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Everything posted by seak05

  1. They'll do that in the Major League's too though, and ML hitters are better at it
  2. To be clear, I don't think anyone gets a MLB play by play job based solely "on merit" they're not doing blind hiring (and if they were the Orioles team would probably be a lot more diverse). We gloss over it when the benefit comes from "network" (aka tends to benefit white males) and instead only label it as an unqualified "diversity hire" when it's a woman/PoC. Don't like her? That's fine. But don't make it out like she was "unqualified" when men with the same (or lesser) qualifications have been hired
  3. Lol at listing everything in Brown's entire resume including speaking to civic clubs and assisting with website maintenance while ignoring half of Newman's to gloss it over in a couple sentences. So here I'll help you out: Brown and Newman called games in college, after graduating from college Brown and Newman called play by play for minor league teams for about 7 years before landing a MLB gig. Brown's were at a higher minor league level. But I like how you think that an individual who has been doing play by play their entire career should just go be a host, of course that is the traditional role assigned to women in sports broadcasting. But you're right, I did know exactly what you meant; nowadays women and people of color are sometimes considered for jobs in part based on their gender/race, whereas in the good old days, it was based on both being white and male. How dare we. (of course Black women are still totally overlooked) Of course it's still FAR easier to get a job as a white male, which is why White sounding names are 50% more likely to get a call back on the same resume then Black sounding names, and male names are 40% more likely to get a call back then female names. Or to put it another everyone of the Orioles/masn broadcasters/bloggers is white and all but one are male, and nobody questions if Garceau, who can't be bothered to get names right, only got the job because he is a white male (Newman btw isn't some great broadcaster, there are actually female broadcasters out there I like better then her, but my guess is she'll also be better next year then she is this year...because she is young. Brown is better now then when he started as well)
  4. Newman had been calling minor league games for years at multiple levels before getting a job with the Orioles, as well as doing sideline work with Fox Sports. She had almost exactly the same amount of experience as Kevin Brown when she was hired. And Joe Buck literally got hired with no experience at 21 (and I like him), so I have no idea what you mean by the "world we live in nowadays" I agree that the Toronto broadcasts haven't been bad. Honestly, given it is not their natural role they've been much better then I would have expected.
  5. I was just about to come on here and say Kirk makes Creed look buff
  6. Interesting line tonight - 5ip no r 4 bb 10k
  7. I'm hoping we get the city connect jersey's at some point
  8. Westburg was lifted for a PH in Norfolk tonight, anyone have any insight?
  9. probably, but I've actually been enjoying it
  10. I don't think they'll get there, but I'd love for it to happen. That said, yeah zero chance I'd take a pitcher top 10. It's such a crap shoot
  11. I think he's had glasses for a while, but never worn them playing baseball. I have wondered about Cowser needing an eye exam though
  12. This, the number of players currently in the dsl who will make the majors is incredibly low. It’s more about having a few good prospects then an overall deeper team That said, it would be better if they were more competitive
  13. Agree to a point, I also don’t think it’s coincidence that two of the top three teams don’t have a second team. I’d like the teams to be more middle of the pack though
  14. Hays should have caught that, you can see he didn't get a good jump
  15. if IF isn't drawn in there, it's a double play. 1-0 in the third, that's a dumb play
  16. This. A total guess/thought: if the Orioles want to keep Matteo as a starter next year, then Westburg probably slides to second and Gunnar to third. If they decide they are better off with Urias or Vavra playing (over Matteo) then Westburg probably slides to third and Gunnar remains at SS*. If Gunnar isn't ready yet, and they decide to move on from Matteo for some reason, I think Westburg starts at SS** * I think Gunnar has a stronger arm and more range at SS, so in this scenario I think the preference would be Gunnar at SS and Westburg at 3rd ** Westburg is older then Gunnar, and if the Orioles were going to promote one of them tomorrow, I think it would be Westburg, he's also more polished defensively
  17. Literally every post after yours in fact (and I’m with you, statement did not leave any wiggle room on the team move piece)
  18. I'll be there (Tony has better seats though), and yeah paid a little more
  19. Tony I get what you're saying, and maybe it's just my fan goggles, but in looking at the Rays line-up, I don't think the Orioles are that much worse? Assuming Adley adjusts to the ML level. The IF needs improvement but if Gunnar and Westburg are both solid major league players, then that fills 2 out of your 3 biggest needs
  20. Past actions do matter, and you cited Mountcastle as an example, I disagreed with your assessment of the situation (and I actually think Elias would trade Mountcastle if he got a return, as a cost controlled player Mountcastle does have some value, and I don't think Elias is going to give him away)
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