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Everything posted by Explosivo

  1. Completely agree. Newman is a robot. Garceau is just bad. They both need to be fired. Thankfully I can usually avoid them with mlb.tv and switch over to whatever audio they are not occupying. I really enjoy Geoff Arnold and Brett Hollander. Kevin Brown is great as well. Tell you what, Jim Palmer needs to go as well.
  2. Will it to happen. Trust the chain. Believe in Odor. We are watching Major League. WIN THE WHOLE *moderated* THING!
  3. Call me crazy, but I think the O’s have a chance at a wild card spot this year. We add Grayson, Hall and (surprise) Henderson and, suddenly, we have a very good chance at being a giant killer.
  4. Let them play then trade em away.
  5. Probably has something to do with the Java exploit.
  6. Explosivo

    MiLB Rule 5

    Well we protected the ones that were worthwhile. If anything, it speaks to our projections and analytics that we protected the right guys.
  7. Yes, I am just looking at how they drafted in hope that those same results will be similar to what we can expect here in Birdland. Elias was there from 2012-2018. Obviously he whiffed on Aiken and Appel but he turned those whiffs into Bregman and Tucker. Not bad. first round Bregman - 2, Tucker - 5, Correa - 1, McCullers - 41, Derek Fisher - 37, Daz Cameron - 37, Forrest Whitley - 17, J.B. Bukauskas - 15, Seth Beer (what a last name) - 28 Second Round - AJ Reed - 42, Big Tom Eschelman - 46, Ronnie Dawson - 61, joe Perez - 53, Corbin Martin - 56, J.J. matijevic - 75, Jayson Schroeder - 66 So just looking at the first two rounds… he hit gold on 4 out of 9 players. That’s not too shabby. Most of these guys have at least made it to the major league ranks so that’s encouraging as well I suppose. here’s a breakdown of the top 20 Astros picks and the percentages those players made it to the majors: 2012 - 40% 2013 - 20% 2014 - 35% 2015 - 40% 2016 - 30% 2017 - 30% 2018 - 5% Compare that to the Orioles 2012 - 25% 2013 - 45% 2014 - 25% 2015 - 35% 2016 - 10% 2017 - 10% 2018 - 0% so that’s obviously a much higher success rate than the Orioles have had in the past.
  8. Let me comb over the Astros success rate for their previous draft classes. I’m curious to see the clip they are operating. I’m a tech guy and love the modern use of cameras coupled with real time results and analytics. It’s just a different way to train and focus on precisely what it takes to get better, every day. Guys like Kyle Tucker, altuve, Bergman, etc. it just seems like the Astros (and in turn the Orioles) have figured out the best way to project future talent and also propel them to get their faster and with greater accuracy in result.
  9. Impossible to tell at this point. This year’s performance from them will be telling, but I will be keeping my eye on every pitcher available. We will need pitching and a lot of it. I obviously have high hopes on our bats. I don’t think we need that unless there’s a veteran bat that can help complete the team. Kind of like what Tampa did with Cruz. (Even though that didn’t work out) What we will be looking for is a Cubs situation where the team gets blown up and every player will be available. That’s where you see us make moves. Competing in the winter meetings for who can get the most money and biggest deal is not really a thing I think Elias would do. My tell for that is again, Houston. I don’t think they are going to overpay to get Correa back. Instead, it’s next man up.
  10. If you think that’s my angle, you aren’t paying attention. Redundancy only creates log jams and serves to eat up valuable resources. A mid market team can not sacrifice doing so. Further, the youngsters aren’t ready yet. The best time a mid market team should be utilizing their resources is when their window of opportunity for the playoffs has arrived. That will happen in two years. In two years, you will see a different approach. Heck, next year you will see a different approach but our window has not started yet. Some of our young talent will be on display this year, more will be next year and at that time, you will see the checkbook open up when we can clearly see the missing pieces needed for a championship. one of those pieces is obvious, we will need starting pitching. It will be at that point when we say, ok, time to sacrifice a little of our future to win in the present. We can afford to do so because we are constantly getting more and more young talent from Latin America. See how this works?
  11. Yes. Callis said so earlier this year. https://pressboxonline.com/2021/02/05/jim-callis-on-why-orioles-prospect-gunnar-henderson-could-soon-be-top-100-prospect/
  12. Yes which is why you don’t see him focusing on pitching in the early rounds here in Baltimore. Better to learn from mistakes made. I firmly believe Elias will leverage years away bats for proven commodity pitching arms to teams looking at fire sales to rebuild. It’s cheaper, it gives you an edge and it helps complete a team now. It’s one of the main reasons the Dominican facility is so important. It’s something that only I think three other teams have. That’s certainly special. I was not able to find a cost for the facility but if it pumps out players of high quality by being able to evaluate and persuade their signing, then that is money extremely well spent. Again, it’s a differentiated product and it’s something that will give us an edge in the most talent rich area in Latin America. All things being equal, the team that can evaluate talent the best and project high quality players will win the day. It will also reload the coffers in our farm system. A steady stream of young Latin American players under team control to carefully evaluate and either trade away or keep. Huge wins all around. Gone will be the days of overpaying for mediocre arms like that bummer of a deal with Ubaldo. Instead, we trade away some future for some present.
