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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. I think this season has shown that you can't be planning around your guys winning ROY. What's best for the team and the player is more important than a chance at a draft pick.
  2. A lot of frame is choice. If he wants to play SS it might behoove him to stay on the leaner side. I do think he puts on mass if he ends up on a corner.
  3. I was 5'10" by 12 and only grew another half inch. Bodies mature at different rates.
  4. As if anyone would blink an eye if Hays got hurt.
  5. Couldn't he just replace an "injured" player?
  6. Sure! Still makes him less appealing to trade for since the Giants kicking in money will factor into the return.
  7. I think it's funny that stuff like this comes up when one guy is on a burner. Witt almost hits for the cycle last night and has been on fire since the break. And yea, they are both looking like they are going to have great careers.
  8. OK, you can feel free to disagree with me. At the end of the day the result is the same.
  9. Or it was a move by Boras and Snell to give him a poison pill to make him harder to trade.
  10. If the O's trade for him they will have to pay the reminder of the 15M for this year, the 17M signing bonus and then 30 million for next season with half of that deferred. I don't see that happening. That extra 17M is a kick in the nether regions.
  11. Would you expect to see Corbin Burnes on this list? No, because he's only got a few months of team control left. Burnes has more trade value than Santander does.
  12. Why would a rock solid major league player not be enough to get a rental?
  13. That's a disingenuous argument. Do you think Elias is asking a King's Ransom for Norby? If the industry as a whole believed in Norby he'd have gotten his shot by now. Now that doesn't mean he can't make it, but it does mean that he seemingly isn't regarded as a rock solid regular.
  14. Why hasn't someone traded for him?
  15. If Norby can be a rock solid regular in MLB why is he in his third season in AAA?
  16. You can hate the player but love the odds.
  17. I bet Norby isn't a big fan.
  18. If Mayo can handle RF is also a question.
  19. You can't get a guy like that and have it not hurt. Whatever random scraps you won't miss will not get it done. Surprised Mateo wasn't included in the deal.
  20. Yea, I was posting elsewhere. Also Flaherty at second last year.
  21. That was years before so yea, it probably didn't. He also wasn't wrong about the facilities. Rumor has it that it was Matusz but I don't think it was ever confirmed.
  22. I don't care for the contract even with the 15 deferred. The O's would be on the hook for the signing bonus.
  23. Not pure guesswork, using PEDs pretty clearly gives you an advantage in combating aging.
  24. If the choice is between OAA and I'll take OAA. How much have you seen Mayo play at third?
  25. I ignore stuff like that. I figure they aren't going to say that Aiden barely squeaked by in class.
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