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Everything posted by Yardball85

  1. Mods, please feel free to merge this, but I did not see it anywhere else on the forum. As someone who, rightfully so, does not believe in Richie Martin's future with this team due to his age and poor showings over the last few years, I was impressed in the albeit small sample size of at bats we saw this weekend. He seems like he has a new stance geared towards generating more power, and instead of looking like someone who got lucky to poke a homer around the Pesky pole last year, could actually hit 8-12 home runs in a season. The triple to dead center over Taylor's head was jacked. While I still do not believe he will be a big part of the future, I'd like to see him get regular bats over the next few weeks, or at least until Urias is healthy. I know he was also getting a lot of extra base hits at Norfolk, so perhaps this change in approach has been going on all year.
  2. The embarrassing circus that is the Angelos family... continues. They are disgusting.
  3. Lots of things I could say right now, but to stay on point - I hope Stowers gets called up too. Probably a handful of other AAA guys.
  4. I like interleague play. It is fun to see different teams, and ballparks, that you rarely see. Makes me want to watch the games more, not less.
  5. Pretty much. Strike out after strike out. I'm glad they are getting a nice long look at him, but he is proving to likely not be an every day player. (Fine as a utility guy).
  6. Teams probably say the same thing when they see the Orioles on their schedule...
  7. You and I have agreed on this before, but they should be buyers and sellers. Make trades that make sense for the team, regardless of whether it is buying or selling. It's hard to say who I would hold onto versus keep (probably holding onto Adley, Grayson, and those types) but if a team really covets a player and you can get a great return, you do it. Buy and sell .
  8. I don't disagree with your post. But with respect to AR, there is really no justifiable excuse for him not starting tonight at catcher for the Orioles against the Yankees.
  9. I take no joy in that. But it's just the trials and tribulations of rooting for this team for so long. Knowing the Orioles though, they'll pull us back in by winning 3 of 4 against the Yankees.
  10. What are you talking about? Even if they won, the lineup is still terrible. And even if they won, I would still be annoyed at them potentially (probably) not recalling Adley
  11. Totally expecting to see the same, hilariously awful lineup in all four games against the Yankees. BeCaUsE iTs jUsT nOt TiMe yEt fOr AdLeY.
  12. LOL - this pathetic team is about to be swept by the Tigers.
  13. Knowing the Orioles and the past 22 years, this is the kind of series we come into confidently, and wind up getting swept in. Hope I'm wrong.
  14. I don't know that we are contenders, but I am definitely having a ball watching and rooting for this team. As I have said before, I am getting 2012 "Why Not" type vibes for sure.
  15. Its the proverbial reshuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic. Martin isn't good. He has no future here. But could he step in and be as bad as Odor/Owings? Maybe? Is it worth finding out? I would rather just find a better player, but obviously that's easier said than done.
  16. Haha, I was thinking this too. The Orioles have historically been awful against "random filler."
  17. Is it possible we.... dont suck? This team has been so fun to watch since the Red Sox series.
  18. Postponed for tonight, as we should be. Hopefully they play tomorrow? Maybe? https://twitter.com/Orioles/status/1522668798041632768/photo/1
  19. What's not to like? Fun little gimmick that makes the players happy.
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