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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Probably won't bump the pay up to the MLB level for the position either.
  2. Should go all in and call them the Sacramentas.
  3. Looks more like the guy from The Smile to me.
  4. It's catching, I watched him bat and I felt ill.
  5. I guess it's better than a 50% chance. Vegas doesn't seem all that excited about the prospect.
  6. I figure O'Hearn isn't going into Center, he's not Stevie Wilkerson.
  7. I'm getting tired just watching the orange dot on Gameday move back and forth.
  8. I didn't take it that way, I was just stating that I showed where I pulled my data from. I certainly didn't the work myself. I used the 2010-2015 chart.
  9. I provided my source. Anyway the numbers are close enough to each other that it doesn't make any difference.
  10. I'm here to help. And post music.
  11. Let's take a hittable pitch and go down 0-1!
  12. It worked for Davis. He eventually got a hit.
  13. Run probability for runner on third and 0 outs is 0.843. https://tangotiger.net/re24.html
  14. Speaking of busts, Pirates picked up Bart.
  15. I'm following on Gameday, is Jones' velocity actually down to 95 already?
  16. I'm just playing my part. Folks expect a show in the game thread.
  17. What do you mean? Elias prioritizes defense.
  18. He's 22 second round pick from 2020.
  19. Except those recovering from surgery.
  20. But the game will have the ability to adjust the strike zone to adjust the offense. If scoring is up too much, they widen the strike zone a couple of inches. If it is a true representation of what the strike zone is actually supposed to be (in three dimensions) then I expect someone to break out a Rich Hill style curve ball that clips the strike zone but is basically unhittable. I can see a future where guys can just clip the front end of the zone with a breaking ball that ends up in the dirt.
  21. Ohhh if Hays strains his ego he could be out until the ASB.
  22. Some of us put more faith in advanced statistics then we do the gospels. At least they show their work.
  23. Sure and in that respect I do sympathize. But then I read this And I laugh.
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