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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Not many folks at all are saying we need to see more Sisco. I gave up on his bat last season and I was one of the biggest the defense isn't important if he can hit guys. It just comes off like you are taking every possible chance you have to dump on the backup catcher on a 100 loss team.
  2. He's going a fine job building up that trade value. Maybe if he's good enough the O's can bundle the Davis contract and get some needed salary relief?
  3. Yet again you mention Sisco and not Severino who has issues this season with this whole "catching" thing. Or maybe Severino's 67 OPS+ makes up for the lackadaisical defense? It is just a shame, a real shame, that the O's don't have anyone in the minors at the Catcher position that could outperform these two.
  4. Maybe someone will start a thread in Orioles Talk about it.
  5. I'm guessing he could get a gig if he wanted to work.
  6. I'm old enough to remember the tail end of the Oriole Era of dominance.
  7. I wouldn't call that bad luck. Bad luck is being born into Orioles' fandom.
  8. Tampa is well south of Jacksonville. Closer to Orlando.
  9. I'd rather they just beat the Yankees when they played them.
  10. You don't think pitching in front of this defense is a challenge?
  11. I'm not willing to write off the Yankees this season.
  12. I'm not a fan. I knew it existed but it isn't something I will listen to again.
  13. I'd rather stick to the general guide that a random bullpen arm is better than a random starter come the third or fourth time through the order.
  14. Why? You'd rather face a fresh bullpen arm than this guy the third or fourth time through the order?
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