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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Try and convince the Tides of that. You can give up 10 runs and lose, you can't win if you don't score.
  2. R/Baseball is pretty decent. From what I've seen the individual team subreddits are pretty trash.
  3. I'm sure Gunnar could, but at what success rate?
  4. If they have been doing this for three to four years shouldn't they be better at it? At some point you need to decide if Mayo is actually a third baseman. Folks gave Dan grief for keeping Mountcastle at Short for too long. All the stuff you are talking about is great if the player can do it. But I question how good it is when you have a bunch of guys that had questions on defense when they were drafted and those questions are still present years later.
  5. But shouldn't that be happening before AAA?
  6. So if Elias cares about defense so much how come the defense is so poor? Are they all supposed to suddenly jump from below average to good in the next few weeks? Other than Jackson all these guys have had questions about their defense since draft day right?
  7. Wells had a quality start.
  8. I can't tell from gameday if the opposing pitcher is scared or just incapable of throwing a strike. Toussaint has pitched in the majors.
  9. I don't think they meant to load the bases for the guy that hit a 3 run bomb earlier in the inning.
  10. Another HBP. Heston up with the bases juiced.
  11. Starting to feel bad for the Tides starter, he's going to have to warm up again.
  12. Pitching change. Woodford 0.1 5 7 7 3 0 2 13.50
  13. Jackson is too scared to swing. He walks again.
  14. Hey they got an out. Here comes Jackson for his second at bat of the inning.
  15. Is another team going to have to throw a position player at them?
  16. He hit 95 on the K of Taylor.
  17. I agree he should have had this chance in 2021, I said as much at the time. Too late now.
  18. I am. Challenge the talented young players. He had three runs to work with. He was never given a chance to learn how to pitch deep into games in the minors, how else is he going to learn?
  19. It's cool but I've never heard a manager yet just go. "Well the plan is to hit a lot of dongs even if we strike out a ton."
  20. Should be grateful he remembered the way to first!
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