walks again.
  2. Hey they got an out. Here comes Jackson for his second at bat of the inning.
  3. Is another team going to have to throw a position player at them?
  4. He hit 95 on the K of Taylor.
  5. I agree he should have had this chance in 2021, I said as much at the time. Too late now.
  6. I am. Challenge the talented young players. He had three runs to work with. He was never given a chance to learn how to pitch deep into games in the minors, how else is he going to learn?
  7. It's cool but I've never heard a manager yet just go. "Well the plan is to hit a lot of dongs even if we strike out a ton."
  8. Should be grateful he remembered the way to first!
  9. Probably won't bump the pay up to the MLB level for the position either.
  10. Should go all in and call them the Sacramentas.
  11. Looks more like the guy from The Smile to me.
  12. It's catching, I watched him bat and I felt ill.
  13. I guess it's better than a 50% chance. Vegas doesn't seem all that excited about the prospect.
  14. I figure O'Hearn isn't going into Center, he's not Stevie Wilkerson.
  15. I'm getting tired just watching the orange dot on Gameday move back and forth.
  16. I didn't take it that way, I was just stating that I showed where I pulled my data from. I certainly didn't the work myself. I used the 2010-2015 chart.
  17. I provided my source. Anyway the numbers are close enough to each other that it doesn't make any difference.
  18. I'm here to help. And post music.
  19. Let's take a hittable pitch and go down 0-1!
  20. It worked for Davis. He eventually got a hit.
  21. Run probability for runner on third and 0 outs is 0.843. https://tangotiger.net/re24.html
  22. Speaking of busts, Pirates picked up Bart.
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