  13. https://pressboxonline.com/2021/03/23/orioles-announce-plans-to-develop-new-dominican-academy/ its 22.5 acres, can house over 100 players and coaches, is 20 minutes away from the airport…it had to have cost a pretty penny, but it’s a legit facility and one that few teams in the majors will have. It’s a forward thinking move for a team that largely never made any inroads in Latin America. It’s a huge deal and one the owners would not have approved if they did not believe in Elias’ long term plan.
  14. No that’s not me and I have no idea the site to which you are referring. I don’t follow Maryland basketball as I’m from Texas and I’m not trolling. I am a huge fan of the Orioles. I was there in 2014 for Delmon’s double. I live in Texas and follow the team. It’s tough being an Orioles fan in Texas right now, but I look at what the Astros have done and see striking similarities. It takes time to rebuild. I believe in the system Elias is building here because it has worked in Houston. I look at the players we have drafted and they are doing very well. Mayo in particular was an incredible get. I am certainly not a troll and nothing that I have posted should even suggest that. I’m a big believer in advanced analytics particularly the advances using cameras and real time data that Elias and his team brought to Houston. It pays off tremendously. The facility in the Dominican too offers us a differentiated product that will yield greater dividends than we really can quantify now. im familiar with Turgeon, he coached down here at Texas A&M and was not a great person. He always seemed holier than thou, ya know? He was not a culture fitt for the Aggies but in his defense, Aggies don’t really care that much about basketball anyway.
  15. I think it’s fair to say that the system he set up in Houston has done well. Projections are not what they used to be and the percentages of hitting the right players via scouting, analytics, coaching and measurables are not being fairly weighed by long time baseball fans. This is a new era where it’s far easier to track and project future talent. Because of this influx of day to day data, teams that incorporate this new found technique are able to hit on more top talent players than not. They are able to clearly show how certain players will do over time. I understand the trepidation but this really will be a golden era of Orioles baseball. I don’t think we need to worry about ownership either. I think they are very aware of what Elias is doing. The main reason I believe that is look at the facility they built in the Dominican. That facility cost some serious money and it was done with the forethought of it taking years to see dividends. They understand the long game and are spending their money accordingly. Elias is setting up a monster and there’s little reason for someone to leave once his plan comes to fruition. As to your point about spending money on free agents next year, you’re right, there really isn’t that much proven talent out there that will be available. Perhaps instead we see some trades, utilizing our very deep farm system.
  16. We already have a SS in Gunnar Henderson. Why overpay for something we already have? We already have a couple of top flight SPs in Hall and Rodriguez. Why overpay for something we already have? We already have a 3B in Mayo. We already have a 2B in Westburg. We will be buyers but this is not the year to do so. Maybe next year but not for the names you suggest. Two years. Be patient and then be thankful for the next great Orioles club that brings home a World Series.
  17. The posts from the save 5 or so folk are loud and announce their character quite clearly. Elias’ plan has been discussed before, their opinions to it have not changed. So what we have here are two hills to die on, one is mired in pessimism. Frankly, it’s just a choice. Being as none of us control the fate of the Orioles, you can either choose to see the plan and understand it or you can continue to fight the waves in disappointment. I see no difference between this and any problem that one may encounter. Also, invest in HMBL.
  18. And yet the majority of this community is exactly that, a constant stream of negative thoughts. It makes me wonder what their day to day life is like. Sad stuff overall.
  19. One thing we have in abundance that others do not is opportunity. We have the ability to give these players time to see if they can figure it out. In two years, the bulk of our top talent will be ready to join the club. This year and next will be dedicated to finding out which pieces fit into the mix of what we have already drafted. The rest will come through pulling out the checkbook to fill the spots we need to be a World Series winner. I’m glad you guys are waking up and getting comfortable with the realization that we are two years away. It takes patience but that patience is going to pay off. Also, invest in HMBL. Thank you.
  20. Maybe this means, Means may have been aided by using stuff now he won’t have access to, which means we would be trading him at his highest value.
  21. 2023 is looking like the year!
  22. Well Pop didn’t have much success with the Marlins, but you’re right. I just like the Giants and think they have the ability to see great value with players other teams seem to give up on. Time will tell of course.
  23. Yeah I don’t understand this move at all. All he needed to do was stay healthy. Granted he never was able to do so but this will likely prove to be a mistake. Damn.
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