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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. It's not clutch enough for him to care.
  2. I haven't seen any posted. Are they doing it this year? I know they had issues with Twitter/X last season.
  3. I'm more worried about the Bullpen.
  4. What do you mean? It's been a real barn raiser!
  5. He was pretty decent last year but yea, it looks so far like he's declined.
  6. Well this is the soft part of the schedule so you have to expect this sort of thing. And yes that is a shot at everyone that dismissed the early season competition because this team won 101 games last year.
  7. He had help from the defense.
  8. I'm suggesting that instead of Chapman they could have traded less trade capital for someone like Fuji. And probably not won the WS.... Give up quality to get quality.
  9. To think they could have traded for Fuji instead!
  10. If that is the case it's Elias job to get him off the roster.
  11. Welp, if a guy is on a roster for defense and doesn't give you defense you can't be surprised that folks want to complain about it.
  12. I wouldn't be surprised if it they were added at some point.
  13. They are going to add NPB and KBO. Obviously I have no knowledge of what they might add.
  14. The other options were Broken Face or Tony's Theme. If my name was Tony.... I love Black Francis, I mean Frank Black, I mean Charles Michael Kittridge Thompson IV, but come on, Kim is the bomb.
  15. I spent way too much time considering options. I was really tempted to go with something new, from an up and coming band that could use the (limited) exposure. But I decided to go with this.
  16. It might not have been a "Pitcher's pitch" for Cowser! He might feast on balls there. I don't know, do you? If you've got evidence from his time in the minors showing that's a pitch location he struggles with I'll agree with your overall point. If not, the jury is out. Once again the pitch that Gunnar hit certainly wasn't a "hitter's pitch" and he drilled it. Most players would be better off hoping the Ump got the call right and taking the walk.
  17. And sometimes they don't make hard contact even on a pitch in the dead center of their sweet zone. One at bat with poor exit velocity means almost nothing. That might be a pitch he can drive 90% of the time, we don't know yet. So it's premature to say him swinging, at a strike, was a bad swing decision.
  18. So if Gunnar's swing had been incrementally different and he'd hit into an out you would still be happy with the swing decision? Just because a player can drive a certain pitch doesn't mean it's a guarantee they will every time they try. Like I said, I've seen hundred of guys miss cookies over the decades.
  19. Because they aren't perfect? I've seen guys miss hanging sinkers, middle-middle fastball, cookie curveballs, it's part of the game. Did you see the first homerun Gunnar had this season? Was that a bad swing decision on a 3-2 count?
  20. Not every hitter has the same "hot zones". Based off of no where near enough data it appears that's a pitch he can handle. And it was a strike.
  21. Was a better pitch to hit than the one Perez swung at.
  22. Double? With O'Hearn out there it might have been a triple!
  23. The guy on the mound, with the ball, he's a professional athlete as well.
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