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Posts posted by survivedc

  1. 3 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    Because it’s not this simple long term.

    Thats the solution for right now (and it’s a good solution btw).

    But long term, the hope is that you have guys like Santander, Diaz and/or Kjerstad on the corners, so LF isn’t there for him (and it likely shouldn’t be anyway).

    So it goes back to Sisco, Mountcastle, Mancini and Nunez.  I’m less worried about Sisco but I’m not ready to discount them.  He will get on base and take walks, so he has a lot of value if he can hit at this level.

    Look, this isn’t some insurmountable thing to overcome.  It likely will work itself out without doing much.  But, as of right now, decisions will need to be made and part of that decision making process should be, which player nets us the most value and is that value enough to trade them over what another player can get us. That’s really what it will boil down to.


    I’m confused as to why you’d count on Diaz being a More valuable MLer than Mountcastle. Also, while Núñez has shown his value I wouldn’t plan on holding onto him over RM, and honestly the same can be said about Mancini. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, Aristotelian said:

    As soon as Hays comes back we probably won't see Mullins for a long long time. Unless you want to hold back Mountcastle even longer. 

    On the contrary, it might make more sense to have Mullins available as a defensive specialist.

  3. 9 minutes ago, allquixotic said:


    Absolutely. Pathetic.

    If we're getting into a situation now where Santander is the only guy on the team who can produce, we're in for a long losing streak. That was a team failure there, as well as an indictment of the failure to hit situationally for the 3 guys who came up there after we got runners on second and third with no outs. Extremely, extremely frustrating!

    Don’t you think this is a bit of an over reaction? Severino, Ruiz and Sisco have all been hitting pretty well over the last week especially.

  4. 3 minutes ago, MurphDogg said:

    Got a terrible read on the ball, didn't pick up the base coach who had the stop sign up and got thrown out at third.

    To say he didn’t pick up the base coach is pretty generous. He didn’t even look.

    • Upvote 2
  5. 8 hours ago, glenn__davis said:

    He's been impressive in a SSS this year.  Prior to this year he's walked way too many to be a reliable BP piece.  Maybe if he has another few good weeks a team would give a mid-level player for him.

    Fair enough, you’re correct about his struggles prior to this year, but the arm talent has always been there (and it’s not like he has been awful before this season, just inconsistent).

    I think, of the likely trade candidates (Means, Hays etc excluded), Castro has the most potential value. As Elias said after the Bleier trade, it’s always a question of when is the right time. Castro has two years left of arbitration and there’s the possibility he becomes a lights out closer.

  6. 1 hour ago, glenn__davis said:

    Of the players listed, the only ones I could foresee having even marginal value are Cobb and Iglesias.  With Cobb's salary he won't bring back much but if he shows he is healthy maybe a team desperate for pitching will dangle a decent prospect.  

    You don’t think Castro would have any value?

  7. 14 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    How many of the wins could have pretty easily been loses?

    Hmm, answering that wouldn’t really solve my agenda.

    I’m just disagreeing with the idea that the losses have all been awful. It isn’t as if there have been 7 mostly lucky wins and 7 blowout losses.


  8. 12 minutes ago, Philip said:

    Well, many things to say. I love your enthusiasm and it is possible that this is “2012 2.0“ 

    but I’m gonna need more than 7 good games( we had 7 awful games too, you know) to believe. And in 2012, the defense was outstanding, with Nate Mclouth, Kakes, Manny, AJ, Hardy, Schoop. Even Joseph and Flaherty offered excellent D. We don’t have anyone on our team who offers equivalent defense except possibly Hays.

    as I compare them I do see some similarities, but let’s chat again in another 15 games.

    We are the same team that got embarrassed by the Marlins, after all.

    Don’t think it’s fair to say there were 7 “awful” losses. Realistically 3ish of those losses could have pretty easily been wins.

  9. 4 hours ago, Enjoy Terror said:

    I don't even believe you know what this means. How do you quantify "hurt by AAA competition" because he wasn't called up to more difficult level? This is some boogeyman catch phrase people use because they're upset and don't have a real argument for why.

    He’s hurt by his current competition, which is scrimmages and batting practice. Nice use of quotes, try not putting words in my mouth.

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