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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Not sure if I've chimed in yet but I just want to say. I'd rather you not post pictures of your wife, particularly if she hasn't given permission.
  2. I'm not at all sure it is. This is a huge tangent but the minor league system is a huge cluster that just kind of came together. They just made substantive changes to it a few years ago and wanted to go further.
  3. I didn't want to be all 2000's and say Pinstripes. If you decide not to extend him do you trade Adley? When? Do you just take the pick when he walks? Time keeps on ticking, ticking, ticking, into the future.
  4. Serious question. How many quality LH pitchers is he likely to face in AAA?
  5. 1. How is it a poor comparison? Very young infielder, highly regarded, changing position. Moving onto a contending ballclub. Seems to me the only material difference is the GM. 3. Who cares? How is that relevant? The process should be the same right? 5. Young is an excuse. Guys in his situation have absolutely been promoted to the majors at an even younger age and ended up in the HoF. What about him or his game screams "He's too young" to you? 6. Thanks for the acknowledgment.
  6. Maybe? It's so hard to tell. Wasn't there a stretch of time when the Rays just totally dodged arm injuries for like 2-3 seasons? Folks started to think they'd found the secret, then Boom!
  7. In what world is 45/35 over more than a decade "a lot more" then 25 (29 now) over two calendar years? Once again Manny was younger, less highly regarded and had less experience learning a new position. "You can't mess up the good ones". It's cover to game his clock. Elias is willing to sacrifice defense, he's willing to let guys play out of position. But when it comes along with gaming service time, all the I have to be dotted and the T have to be crossed.
  8. So? He has more than Manny did when he moved to Third. He has a higher percentage of games there than Mateo has in CF. I don't recall any issues. He did fumble one in Norfolk. The O's braintrust have put Mateo and O'Hearn in the outfield so far this season. Is that valuing defense quite highly? Sure We can both name lots of highly regarded prospects that were in the majors as teenagers, and the folks promoting them were professional player development experts. Yea I would, particularly if the O's don't win the AL East.
  9. I give you an example of the Elias regime putting a guy out there in a middle of the diamond position despite limited playing time there and you just dismiss it? OK, no convincing you I guess. Just like the defense matter crowd doesn't seem how that conflicts with O'Hearn and Stevie Wilkerson getting outfield reps. If it matters it should matter to everyone, not just guys that they need to worry about their service time.
  10. Exactly. Might not ever be an exact science, might be too much variance in the human body.
  11. Mateo had 45 games in center field, 38 of them starts, over his 12 seasons of professional baseball before the O's put him out there.
  12. I could see a super confident exec trying that...if they hadn't been burned two years ago.
  13. Would seem to be the type of thing the MLBPA should take interest in. Maybe force the A's to spend on some upgrades?
  14. Yea, for a piece with Occam's Razor in the title it isn't the simplest explanation. The gist I got from it was "I did a lot of math and couldn't figure out why they did it".
  15. The rWAR numbers are up on baseball reference and the guy at the far left of the page is...Colton Cowser with .3 rWAR.
  16. Can_of_corn

    Sacramento A's

    You have to be worse than this for the other owners to kick you out.
  17. Not every owner with money spends it. We don't know if he will spend until he shows us.
  18. If you are a GM of a rival team do you suddenly give up more for Stowers or Norby? And yes I would, if it helped my team. You give up quality to get quality. You can't trade scared.
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