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Everything posted by tntoriole

  1. I am just fed up with whiny athletes getting a payday of over 10 million and still just about as negative as they can be . The lot of them are basically overly sensitive narcissists. If he didn’t want to go to arbitration then reduce your demands. Entitled all the time this generation. And to talk about his “worth and value?” Hey pal, you throw a baseball for millions .. try being a cop or a nurse or a soldier .. sheesh
  2. Lol.. i have said what I think. Word parsing is useless
  3. Ok .. it is all Angelos then.. the season is lost , nothing will ever change , Oriole GMs are just puppets .. i get it …as I too have been a die hard fan since 1965 and I detest the Angelos regime. But I think this GM has done more even with Angelos than any GM has done under this ownership. And I believe Elias has more autonomy in certain areas than you seem to think he does.
  4. Has Mike being reading the board at the OH? Lol .. So Tate has some issues in Nov and Elias signs Givens in Dec .. smart move
  5. We were talking about trades .. Angelos doesn’t tell Elias what trades to make does he? Free agents, budget, development costs etc yes but if you have evidence that Elias can’t make trades I would like to see it.
  6. You don’t know what deals were considered and rejected by Mike Elias. Just because you think deals could and should be made is a fan’s opinion, not a fact. And it presumes that somehow Elias chose not to do so because he doesn’t want success is something I reject. Clearly Mike disagrees with you. So do I. If the right deal is available, he will pull the trigger at any point and if not then he will continue to build resources in other ways.
  7. It sounds so easy lol … I suspect the available returns may not have been quite so easy to just plug in , but hey, opinions are good. The reason teams are not Houston is they short circuit their process for the win now. I trust Mike’s judgement more than you do but we will see how the results play out.
  8. Maybe their projections would look better if they knew the difference between “through” and “threw” lol.. statistics? yes? English? Not so much lol
  9. Exactly… the veneer of PECOTA is that it is an acronym … Player Empirical Comparison and Optimization Test Algorithm oooh.. science!!
  10. Trades involve two parties and making the best deal possible.. what I am saying is that the stockpile has a purpose. The trade or trades will come when and if it is right
  11. Doubt that Elias was thinking .. wonder how I can block our prospects!! Some people have a hard time understanding how you end up making big trades from a deep system without having to totally deplete your system. Houston got Verlander and Coles AFTER building up their prospects. We shall see.. but it would not be surprising to see the “logjam” be part of Elias plan to trade from strength.
  12. God I hope Adam Frazier wins the flipping AL batting title just to shush the snark on this board.
  13. If the Elias process comes anywhere close to the Astros, the Orioles will have their best stretch since the 1970s
  14. Not an Adam Frazier thread … yet .
  15. Hey Justin and Mike and Max all started out somewhere. And with his minor league performance, expectations are on the exact same level. Those guys didn’t become HOFers until they actually pitched … Grayson could be in the same category as them absolutely. Or not lol
  16. Just from an outsider’s knowledge of the way Angelos has operated vis a vis employees.. if DD thought Angelos would just say “great, Dan, just love you moving on to our division rivals” then Dan was an idiot and he is no idiot. No, maybe Dan thought it could leak out and MLB /Toronto leadership sort of force the hand of Angelos .. wrong again. or he thought at worst Angelos would fire him and he could then take it .. nope. What Dan did not do was resign obviously. But his relationship such as it was took a huge hit and he had to know he was going to be really limited in influence on PA after this mess.
  17. Justin Verlander in first full season at age 23 was 17-9, 3.63 ERA, 187 IP with 124 Ks Max Scherzer first full season at 24 with AZ was 9-11 with 4.12 ERA and 170 IP and 174 Ks Mike Mussina at first full season age 23 was 18-5 , 2.54 ERA and 241 IP with 130 Ks Grayson will be artificially limited in innings so hard to say but i have high expectations.. as high as any of the above.
  18. Either way it resulted in a disastrous offseason after 2014 and the fault for that lies squarely on Duquette in my opinion. If I had been the owner I would have fired him in 2015.
  19. Are you DD’s press agent? Lol. That is an interesting take but I suspect DD knew full well what Angelos reaction would be (who wouldn’t) but went forward anyway.
  20. Biggest development of the year Angelos passes, the brothers announce the team will be sold to David Rubenstein https://www.sportsbusinessjournal.com/Daily/Closing-Bell/2022/09/01/David-Rubenstein-talks-desire-to-buy-sports-team.aspx
  21. Yes Dan was hamstrung and yes he did make some very good moves, but his abysmal failure in the post 2014 season to improve the team at all while letting 3 key performers leave while he was actively seeking the Toronto job ruined my opinion of him as GM. He will not ever get another GM job imho.
  22. That’s the only reason he didn’t fire him
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